what looks like a green bean

A few days ago Blind Pig reader Norman sent me a picture of what look like green beans. Norman said they are growing wild near his house in Dahlonega, GA.

I first thought they looked like green beans, but after Norman made a short video of the vine they are growing on I don’t think they are green beans.

I appreciate Norman’s kind words about my family and me. I hope you can tell him if the plant is a variety of green bean or if it’s something else.

Please continue to pray for the storm victims many of whom have suffered damage, destruction, and death from hurricanes Helene and Milton. And of course remember to pray for all those giving aid.

Last night’s video: Appalachian Vocabulary Test Examples – April through September 2024.


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  1. I think I have seen that plant but can’t name it. There’s an app for that somewhere on the web.

    Our house in Daytona fared well during Milton. Others are suffering. Many thanks for prayers.

  2. I have seen these in the wild before and think at one time I either had them or something similar growing on my property but didn’t know the name of them. I left them alone, thinking it might be something the birds could eat during the winter months. There are not like any green bean or pea that I know of.

    I am praying for the victims in Florida, just read over 3 million without power and there is no telling of how many dead or injured. After seeing the destruction around my neck of the woods from Helene, I can only imagine the damage in Florida. I am praying for all and am very concerned about the one member I know in Florida, Gene.

  3. Maybe hyacinth bean vine? I haven’t checked the plant database yet, so this might be completely wrong.

    Most interesting!

  4. Those don’t look like greenbeans to me, he could take them to the county extension office and they should be able to identify what it is. If they are greenbeans that would be wonderful, but sure don’t want anyone to get poisoned!
    Continued prayers for everyone down in your region. Tuesday a convoy of 3 semi’s with trailers packed full, pick up trucks pulling trailers and I don’t know what else left Martinsville, IN heading to Newport, TN loaded with all kinds of supplies and food to help out those who are really cut off. The people who coordinated this run has helicopters lined up to drop off these supplies.

  5. I have no idea—but wouldn’t it be nice if green beans grew wild? It wouldn’t surprise me—God gives us so many gifts from nature.

  6. That is a new one on me, and I would not know who to ask. I planted some ‘greasy beans’ a week or so ago and they are growng like crazy. I hope they mature enough before it gets cold down here. Ole Milton in gonna go a lot ‘souther’ praise the Lord from us. Prayers for all those destroyed by Helene…so so sad. Prayers for Granny and you guys and hugs to those babies.

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