sisters holding babies

Hard for us to believe our babies have babies.

Twenty-eight years ago today The Deer Hunter and I were sitting in a Gainesville GA hospital awaiting the arrival of our daughters.

Twenty years ago gainesville ga birth

Every time I see the photo above I remember how scared we were.

Not that we weren’t happy to be expecting parents, but twins? We didn’t even know if we were ready for one child and somehow we were about to have two.

Even though we were unsure about twins, they turned out to be the greatest blessing of our lives.

The girls certainly didn’t plan to have children at the same time, but they have really enjoyed it. From being pregnant together to being new mothers they’ve loved every minute of…well except for those middle of the night feedings 🙂

The Deer Hunter and I have really enjoyed being grandparents. We love the boys so much!

Seeing them together reminds us of the girls being babies and makes us wonder how in the world we handled two babies.

Last night’s video: Trips to Town & Appalachia is a Family Centered Culture.


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  1. Happy 28 BIRTHDAY TO CORIE AND KATIE!!!! My how time flies, huh? You have been richly blessed so today I hope for you an easy day, good dinner, good cake and time with the family!!!! Love and blessings to you all!

  2. Happy Birthday, Katie and Corrie!! Tipper, my husband and I were in Murphy many years ago probably before you started the blind pig and acorn. It is a very pretty area!
    Our sons started me on the ordering groceries back in 2020 and I really did enjoy using it. I’m back to actually going in the stores now unless I order something through Amazon just because at my age it is good to get out and walk more:) Enjoyed going to town with you.

  3. Happy birthday Katie & Corie! Tipper, thank you for posting that beautiful pictures of your two outstanding daughters & the precious grandsons. May the Lord shower your entire family with blessings of goodness and love.

  4. As I sit here and read your post this Wednesday morning, my eyes are full of happy tears. Tipper, what a lovely post to cheer someone’s heart. The picture of you and Matt at the hospital is very touching, you could use the words of a well-known soap opera (The Days of our lives). God bless everyone this day the Lord hath made.

  5. Happy Birthday Katie!! Happy Birthday Corie!! I pray you have a wonderful day! Being a grandparent is THE absolute best, I say this as I anxiously await the arrival of my first granddaughter…
    Blessings from Ohio:)

  6. Happy Birthday Katie and Corie!
    You may have been unsure if you were ready to be parents. But you and Matt did an excellent job. You have two young women who are beautiful inside and out and are wonderful mommas themselves. I’d say that’s a job well done!

  7. And your girl’s parents are now grandparents! We grandparents get a day to, they say. I’ve never known the date though. Happiest of happy birthdays to the twins. You told us once who is ‘oldest’ (by minutes) but I forget. Squeeze the girls and the grandbabies today. (We used to say, “I’m gonna squeeze the stuffins out of you.”)

  8. I really have no words other than Happy Birthday and God Bless you all…I am sure Granny is beaming. Hugs and Love to you guys.

  9. Happy birthday, Chitter and Chatter. I also remember us also being afraid. Our daughter, April would now be 44 years old if she had not died 12 years ago in an accident and my son will be 39 in about 3 weeks. Maybe I should not write this, but I will anyway, we were told that we should think about aborting our son, something was going to be wrong with him. That was not an option for us because of our faith and trust in God. Our son, James is perfectly normal and has been a blessing to us and is a mighty big blessing to me now that my wife and his mother has died. I have often thought “what if” we had listen to the doctors. Our daughter left us two grandsons, Brandon is now 24 years old has his own home and Dylan will be 19 on Oct. 23rd. Both are as good as they can be and will also help me out. These three boys are the reason I keep trying to go on with my life after my wife’s death when I so often feel like giving up and dying. Everyday I pray for them and will call or text them and tell them I love them. Yes, I look back and think “where did the time go?” Tipper and Matt, being a grandparent only gets better and better. I laugh and say “don’t blame me if my grandsons were not spoiled, I have tried my best to spoil them!”

  10. Happy Birthday to Katie and to Corie!
    As in Psalm 118:24, this is the day that the LORD hath made and we do rejoice in it with you all.

  11. Happy Birthday Corrie and Katie! Congratulations on Woodrow and Ira! Children and grandchildren are blessings from our Lord Jesus Christ! You all remind me each day to be thankful and grateful! Gods bless each of you!

  12. Such a beautiful photograph of Chitter and Chatter and their boys, but I must say the picture of Matt and you is profound, showing a critical moment in marriage. Your faces, both looking for strength in each other, show the true depth of what marriage is meant to be. Whoever took that photo captured wholehearted the truth of those moments in time.

  13. Happy Happy Birthday Corie and Katie! You are both beautiful mothers and have beautiful babies. May your day and year ahead be filled with much joy and many blessings.

  14. Happy birthday girls!!! Tipper, you and Matt raised beautiful, inside and out girls! They are great Moms! Thank you! God bless you and yours!❤❤

  15. my heart over flows and my eyes fill with tears of joy for you as I look at the pictures and read your words–the feeling both pictures and words give me I know is not even a thimble full of the love, the gratefulness and the blessedness you feel from your girls and your boys….Happy Birthday girls–and happy birth day Tipper and Mat, you may have been scared and had many many pregnancy issues but you two raised a couple of awesome girls.

  16. Tipper, you and the Deer Hunter truly are blessed! You both have done an amazing job raising your girls. Now your blessings continue on as you both get to see your grandsons grow. Life just doesn’t get any better than that on this earth.

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