Today’s post was written by Paul.

chatter and chitter

Chatter and Chitter about the same time the video was filmed

How old is the video I’m sharing today?

It’s so old that it’s the first known time that the Pressley Girls sang harmony with each other, rather than a double lead.

It’s so old that Chitter’s instrument of choice was piano.

It’s so old that Chatter had yet to pick up the guitar and was playing fiddle (now played by Chitter).

Not that long ago to me, but a long time ago to them. Pap was proud to see them progress in their music every step of the way, and of course, so were their mom and dad.

I think this is a pretty good little video, even though Chitter hid behind her hair in the first song, like a typical teen might do. I kind of miss her piano playing (she hasn’t played it in years). It always reminded me somehow of an old west style, like something that would be playing in an old saloon just before a poker game lead to a quick draw challenge! 🙂

In the coming weeks, I hope to share a video that was filmed just after this one. In it, Chatter plays guitar with me and Pap for the very first time.

They learned the first song from… You guessed it, the Andy Griffith Show (when the Dillards performed it as the Darlings). I believe the second song might be a Tommy Jarrell tune, or it may go back even father. I think they probably learned it at the Folk School.

Thanks for watching!


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  1. Fun video! Yes, Tommy Jarrell played a version of “Devil in the Strawstack.” Always wondered what the title means…


  2. That is a priceless memory piece and you all are blessed to have it.

    We were at Mayberry Days in 2019 and there was then only Rodney of the Dillard’s was left. If memory serves he was in the parade. I can’t recall the Andy Griffith Show without being reminded all over again how much has changed in my lifetime.

    As for the fiddle switch, I noticed that the other day (didn’t I?) in the morning song video. Chatter was playing it & bumfuzzled me. I though just Chitter played the fiddle.
    You girls keep me guessing, every time I think I’ve got you sorted. You all have come a long way since you were thirteen.

  3. I had no idea that one played the piano and one switched from fiddle to guitar. They have grown so much in their musical instruments and are a joy to watch and listen too. After the video, I clicked on Pap and Paul singing ” I’m In the Gloryland Way!” It is one I remember quartets singing from my teen years and I still love to hear it.

  4. I loved the video and even quite young, the Pressley sisters showed tremendous talent! If you don’t like Andy and you don’t like the Darlings ( especially Charlene- “oh no paw, that one makes me cry!”) you just are NOT COOL in my opinion. It came a snow here last night with blowing wind and it’s plumb nasty outside! Then came the morning! If you haven’t already, check out Ernie Haus and Signature Sound (EHSS) “ This old house and Getting ready to meet the saints medley” It will tear the house down it’s so good!!!

  5. It is amazing how far the girls have come over the years. I have enjoyed watching the transformation. Great job.
    Hope every one is staying safe and healthy.

  6. Those are so sweet! I do remember when they were switching through instruments trying to find their own sound….and then they did! They have become very good musicians and singers…and they had good teachers in Pap and Paul!

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