Fathers Day without Pap
Pap, The Deer Hunter, Chatter and Chitter 

All week I’ve been afraid of today because its Father’s Day. I’ve been scared of the sadness I knew would rise up around my feet and make its way to my eyes as if it was a dense cold fog that came from deep within the earth. As time marched ever closer to Sunday, and its day of celebration, my fear was kept company by many tears.

But I have gratitude weaving its way through my heavy heart too.

Gratitude for a having had a wonderful father for a whole heck of a lot of years! Gratitude that his steering led his family through the highways and hedges of life in such a manner that even though he’s gone we’ll not stray from the paths he showed us. Gratitude that we have each other to love; to sit and reminisce with; to lend a helping hand; to stand beside each other looking toward a future that is brightened because we had such a father.

Recently, Paul told the audience we’d been on a whirlwind tour of the Brasstown and Blairsville area. Our grand tour hasn’t taken us far away from home, yet we have kept the roads hot playing gigs the last few weeks.

Here’s a quick video of us warming up before a show.

I feel like there has been part of Pap with us on every stage we’ve stood on since he passed away…even the one that was actually too small for us to stand on-which would have given Pap a good laugh.





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  1. Tipper, how blessed you were to have such a father as Pap. Blessings on you and yours as you learn to walk this path without him at your side. I know he gave you the tools to do it well.

  2. Moms and Dads are very hard to lose, because there is no way to ever replace them in this lifetime. But a part of them is with us still, and forever until our dying day. Remember the good times, and cherish the memories.
    Prayers for all who have Fathers in heaven today.
    God bless.

  3. I know from experience something of what you’re going through, Tipper, as I, too, have experienced loss of a dear father. Your tribute to him is so fitting and so sincere. Keep appreciating. That is part of coping with loss. And, as many have told you, the grief does grow softer on the hard edges. Time is a great healer. But the love will always be there. And if you ever feel that there is something you just must ask him or tell him, do it in a journal–or in your mind–and you will eventually get his answer for you. Praying for you and your family. You did so many musical programs together, I know each time you have another appointment to play you will remember. But be grateful he taught all of you so well!
    And some among you will also resume your father’s talent for writing words and music, too!

  4. I know it is sad to spend this first Father’s Day without your Daddy. You are still grieving him and you can’t just put those sad feelings away until they go on their own. He will always have a place in your heart, but in time, you can laugh and tell his stories and share all the wonderful memories you have. I posted two poems on my blog today about my father. I didn’t have the close relationship you had with Pap, but my father was a hard working man and a good person who took care of his family. Stop by and read my poems. http://www.profilesandpedigrees.blogspot.com

  5. I am sure Pap asked you not to mourn for him. That is a difficult thing to do but the best tribute you can give him is the respect his wishes. You will miss him no doubt but when the dark clouds gather around just remember Pap the way he wanted you to. The clouds will left away and the sun will shine again with even more brilliance.
    I am still praying for you and all of you.

  6. Tipper,
    I wish I knew more words of Comfort for you on this Father’s Day. Pap once told me that you mastered playing quicker than anyone he had ever seen. It was his knowledge of music that gave you an understanding of Time and direction, and it can be heard in most all of the Blind Pig’s Songs.
    Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads out there…Ken

  7. Tipper, I know this day is hard. This is my third Father’s Day without Daddy, and as hard as it is, it does get easier. I. too, dread Father’s Day on some level, since Daddy is not here. I have found, though, that it is a great time to remember what a good father he was, and how much fun we had together, and how much I am like him, and how much of him I will carry forward. Hold on to those memories and those good times; they are priceless. Blessings to you and all your family.

  8. Kinda saddens me to know what yall are going thru today, fortunately I have my Father still, visited with him for a couple hours yesterday, would have like to have spent at least a half day with him, but our daughter had a bad night before, so had to rush home and see that she was alright and start the daily routine, I know the day is coming, if I live long enough I’ll regret not taking more time, but time is the hardest thing to give sometimes… when others depend on you..

  9. Tipper,
    Prayers are with you! I too had a difficult time with Father’s Day. Now I look back and feel daddy’s presence.
    Your families talent that you are still showing is proof he taught all of you well. My daddy was a fisherman & lots of people knew him because of his homemade lures and love of fishing. When I hear the story of Jesus choosing his disciples he picked common men who made a living of fishing. I went with dad some fishing and wish I’d done more. I can no longer talk to my earthly father but my heavenly is there to understand the hurt. Daddy is in heaven now healed and whole again. Your dad is in the heavenly chorus of angels and your family is continuing the gift of music he gave you.
    Carol Rosenbalm

  10. Todo mi recuerdo en este día a mi amigo en la distancia Dear Pap, good Father and Old Marine, Descansa en Paz, la semilla que dejaste en tu familia sigue floreciendo y tus amigos te recuerdan con cariño. Descansa tranquilo en la Casa de Nuestro Señor.Amen. From Argentina José Luis.

  11. I’ve been thinking of you this week, Tipper, and hoping you’re finding the joy in your family and friends and memories. And your garden, because that where memories stay green, I think.
    And I’ll tell you what: when I was getting ready to string a trellis for my pole beans last week, I thought of Pap and his bean trellis.

  12. Tipper—While out gathering some things for my daughter and her family, whom I’ll join later today–picking the first blueberries of the season, digging some new potatoes and filling a peck basket with a mess of those fine Nantahala runner beans Ken graciously gave me seed for a few years back (they are now being sold by Sow True Seed), I’ve been thinking of you. Even before reading this morning’s post I knew today would be tough for you, and while the pain will ease with the passage of time, it won’t go away. Daddy has been gone several years now and I think of him often, but that is especially the case on this day.
    Continue to honor the memory of your father, cling to and celebrate the man who fathered your children, and try to realize, as we must, that it is all part of life’s unceasing cycle. Speaking of that ceaseless cycle and on a brighter note in that regard, I became a great uncle for the second time this past week—Don’s middle son and his wife are the parents of a boy (and Don is a grandfather for the second time).

  13. Celebrate Pap today on this very special day. Remember, the “waves” and the “fog” will clear and you will be just fine! Wishing the Deer Hunter, Steve, Papaw Tony and all BP readers who are fathers an awesome Father’s Day! Tipper, so very glad you are feeling the gratitude. Hold on to this!

  14. Bless you all today as you experience a new kind of Father’s Day. By the way, your twins are as pretty as a pair of new speckled pups.

  15. My heart is breaking for you as I read the words of sadness you wrote. Hopefully the girls will help to ease your pain as they make their daddy’s day special.

  16. Well, he is with you literally, in you all’s genes. ( I was only halfway teasing when I posted that I didn’t get the music gene. ) Not only that, but he will remain with his descendants down through the generations in that way.
    I know that isn’t just what you meant. It’s true that there is no ‘gettin’ over’ and that special days and ordinary days and ordinary events and extra-ordinary events remind us. I miss my Dad but I would not wish him back. Your Dad left a good legacy in you and Steve and Paul and in his grandchildren. Would that each and all of us may do as well.

  17. Tip, this is the day to celebrate what a wonderful Dad you had and it went both ways you were a wonderful daughter to him. You also still have a wonderful Dad in your very house. The Deer Hunter is a teaching father to the girls just like Pap was to you. It’s a wonderful tradition to see carried on!
    Happy Fathers Day to all the fathers out there in the Blind Pig Family!

  18. Tipper: Sometimes there is little comfort in holding on to those sweet memories! But we must do it because the love and devotion run so deep in our soul!
    June is a mighty sad month for me – but I try hard not to show it. Our Joey turned 17 years old on June 3rd, 1982, and on June 6th he was killed!
    Today we will celebrate FATHER’S DAY with our other son. his wonderful wife and three long-legged ‘brilliant’ grandsons! In a few days we will go to Nashville with the youngest grandson – for a two day music session.
    So life is good – I suppose!
    Eva Nell

  19. The first father’s day without your father is the most difficult. Our family, like yours gas always spent every holiday, birthday or what ever other day together. As the years pass and our elders move on the younger come to take their place, we enjoy noting how much they look like or act like those that are gone. Their memories live and in some ways they are with us still.

  20. The first father’s day without your father is the most difficult. Our family, like yours gas always spent every holiday, birthday or what ever other day together. As the years pass and our elders move on the younger come to take their place, we enjoy noting how much they look like or act like those that are gone. Their memories live and in some ways they are with us still.

  21. The first father’s day without your father is the most difficult. Our family, like yours gas always spent every holiday, birthday or what ever other day together. As the years pass and our elders move on the younger come to take their place, we enjoy noting how much they look like or act like those that are gone. Their memories live and in some ways they are with us still.

  22. The first father’s day without your father is the most difficult. Our family, like yours gas always spent every holiday, birthday or what ever other day together. As the years pass and our elders move on the younger come to take their place, we enjoy noting how much they look like or act like those that are gone. Their memories live and in some ways they are with us still.

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