summer bean patch

We still haven’t gotten any rain, but nonetheless summer is in full force in the southern mountains of Appalachia.

The sun is beating down like the oven door has been left open or someone thinks its still cold weather and keeps chunking wood in the heater.

No matter which way you look there is abundant growth. Seeing the earth come alive every summer is an amazing thing. The landscape is lush and green with blooms that intoxicate the air with their sweet alluring scent.

Even with the drier than usual weather our gardens are filled with nature’s bounty just waiting to be picked. Folks are taking advantage of the hot sultry air by wading in creeks and rivers and taking swims in lakes, ponds, and pools. With the kids out of school this time of the year is perfect for camping and playing in the great outdoors.

Summer is the season for homecomings, decorations, and all day singing on the grounds. People in Appalachia take the opportunity summer offers to visit one with another as they talk about those they miss, those that are still hanging on, those that are coming along, and the sweltery heat.

As The Deer Hunter and I worked outside a couple of days ago the warmth of the midday sun chased us into the shadow of the house to sit a spell and rest. I was reminded of the old song “Summertime.”

Here’s a video of Paul and one of our long time friends Wayde Powell III doing the song not once but twice.

Was that some fancy picking and singing or what!

Summertime will be gone before I know it so I’m trying to soak it up all I can.


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  1. Wow! Sure enjoyed those rendition’s of Summertime. It is one of my favorite songs. Being a fan of jazz type music, this song fits right in. Mr. Paul and Mr. Powell did a fantastic job playing and singing it. Thanks for letting us see and hear them. We’re experiencing a lack of rain too , though we had a couple of good days of it last week, but for being kind of brief. Waiting on my Cherokee purples to ripen. We have some on the vine, just need them to ripen. Like Mr. Matt I love those tomatoes. Have a great week everyone. Watch the heat and take care of yourselves. Remember it is “Summertime.”

  2. Really beautiful post! It’s my first time living back in Nova Scotia in 13 years, I’ve been enjoying the summer rain but definitely still need to water the plants some. But, the evening thunderstorms are special when they decide to grace us with their presence.

    Your mention of the singings made me smile. No all day singings for me this year, but definitely fond memories of going—maybe next year.

  3. Fancy picking is right! I thoroughly enjoyed this version. I’d love to hear Katie and Corie play it but, now they’re Mama’s I don’t imagine they’ll have time to learn this one for a while… have a beautiful day ❤️

  4. I did not receive an email from you either and thought maybe something had happened to your family. I enjoyed the singing. Appropriate for this time of the year. We received a nice long rain two days ago. We are still fighting the deer. Yesterday we heard our neighbor’s dog barking and looked out the back window and this doe was standing in the middle of what’s left of the garden. My husband chased her off. He’s been putting very large trash bags at night over some of the tomato plants that have tomatoes left and this has kept the deer away. We have one large tomato he pulled half green sitting on the windowsill and it’s almost ripe.

  5. I enjoyed the singing. Appropriate for this time of the year. We received a nice long rain two days ago. We are still fighting the deer. Yesterday we heard our neighbor’s dog barking and looked out the back window and this doe was standing in the middle of what’s left of the garden. My husband chased her off. He’s been putting very large trash bags at night over some of the tomato plants that have tomatoes left and this has kept the deer away. We have one large tomato he pulled half green sitting on the windowsill and it’s almost ripe.

  6. I’m glad to see your post dated July 7 in my inbox on this Monday the 8th of July. I missed starting my Sunday with your words or Paul’s music. And when there was still nothing at 9 last night, I said a prayer asking for all to be well in your family. It’s good to know it’s just a system glitch and nothing dire. We had a pretty good afternoon rain on the 5th and I was hoping it would continue for hours but it stopped after about 30 minutes and it was steamy hot outside instead of the dry, oven-like heat.

  7. Amen! Each time I open my door, that blast of hot, humid air in my face is just like checking on cornbread! LOL

  8. Hey Tipper, I didn’t get an email notification this morning. I haven’t in the past 10 years and I haven’t missed a post in all that time. Even before that, when I got the email, I deleted it because it prompted me to do something I had already done.

    This blog starts my day, every day! Even when I was mostly in bed for almost 6 weeks I managed to read the daily posts. I have a little cheap Chromebook that was my entry to a most treasured place. It also reminds me of that terrible time that could have easily gone the other way.

    Before I even look at my email, I have read and most likely commented on the day’s post except on the rare occasions when you didn’t post anything without prior notification. Those mornings don’t start right because I know something has gone wrong.

    Maybe I have no right or reason to involve myself to such a level but until the Lord removes me from this earth, I’ll be here!

  9. Glad to find this ! I also did not receive my email this morning & was concerned. Hope all is well .

  10. Tipper, just to let you know that this morning I did not get an email from you.

    I was afraid something happened to your family ~ but checked here on your blog directly and found this post.

    So glad that you are all doing well.

  11. We’re still dry here. 7 weeks now with a total of only 1 inch of rain.
    I’ve always heard that when we’re in a dry spell like this that “you’re not paying your preacher enough”.

  12. I was blessed with two good rains last week, it was the first rain have we had in almost 4 weeks. More storms are forecast for today. There was storms all around yesterday, but my area was the doughnut hole. I was “jawing” with my lifelong best friend last night and we were talking about how it now seems like the summers are hotter and drier than they used to. Summertime is suppose to be hot but in the past it seemed like there would be be more thunderstorm showers of rain. I have had to slow down not only because of my knees hurting so bad, but because I can no longer take this heat and high humidity like I once could. I came real real close to having a heat stroke or something similar last summer, it took me awhile to get over it.

    Tipper i didn’t get the email this morning, I had to go back to yesterday and come in through the back door.

  13. What talent these two have! Tipper you said it; this is some kind of fancy picking and singing. Makes me think of the Paul Newman movie Long Hot Summer which we are experiencing!
    Blessings to all. Keep Granny inside!!

  14. It is good to take time to just sit and enjoy the day. We have done that more this year than in times past. I wish I could go back to when my girls were young and do just that.

    Happy Sunday! God Bless!!

  15. Wow…wow! Paul’s voice is perfect for this song and his delivery was – the only word I can think of is – again – perfection. Mr Powell’s playing shows tremendous talent but also a dedication to work to perfect (there’s that word again!) his talent. This is one of my favorite songs and these takes just blew me away. Thank you so much for sharing this, Tipper. Wow! Hope to hear more from these two talented men sometime.

    Hope you get rain soon so all your and Matt’s hard work doesn’t suffer – especially the long anticipated corn crop.

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