Planting by the sings for May 2014


May has arrived and our spring garden is thriving. With the weather warming up we’re anxious to get the summer vegetables planted and growing too.

may 2014 radishes


We’ve been eating radishes, lettuce, spinach, and green onions and boy have they been good!

Our potatoes are beginning to peek through-we never have much luck with them but are keeping our fingers crossed this year’s crop will be different.

may 2014 tomato seedlings


The tomato seedlings seem to be progressing much slower than usual this year. Honestly I’m beginning to get a little worried about them.

Now that I’ve shared how things are growing around the Blind Pig house I hope you’ll share how things are growing around your place.


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  1. Tipper,
    Yummy, those radishes sure look good…We have been stealing one or two here or there but they are not as big as yours so far. I have been picking spinach leaves, (I only planted some transplants) int the tall bed and picking those along with the Purple romaine and mixed lettuce. Our onions are beginning to get big enough to eat…Roys potatoes are up in his trial bed. Some of the tomatoes we planted and peppers are looking good…The summer squash we got from you is breaking ground. We hope it stays warm enough and dry enough to get the rest of the garden in soon.
    We lost a couple of tomatoes, and peppers due to the cold snap. We covered them up with big black garden pots but that didn’t help much.
    Thanks Tipper,

  2. Here in Florida my husband has planted a garden and it is coming up really well. Onions, cucumbers, corn, okra, tomatoes, peas, green beans and all kinds of peppers are coming up! He is transplanting some collards today.
    I see lots of canning coming my way. Many of the seeds came from Sow True Seeds!

  3. I love to hear about green things growing that will yield good eats for a family’s table!

  4. My cucumbers have blooms on them. My japalenos are about 1/2 an inch long. Tomatoes are about golf ball size. The squash plants from Tipper’s seeds are up and looking stong! No vines or blooms on them yet; but they are looking good. We need to beat the heat out here for fruit to set. Wish me luck there.

  5. Tipper, we are enjoying lettuce, green onions and radishes. Our tomato seedlings are not moving along as much as we had hoped they would be though. Still hopeful they will perk up soon. As you know, nothing better than a homegrown tomato!

  6. Tipper,
    I ain’t got nothing sticking thru the
    ground yet, but the Kennebec taters
    should be showing by Sunday. I’m done
    with plantin’ seeds too, just waiting
    for the raise. This is Blackberry
    Winter, so soon as it passes, I’ll
    start on tomatoes and peppers…Ken

  7. Mine will have to dry out I am in Pensacola.We had 15 inches of rain in just a few hours. I just added a bunch of new herbs . I did have some that lived thru the ice storm. I have heirloom tomatoes in bags of potting soil, I wanted to try that this year. I hope my peppers didn’t wash away. Our whole house flooded so it will be a few day’s before I can get back out to my garden.

  8. Miss Cindy, I grow lemongrass in my front garden. It needs nothing, but regular water. Once a year when the tops brown I trim it back and divide it, then I slice and dry the bulbs. Nice in teas, soups and Asian recipes.

  9. Tipper, your gardening effort far exceeds mine! The only thing I can brag about is strawberries. I have managed – so far – to keep the rabbits, deer, ground hog and other roaming varmints from eating the strawberries. I really need a screen box to cover the plants. I have requested one but Jim seems to not understand or remember the request! MAYBE TODAY HE WILL MAKE ONE.
    Eva Nell

  10. Everything we’ve planted so far, strike beans, lettuce, spinach, turnips, mache and potatoes are all sprouting and looking good. We’ve been planting in stages this year. No reason except for time and weather!

  11. I have to admit, I’m a wonna be planter for veggies, but I’m not here all the time to take care of them. However, each year I plant two plants of bell peppers/tomatoes. This year it was one purple and one orange. I check them each day and they are growing. My neighbor is growing big amounts, so I helped him get started on potatoes. I hope he succeeds.

  12. Love to see the first treasures from the garden. It is painful, but am cutting garden size in half. I always like to get some greens in first, and they beat the bugs and heat.
    Tomato seedlings coming along nicely, but pepper seedlings are shy.
    I have found it is always good to plant a variety as every year certain things do better than others. One year I filled the freezer with chopped green peppers. Keep us up to date, Tipper, as we love to hear how the gardening is going.

  13. Do you eat your radish greens? I sowed mine too thick and Dusty has been thinning them. He looked on the internet and people say they are the best part of the plant. So, he eats the whole thing. I’m not much of a green eater but I tried one and it wasn’t bad as greens go.

  14. Tipper, I bought four Lemon Grass bulbs and Have planted them in a big pot on the porch. I love Lemon Grass Tea. I’ve never grown it before so this is my first try. That’s it, that’s all I have growing. I’m a processor, not a grower. I let others, with more talent, do the growing then I do the processing.
    Those radishes are beautiful! I do love radishes!

  15. Eating from your garden already! Here it’s still too cold to put things in the ground, but I’m trying to start some seeds indoors this year to get at least a couple of weeks head start. Also started digging the rocks out of another small area, but it’s been raining for the past couple of days so I had to stop. It’s so raw and cold I even turned the heat on for a couple of hours yesterday, just to take the chill off the house.

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