granny and tipper smiling

I took Granny to the doctor yesterday to find out the results of some recent tests. The report: all good!

The tumor markers in the bloodwork are down, her anemia is much better, and best of all the scans and MRI showed no new places or spots of cancer. The only thing showing up is the area that has already been treated and shrunk. There has been no new growth thus far.

We are so thankful for the good report. Granny said “I can rest easy now.” She has another great grandbaby on the way and is determined to live to see it.

We could never thank you enough for your prayers and love you’ve sent Granny.

If you’d like to revisit some old posts about Granny go here.

Last night’s video: Katie’s Working on Her Appalachian Language & Good News about Granny!


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  1. Tipper, I’m just now seeing this post. Thank God for Granny’s progress!! I’m so happy for her and for you all!!

  2. So glad to hear the good news over Granny. I enjoyed your Q&A with her. Reminded me of my own MawMaw Della Smith. I was lucky as a child to live next door to her and PawPaw TR Smith. I’d often sneak up the little rock path to her back door and ask her to tell my mom that she was having me up to supper. When we left Bluefield and moved to Charleston WVa it about broke my heart. But we’d often go home on weekends to visit and go to church there. Thank you, Tipper for keeping the old traditions alive for us. There is a whole world of words and language that has slipped away from us. But still lives in our hearts and memories.

  3. So glad for Granny’s good report! Praying for God’s continued blessing on you and your precious family.
    My husband Jim and I just started watching Celebrating Appalachia in the last couple of months. My brother told me about it after serving up your biscuits. Since then I’ve tried my hand at both the biscuits and garlic/cheese variation. Yummy! Also tell Granny I made her Holy Smoke cake (using all her tips). It didn’t last long around our house. Loved it.
    We watch you every evening now, and even though I grew up in Indiana and Jim in Arkansas, it feels like we’re visiting with homefolks. Many blessings to you!

  4. Heavenly Father we praise You for the good report for our beloved Granny.
    Thank You for allowing her to be here for her family!

  5. So glad to hear about your mom’s good news. I’m so happy for her. She is a lovely and very talented lady.

  6. Hey there Miss Tipper. The picture of you and your momma is so good. You both look so lovely. Praise the Lord for His healing power and all His Grace. Granny girl you are surely a fighter. Keep it up sweet lady. I was going through some of the older blogs, came across the picture of your brothers, Granny Gazzie and you. Tipper you are still beautiful but that picture of you was downright gorgeous. Also your beauty runs deep as does your momma’s. Love and prayers to you all. Have a happy day and rejoice in the Lord Jesus Christ. ♥️♥️

  7. Tipper, I do believe that MANY or your readers/watcher FANS feel like you are a part of their own families. I know I do. We rejoice with you! Yesterday, I had a CT scan on my half kidney and a scope of my bladder as I had cancer in both. Seems all was well with me, as well, or at least with my kidney. Waiting on the lab about cancer cells being found in the urine from my bladder. It is an anxious, worrisome thing to do for these needed tests, but so wonderful when we received welcome news about being as well as possible. The blessings are abounding in Brasstown. Thank you, Lord! Sandi from Somerset, KY. Oh, I wonder if you ever say or hear, “as sure as shooting”? Or when someone speaks of all of something they answer if someone asks if it’s all of something with, “yes, the whole shooting match”?

    1. Sending up prayers for you Sandi. My husband is having another round of chemo treatments for bladder cancer too. Just recently my daughters mother in-law was diagnosed with bladder cancer. We are also in Kentucky.

  8. So glad for the good report. Granny always has the most beautiful sweater and jackets on. Looking forward to see what she is going to crochet next. rest easy Granny. You are loved by many.

  9. so awesome news about granny its great to hear shes doing so good and know she will so enjoy the new addition wheniy gets here love to hher and you and all the family reguards betty and family

  10. Praise God for this wonderful news about Granny! I’m sure she crocheted the beautiful sweater she is wearing in the photo. She epitomizes a Godly woman of grace. That goes for you as well, Tipper.

  11. God has answered everyone’s prayers! So happy for Granny and your whole family. Granny is such an inspiration for all of us. Love the beautiful photo of you two! Rest easy Granny
    and have a wonderful time with the new baby boys and also looking forward to the next little one! Granny, you and Pap have raised such a beautiful family…like I said before…such an inspiration! Always sending up prayers and best wishes!!!
    With Love,
    Peggy Conner
    Grants Pass OR

  12. Amen!!! We have a gracious God! I couldn’t be happier ☺️❤️ beautiful photo of you and Granny!!

  13. As long as Granny is with us my prayers will include her! There’s just something special about her. Or maybe everything about her is special!

    It’s coming a hurricun here. I’ve already measured .8 inches of rain and it ain’t got started good yet. The wind is persistent but so far not destructive. I’m right at the edge of it so I figure folks to the northeast are seeing it much worse. They need our prayers!

  14. Praise the Lord! I know from experience how relieved to hear this wonderful news! Give granny a big hug for me! I hope Granny rang that bell as hard and loud as she could, I sure did!

  15. This is so wonderful and also the best news I’ve heard all week!!!!! This is a beautiful photo of you and Granny!!!!! Still and always praying for Granny and her family!!!!!

  16. Thank you, Jesus, for the good report Granny and her family received! That news is an answer to prayer. I will continue to pray for her and all of you. I look forward to hearing her sing more songs with Paul! That is a great picture of you two! Take care.
    Betty Jodrey (Knoxville Book Signing Thumbnail Friend from Ohio)

  17. Thankful Granny has great news and she has returned to good health. Thanking God for answered prayers from us all!
    Love the picture of you two together. You both are radiating with beauty, joy and love!

  18. Thank the Lord! God bless her and your family. I already submitted my “Granny question” but I’ll resubmit it here as well. Granny, what is your favorite hymn? Love to the family!

  19. This is such a blessing to know Granny is on the plus side and reaping the fruit of answered prayer! Watching for continued grace and great things to come for you all

  20. I’m so glad the results of her reports were good. That shade of pink in her sweater looks so good on her.

  21. Wonderful!
    If possible, please give Granny a hug for me. She, through you, has become dear to me. May God continue to strengthen and encourage you all.

  22. Praise the Lord for the great news! The waiting and not knowing is so stressful. Granny, rest at ease and eat lots of green beans while you celebrate!

  23. We here are on our own pilgrimage through medical ‘stuff’. It is an every learning journey, step by step, trying to first know then understand. All of that is to say we can and do sympathize and have empathy. So glad for all you all for the good report and the relief and gratitude it brings. I’ll say again, BP&A has both created a great net and revealed that “fellowship of kindred minds” that makes it possible. Behind that though is the Lord, the Author of our salvation. We really are connected to people we will never see in this life. What a marvel!

  24. Such EXCELLENT news! God is GOOD and looking after precious Granny! Continued prayers for her health and getting to see the next great grand baby!

  25. Praise the Lord! So glad to hear this report! Video about Matt’s mother was amazing! So uplifting and a beautiful photograph recording of her life! Thank you for sharing this. Is made a me smile and be sad at the same time like looking at photos of my dear parents who have both past away since 2018.

  26. o Granny! Praise God for that wonderful report! Knowing that eases your mind & you can concentrate on your Christmas gift you are making, looking forward to celebrating with the littles. Hugs to you!
    Tipper I know you are overjoyed! Such blessings. Love to all your family.

  27. Was this picture of you and your Mom taken this week. It is so very beautiful of both of you. It definitely needs to be framed.

  28. I’m so happy Granny can now rest easy. Nothing worse than a black cloud following you around day after day! Positive mental health is often more powerful and healing than medicine.

  29. Tipper, what a beautiful picture of you and Granny. She looks healthy and happy. God has answered a lot of prayers for Granny to get well. He is so merciful and loving. Hurricane Debby is pelting us with rain and wind. We are supposed to get 3-4 inches today and more tonight and tomorrow. Our house is on a little elevation so I don’t think we will have to worry about flooding. I just hope the electricity doesn’t go off. Last evening I saw your video, “Katie’s Working on Her Appalachian Language & Good News about Granny!”

  30. Like everyone else, I am so happy for all of you that Granny is doing well. I know your hearts are just full!! I wanted to comment on last nights video where you and Katie were discussing the word “dairy”. We have an dairy on our farm from the late 1800’s. It is located just outside one of the porches of the main house. It was built very close to the old well and easily accessed through the back porch door. I would post a photo, but can’t in this format. Just thought I’d let you know that they do still exist here and there. Have a great day…….bet it’s rainy there today.

  31. Praise God…Tipper, try to keep her from jumping up and down, that is what I would be doing. ..and the corn is growing. Hugs and love to you guys.

  32. I end my morning prayers with a request for a bit of good news that day. Well, when I watched last night’s video I had my good news! I was so happy to hear Granny received such good results. ❤️❤️

  33. Hi Tipper,

    I’ve been watching y’all’s YouTube channels and reading the blog for a couple years but never posted a comment. But today I have to praise God for his goodness and grace in the news about your mama. I’ve been praying for your family during the sorrows and joys you’ve shared. I Chronicles 29:13 “Now therefore, our God, we thank thee, and praise thy glorious name.”

    As many people have said before, your content is like hearing from a friend. My maternal grandmother was a Whitted from Weaverville, NC so many things on your channels make me feel like I’m a little girl again at my grandmother’s.

    Thank you!
    Ruth from South Carolina

  34. It was so good to wake up this morning to the great news about Granny! I’m so thankful for a God who hears & answers our prayers. More great grandchildren means more crocheting for Granny. The picture of you two is so beautiful.

  35. So thrilled to hear the wonderful news about Granny. Thank you, Lord Jesus, we give you all the Praise, Honor, and Glory. AMEN and AMEN

  36. Proof in the pudding that prayer works! Praise God! That photo could not be more beautiful. You two are identical in so many ways and both so lovely, and just look at that gorgeous sweater!

  37. What wonderful news to read on this early morning in western NC. Prayers to all the folks being impacted by the storm.

  38. Oh Tipper and Granny that is the best news I will hear all day!!! I think the photo of you and Granny (all PINKED up in her cheeks) wearing her pretty sweater and you smiling like you’re a winner winner of a chicken dinner really perks up my day and mood!!! Y’all take care now ya hear and drink dandelion tea from any part of the plant-kills cancer dead as 4 am…

  39. Great news about Granny! She looks absolutely great! Prayers concerning for all. Thank you for your updates! ( I made your pie from another episode, and I used fresh blackberries and it was delicious)

  40. Good morning Tipper. This is the best news ever. Please give hugs to your Mama for me. I look forward to seeing her and hearing her sing on more videos. God bless. ♥️♥️

  41. Good to hear about Grannie. Prayers are forthcoming for the highest good for all.
    About the video about Matt’s mom. I chuckled when I saw Matt put his had on sideways. It reminded me of my grandpa. He would pick his hat up off his head and say “off” put it on his head and say “on” then he’d put it on sideways and say “locked”. Mom would just shake her head but it gave us little kids a fit of giggles and ask him to do it again –

  42. So great! So happy for you and your family 🙂

    Hoping y’all aren’t getting hit too hard by Debby right now. We’re on vacation in NC for the first time (it’s every bit as beautiful as you make it seem!) and it’s our first tropical storm experience, luckily we’re inland so shouldn’t be too bad!

  43. That is fabulous news!!! So thankful for answered prayers for your mom and congratulations that another grandchild is on the way for her to enjoy and watch grow up! Our God is so good!!

  44. I am so grateful for the answered prayers for Granny!!
    God is so good! Continued prayers of blessings for all of you.

  45. Great picture. I am glad that she is doing well. School is starting today and I am a school bus driver, so I am up earlier than normal.

    1. Have a great year. I think school bus drivers have the hardest job in school. I am at awe in how you watch students and drive at the same time.

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