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Every January I study on what I’d like to accomplish on the Blind Pig and The Acorn in the coming year. First and foremost I’d like to continue to celebrate and preserve my rich Appalachian culture and heritage. Come March I will have been blogging about Appalachia for 16 years, a length of time which is almost unheard of in the world of blogging.

Here’s the plans I had for 2023 and how things turned out.

  • I’m going to stubbornly try to get more guest posts from The Deer Hunter, Chatter, and Chitter. Hopefully I’ll regain all the progress I made on this one during 2021. I failed for the second year on this one, but with the year we’ve had it’s not surprising that this goal wasn’t reached.
  • I’ve fallen in love with telling stories and sharing information through video so filming more is high on my list for 2023. I enjoyed the interviews I did in 2022 so much that I hope to do many more this year. Another video I want to make is a long video of the flowing waters of Stamey Creek. Folks call those type of videos ASMR. Basically it means they can watch them as a way of relaxing or even putting themselves to sleep. We definitely reached this goal. We were able to do more videos in general as well as several ASMR videos.
  • Now that Jim and I have done the hard work on the cookbook I hope to find time to create those eBooks I was so hopeful about last year. I never even got started on the first eBook.
  • Speaking of the new cookbook. Jim and I plan to get out and promote the book once it’s published. If you have a place you think would be a great match for a book signing or a meet and greet please leave a comment and share it. There’s no guarantee it will work for Jim and me but it might. Also please share any bookstores you think would be a good fit for selling the book. Jim and I thoroughly enjoyed doing many books signings. It was so nice to meet folks and talk with them.
  • So many folks have told me they have a hard time finding the old almanac calendars in their area that I plan to sell them. More to come on this recent development very soon. The almanacs sold so well we are currently offering them again for 2024.
  • As my full time job has become so entwined with my home life I’ve found goals drifting to things I would have never added to the Blind Pig & The Acorn goals before. One of them is to grow more food on this goat bluff that we live on. The Deer Hunter and I have a big dream of totally getting rid of our grass in exchange for more garden beds. We’ve made no progress on that goal yet, but I’m still hopeful we’ll inch our way towards it during 2023. We didn’t get rid of any grass, but we did add several new raised beds on the bank behind our house which helped us grow more food.
  • Speaking of The Deer Hunter, it’s still a goal to have him working right alongside me full time. We made so much progress during 2022 that I’m hopeful 2023 will be the year it happens. This was the goal we wanted most to achieve and we did it! The Deer Hunter was able to leave his job in August to work with me full time. We’ve enjoyed every minute of it and I’m not sure how I ever managed without him.

Here’s our goals for 2024

  • I will try again to get my family to write guest posts. Paul does quite a few on the subject of music and hopefully now that he has retired I can convince him to write about other things too or write more posts about music.
  • I want to do more video interviews in the coming year. There are several folks on my list that have agreed to talk with me.
  • I’ve not given up on the eBooks and hope to make some real progress on them. I also want to self-publish two small books of poetry for Granny.
  • We hope to offer a limited run of handmade pottery mugs with our logo on them. We are in the beginning stages of that project and hopefully we can make it happen during the coming year.
  • My older brother and his wife have decided to downsize. They are selling their house (hopefully to Chatter and Austin) and have already moved into a lovely house in a beautiful spot not too far from here. The Deer Hunter and I can’t wait to revive Pap’s old garden and grow some corn this summer. There is much work to do to make that happen. Hopefully we can manage to get it done.
  • Our cookbook signings have slowed way down, but I hope to do some this year and I have one book signing already scheduled for April 20 in Ringgold GA from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Sanctuary Restaurant and Tea Room. I’ll be sure to share any other events that come up.

I couldn’t have any of the goals above if it weren’t for you. I appreciate you more than you will ever know.

I hope you will continue to visit Blind Pig and The Acorn during 2024. And if you know someone who might enjoy the blog or the videos, please send them my way.

Last night’s video: How to Make Butternut Squash Souffle – It’s Easy & Yummy!

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  1. God surely has blessed. Theirs nothing better than having your husband by your side. You are blessed to be working together. I’m gkad you accomplished most of what you wanted to do. And hopefully in yr 2024 you will. Hope to see and get granny poetry. Thanks for all you you do Tipper ti let us enjoy your Blog.

  2. Y’all got a lot to get done, but your a family of hard working, go getters, and I imagine you will accomplish most of your goals. I am excited to watch as ya’ll work up Paps old garden space and can just see you and Matt grinnin’ from ear to ear (pun intended) when it comes time for you to harvest those first ears of Silver Queen!!

  3. oh Tipper! Ringgold is not far from where we live in Ooltewah. Even though we came to Knoxville, we will definitely come to Ringgold, since I live two miles from the Little Debbie plant, I will get the deer hunter some peanut butter Debbie’s!!

  4. Refreshing to have you share your goals, past and future, for this fantastic blog and it’s readership, Tipper. Your hard work and thought have certainly allowed so many of us to remain connected to Appalachian tradition; folklore, and music. More importantly, you have shared your family life and that truly keeps it real. Continued success to you and all the family in 2024. Our prayers are lifted for Granny and your new expectant family momma’s ……

  5. Thank you for sharing your year-end review. Yes, you did much in 2023. And yes, you left much undone in 2023. But – and this is the important part – you invested in the lives of your family. May God reward you for it all!

    May God also bless the work of your hands and your heart in 2024.

  6. Thank you Tipper! I really look forward to seeing what 2024 has to offer, it’s going to be a great year with lots of exciting goal’s waiting to be accomplished!

  7. I think you accomplished a great deal with all you had going on in your family last year. Tipper, you and Matt and all your family are hard dependable workers pushing thru whatever comes your way. I agree with Randy. You need to add lots of grandchildren time to that list of goals for 2024!

  8. Y’all did accomplish a lot considering all the events of the year, both good and heart breaking. As you said in the video last night, bitter sweet. Great goals for this new year. I have no doubt y’all will accomplish most if not all of them. I say that because them grandsons will be taking up a lot of y’all’s time and y’all will be overjoyed to push back on getting things done.

  9. Good morning Tipper – it is always fun to take a stroll down memory lane – just as it is good to make a ‘to do’ list of hopes to accomplish in this new year, but don’t forget to take time to stop, breathe, and ‘smell the roses’ as the old saying goes…and with two little grandsons due to enter the picture of your lives I’m sure you & Matt will get ‘distracted’ often!

  10. Hmmm I’ve never been one to set annual goals, nor make New Year’s resolutions. I set shorter term objectives of activities and timing; for example, do X by such and such date. No doubt I would be in a different place now if I had lived that way. Anyhow, I wish you every success in each one of your endeavours.

  11. Enjoy it just the way you have done it in the past; and, having raised two little boys myself I know how full yours, Katie’s and Corie’s days are going to be:) I absolutely loved, loved raising our children and was determined to enjoy every little moment, but still how fast the time spun around till they were in college and on to jobs of their own. So just enjoy each day.
    Oh, we all know Granny is the Queen of Crochet, and because I crochet I sure enjoyed seeing the sweaters, etc., that she has crocheted for you and the girls. I can crochet the Granny squares but have no idea how to fashion them into a jacket as she did. It would be wonderful to have her lay one out on the table and explain how she sewed them together. I’m still praying for her continued healing and God’s wisdom in decision making.

  12. Tipper, Your accomplishments for 2023 are awesome! The biggest, in my opinion, is Matt getting to work at home! The rest are very close seconds! The cookbook is awesome! Your Ringold signing for April 20 is one that I’m putting on my calendar. Ringold is only an hour or less from where I live! Hope to see you there, Lord willing. This new year is shaping up to be a wonderful one!

  13. I agree with Randy! Opening your heart and home to readers and reminding them of simpler times when faith, family and community were central to the American way of life cannot be found just anywhere! My best friend has been a popular lifestyle blogger for 16 years and the posts that receive the most favorable comments are about her elderly parents. Sadly, so many today are not blessed with parents, grandparents or extended family involved in their daily lives. Few of us grow our food, live in Appalachia aka God’s country of Western NC, can play a musical instrument, are part of a caring community with neighbors they actually are acquainted with…all which contribute to a more peaceful and enjoyable lifestyle. Thank you Tipper!!! May God bless your efforts in 2024, especially your new role as GRANDmama!

  14. Tipper, I would love to see you do a book signing at the Flyleaf Bookstore in Chapel Hill, NC. I don’t know their policies (such as how recently a book had to have been published) or how far ahead they are booked up already, but they do have frequent author visits and a lot of people in this university town are interested in Appalachian culture.

  15. It’s not a complaint but I for one would ask you to reconsider the format of your calendars for next year. Some of the old calendars that funeral homes and such used to give away had a full sized picture at the top and you turn to the next month by turning up this month. This revealed the new month and a new picture on the back of the old month. They were spiral bound in the middle. People used to record different bits of information on their calendar and save it for future reference. Grammaw Breedlove, for instance wrote down who came to see her and on what day on her calendar. When she called you down for not coming to see her often enough, she had the proof to back her up. Like a diary of sorts.

    You could use some of the pictures you have shown over the years on your blog. 12 different pictures! Each illustrative of the month below. Of course almanac calendar would remain the same. I realize a calendar like that would cost more but I would be more than happy to pay more.

    I hope this has been a little clearer than mud!

    1. I have two of the funeral home calendars for 2024 but no funeral home fans! I write down appointments in mine, me and today’s social media way of doing things do not gee-haw.

  16. So excited to see everything y’all achieved this year! Continued prayers for Granny and prayers for Austin and Chatters house to sell. Prayers for the sweet grand babies coming soon and the girls pregnancies. Can’t wait to read about and watch everything this year. God bless your sweet family

  17. Goals sound good I agree with Randy , you need to add the grandchildren in. That will take more time than you realize. We have 7 and the three oldest lived with 300 yds of us until they were adults and one of those lives in our basement now. 4-6, lived with us for almost two years when our son was between jobs. The twin girls were todlers at that time. Keep up doing what you are doing. Looking forward to yours and Jim’s new book.

  18. Y’all are doing great!
    I hope you can meet your goals and have plenty of time for hugs and kisses for with your new grandsons. We have 7 grandyounguns and each moment is precious!

    I think we orta have a BP&A pitch-in reunion ever year!…in person!! Wouldn’t that be fun! Sit around and listen to all the stories of long ago from one another. I’m sure there would be some dandies! That’s a dream for sure! It might go on for days! lol

    Hope you get some snow! The weather here is buckets of rain right now turning over to lots snow tonight. Our crews are gearing up to be out all night and most of tomorrow. Always a praying until they’re all in safe…..but boy howdy I love snow!

    Many blessings to all y’all!

  19. Do you and Jim think the Nashville area could be a possibility? I’m a 4 hour drive from Nashville and would love to see you in person. If not Nashville, maybe Knoxville? I would be willing to travel to Knoxville, as well. But if not, we may just make the trek to North Carolina. I used to live in North Carolina–at Fort Bragg! That was a lifetime ago-50 years! Looking forward to what God has in store for each one of us this year! God bless you.

    1. Donna, my sister in law and her husband lived at Fort Bragg in 1973-74. There last name was Campbell. He was 82 Airborne but worked in an office that had something to do with ordering supplies.

  20. I agree with Randy. I pray that you can accomplish all of your goals. I know without any doubt that those Grand babies will be well loved. Wishing you and your family a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2024.

  21. Good morning everyone. Rain and thunder all night. Heavy rain right now. I am still waiting for a little snow. Maybe Sunday. NE Arkansas weather is unpredictable. All your goals seem “do able”. But with 2 grand babies coming, you are going to be busy. Maybe take it slow and enjoy your beautiful life. Health and happiness to you and all your family.

  22. When I used to have vegetable and flower gardens, I, too, had goals of getting rid of all grass to add more gardens, but I never managed to get grass-free. Today, more than ever, I think adding more food and beauty into your lives is important. Why cut grass when you can eat and store more harvests? Also, I concur with Randy that I love the BP&A just the way it is, and I am so grateful for it! Love to Granny.

  23. Excellent goals. You are very creative and I am amazed at how effortlessly you carry out your projects. I also recognize that behind the scenes there is a tremendous amount of steps to be taken in delivering an end product. Fortunately you have a spouse and family members who are supportive and provide hands on assistance.

    I was glad to read there were some positive medical results for your mom (Granny). Many prayers have been said for her and I feel sure they will continue.

    The year 2024 will be a busy one, but I suspect you and your crew are up to it.

  24. I think you accomplished quite a bit considering the challenges you had in 2023. I’m excited about the book of poetry!
    Looking forward to another year with you all.

  25. Tipper, stating all your goals for this year has worn me out just thinking about them! Lol. You cracked me up with the “goat bluff” you are homesteading on! Might I add it’s the nicest goat bluff I’ve bore witness to in North Carolina! Is one of your legs shorter than the other like what happens to us hillbilly goat dwellers in WV? Lol I hate to lay it on ya, sister, but your goals are gonna fall by the wayside when you get those grand babies in your arms!!! You’ll be like a deer in happy headlights looking at and holding grandma’s little miracles! The girls will be calling and coming with all types of concerns, questions, fevers, etc because baby #1is like Luvs diapers commercials. There’s fretting, worry etc. By baby #2, a mother is an “old hat.” I will pray about the home for your son in law and daughter that the GOOD LORD will make a way for them to have it! He’s good ALL the time!!! May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you! Amen! I’d say if you pulled open your vehicle trunk full of books anywhere there’s a crowd, it wouldn’t be 5 minutes til you made fast friends and emptied out the trunk because you’re the nicest and most interesting gal ever!!! You could sell ice pops to Eskimos!!! Much love and Gods blessings to ya. My goal this year is to survive it, enjoy it and keep a cool head in the garden… lol

  26. Tipper,
    I sure do hope you accomplish your 2024 goals. Keep your “eye on the rail” and you’ll get to the station or in this case your goals.
    High winds are predicted today for the mountains. Hang tight over there on your side of the mountain.
    Glad you are part of my day,
    Carolyn Ritchey

  27. please pray for me I’ve been experiencing strange pain in my body I have confessed my sin out loud to God I have asked for mercy and forgiveness I’ve asked for healing and health and deliverance from this pain Tylenol and ibuprofen is not helping God bless you friends thank you for praying I’m seeking Jesus he is the great physician

    1. Norman- I’m sorry you’re not feeling well. This cold weather doesn’t help for sure. I will put you on my prayer list.

    2. Norman, I’m so sorry you’re feeling bad and in pain. I will lift you in prayer, too! We are to share one another’s burdens.
      Father God, first we thank You for being our Great Physician! We are so grateful for a Father who loved us so much He went to death for us. We all stand in the gap for Norman. Father we ask for You to reach down with Your gracious and merciful hands and help Norman. Help his pain in a mighty way! We will give You all glory and praise. Thank you! In Jesus name, Amen!

  28. I love the BP&A! I can’t wait to read your daily posts every morning. I learn new things from you and also from the whole gang. Keep up the good work. We appreciate you too! ❤️.

  29. You need to add spoil my grandchildren to your list of goals! I hope you can achieve each of your goals. My advice ain’t worth much, but don’t try to fix something that ain’t broke! I think I can speak for myself and many of the other members, we love the BP&A just the way it is.

    1. The Blind Pig and the Acorn blog is a financial liability to Tipper and her family. It costs her to produce but brings in no income. If you have noticed there are no ads in the blog. They are an annoyance to the reader but they are what pays the author to keep them going. Most blogs are slap full of them. I have read Tipper’s blog for almost as long as it has been in existence and have never seen an ad. The closest thing to an ad is offerings for her cookbooks and their music. Oh, and calendars! I don’t know for sure but I’d bet the money she makes off them doesn’t cover the cost to market them.

      I don’t think Tipper set out on a journey to make a fortune off her blog and I’m sure she hasn’t! But, luckily for us, her readers, it has become the base for a more lucrative endeavor, that being her YouTube channel. I too like the blog the way it is, but I have no footing for asking her to keep it this way. People gotta live!

      1. Curtis I read your comment, I don’t know if was meant for me. I have no problem with Tipper making changes, I understand her need to do something to help pay for her blog. I just simply meant I enjoy reading the everyday post and with what she has been doing. I guess I have been a member for around 4 years, I really don’t know.

        1. No criticism intended toward you! It was more of a blanket statement for anyone to read. I don’t know how I ended up replying to your comment instead of writing my own. Sorry!

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