basket of winter squash

It’s time for this month’s Appalachian Vocabulary Test.

I’m sharing a few videos to let you hear the words and phrases. To start the videos click on them.

1. Off: at at place away from one’s home area. “You remember she moved off ages ago. She was their youngest daughter. I thought she might stay around here like her brothers but she didn’t.”

2. Offer: to attempt to do something. “He said the dog was bad to bite but it never offered to bite Matt. He always did have a way with animals.”

3. Old bust-head: poor quality homemade whiskey. “I told him he’s gonna end up in the hospital if he didn’t quit drinking that cheap ole bust head that man makes!”

4. Old scratch: the Devil. “Grandma used to tell us kids old scratch would get us if we didn’t quieten down of a night.”

5. Oncet: once. “I’ve been to Michigan oncet, but I was so little I barely remember it.”

I rarely hear anyone say old scratch in my area today and there’s not many people talking about old bust head either.

Hope you’ll leave a comment and tell me how you did on the test.

Last night’s video: How We Prepared for the Hurricane (We are okay); Septic Tanks, Wells, & Scammers.


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  1. Sorry I didn’t have time to comment when I first read this but I wanted to come back and say I have heard most of those words except “old bust head.” When I was a really little girl visiting my Grandparents out at the old place in NE MS, I remember my Grandmother warming a quilt in front of the fireplace, wrapping it around me, and putting me to bed. She said I better be quiet and go to sleep as I didn’t want the old scratcher devil to get me. I had never heard that before but didn’t like the sound of it so you better believe I was quiet:) Had heard of old bloody bones and slew foot and didn’t want to encounter any of them either:)
    I was praying for you all to be safe!!

  2. Tipper, I am familiar with all of these but old bust-head. After living with an alcoholic I think that’s a great description. I just drove back yesterday from doing a craft festival in upper E Tn. The historic site had no power and the number of attendees was way down. The cousin I stayed with had no power from Friday afternoon to Saturday noon. Then she had to store water because their city water system was damaged and would run out. It did. I was reminded that I could bathe from “a teacup of water” if I had to. Schools are out at least this week. Her neighbor offered well water and it’s the same neighbor whose trees caused the power outage to several homes because they wouldn’t allow the trees to be trimmed. I don’t understand their thoughts. We definitely need all the trees we can keep but because they were selfish several homes were without power. Hopefully they have learned a lesson and will agree to the trees being trimmed or replace the trees with smaller ones. We just counted blessings. We also learned that our family members in Asheville have a generator and are doing ok. One dam was in jeopardy but held. As I drove back through Newport I was in a long traffic jam. I saw the traffic lights working but police still directing traffic, muddy rivers with lots of trees and debris on the sides and evidence the water had been much higher. Machines appeared to be scooping mud from the side streets. There were several places where free water was being offered. It was sad but hopeful that people are stepping up to help. I was close to some of the devastation but what I saw was nothing compared to some areas. I’m glad to hear your family is okay.

  3. Hi Tipper-right n ow in the state of Washington, it is apple harvest time. For us who live in the Yakima Valley, it’s a big deal. When I was in high school (many years ago) we were let out of school about this time for “apple picking vacation”. I don’t know who in the world came up with calling it that! It was definitely not a vacation 🙂
    I am guessing that most of the apples available in your grocery stores right now were recently released from CA (controlled atmosphere), processed, and shipped all over.

    I see you have some local apples to eat, also. From watching your videos, I see that you eat a lot of apples. Me, not so much. Growing up surrounded by apple trees, they weren’t very special, except to find a nice big one for my teacher for the first day of school. My Mom had a german shepherd that would walk right up to a tree and bite one off!

    Ahhh, memories.

  4. Tipper I know this message has nothing to do with the old sayings but could you please put my granddaughter on your prayer list. She lives in Boone going to the university. She sent some pictures and it’s awful. She’s ok but having trouble finding anything she needs. Thank you so much! I’ve sent so many prayers for them all.

  5. I’ve never heard of old bust head before, but the name sure makes sense.

    Tipper. We are praying for Matt’s dad that you will soon hear from him. Our son said at his church yesterday, they have some of their youth that are attending college in Boone, they finally found out they were ok but stuck in their dorms. Cell phone service is almost nonexistent in those hard-hit areas as we all know but maybe you will hear something soon. Mama used to say, “no news is good news.” Praying for all of the families involved and also for the safety of all of the workers.

  6. I’ve heard and used “off” many times. I moved off from my hometown I was raised in. I use “offer” too. Why they did even offer them a sit to set in when they came to visit. I hadn’t heard the others, but I might start using “Old scratch” to refer to the devil or maybe ever people that act like the devil. Some folk just act like Old scratch when they get mad as a hornet.

  7. “Bust head” is new to me. It is probably the same low-end product as “sugar likker.” I’ve heard folks refer to booze as “John Barleycorn” too.

    If I remember correctly, “Old Scratch” was Satan’s name in The Devil and Daniel Webster. I’ll have to check that.

  8. I don’t recall ever hearing old bust head but it is easy to assume how the name came about. Mom and Mammy probably told us Old Scratch would get us if we didn’t quit whatever was getting on their nerves. Hairyman and the Boogerman already lurked in the shadows so I’m pretty sure Old Scratch joined them some nights. The other words are used often by me and my family.

  9. Hey Tipper. I was just watching your live video on Monday morning. Thank you. Please let us know when you find out about Papaw Tony. Praying for him and his. Praying for all. Galax and Fries VA is getting back together. Some have power. The water source has been compromised for those that have county water. Cell service is very sketchy. Most calls are dropped but usually can text. Yesterday many churches got together fixed soup and sandwiches etc. Carroll county high school opened their doors for showers. They were not hit as hard as Grayson county. People are coming together to help each other. What a blessing ❣️ I’m so thankful to live in these mountains. Thank you for giving contact info for donations and help and such. Your channel can reach so many. Thanks Tipper.

  10. I use “off”, “offer” and oncet in these ways on a regular basis. I’ve never heard of the other two; however my grandmother used “old slew foot” as a name for the devil. Thanks for keeping these words alive!!

  11. Tipper,
    Can you provide info on local churches in your area we could donate to for the people affected by the hurricane.?

  12. “Off” is used here in Alabama. I laugh at it used in the movie” Oh Brother” when he spells the words “ runn oft” to keep the youngster from knowing what he said.

  13. Hmmm This is a hard test. I can say I would have no trouble understanding all the words. But some of them I never heard spoken; e.g. old scratch, bust head, but guess I picked up from reading or media. Am very familiar with off and offer. Probably have not heard in a good while but would be as familiar as old jeans if/when I did. And I know that “t” sound tacked on to “once”. Without it, once would sounded ” chopped off”. I believe I hear it in Granny’s “once upon a time”. Or do I supply it myself? I wonder.

    As for the storm, I’m praying the good Lord will turn the trial into blessing for all those affected; that as with 9/11 there will be an outpouring of love and support that will build long-lasting harmony and unity. He is more than able. I have seen it here. He won’t satisfy everybody of course. And I can’t sit at a safe and comfortable distance and tell others how to feel or think and I wouldn’t try. But He is ” a very present help in time of trouble”.

  14. Tipper–All are familiar. I also use off, and have heard many others the same, to describe someone who is a bit quair.

    As for bust head, it has many wonderful synonyms including golden moonbeam, stump water, squeezin’s, mountain dew, white lightning, liquid corn, and my favorite, tanglefoot.

  15. My husband’s 93 yr. old Mom has always used oncet. We are originally from Illinois but have lived in Florida for 30 yrs. Now I will have to do some digging to figure where that came from in her family. As always, I enjoy your writing.❤️

  16. I have heard all of the words/phrases except ‘old bust head’. I have never heard that before. I have either heard or read about ‘old scratch’ but never heard anyone use it. It sounds too creepy. I hear a lot of people around here saying ‘oncet’. I have watched your videos and the girls videos and the news. The flooding has just been so awful for NC and other states. Praying for everyone.

  17. I use all of those sooner or later…all except Old Bust Head, that is a new one on me. Praise the Lord you guys are all ok after Helene. Prayers for Granny and you all…gosh you are a growing family.

  18. I have not heard 3or 4. I haven’t watched the video, but really did not take any extra precautions for the Hurricane. I seldom let my vehicles ever get below half full (all were full when the Hurricane came through) and I usually keep about 15 gals of gas in cans for the lawn mowers, that I am now using to run a dual fuel generator for my freezer and refrigerator. I also have extra 20lb tanks of propane for a grill, propane camp stove and some lanterns along with many gallons of “Coleman gas” for my liquid gas lanterns and stoves. I do wish I had bought some extra loaf bread, but otherwise have plenty of food. For all of my life at my parents home and now my home I have had a septic tank with very few problems. Until about 10 years I had always had well water. I am now on Greenville City well water and unlike some small towns with their own systems, there has been no problems because of their Hurricane. I am inconvenienced by the lack of power but am grateful to have plenty of water “except for hot”and being able to still flush the toilet. Seriously, some never realize lack of power also means no water if you use a well. The latest news for getting my power back is another 1-2 weeks. The officials are saying we have never had to deal with so much wide spread destruction. Concerning lack of water, I have told my neighbors that still use wells to come and get all of the water they need and it will be free for them. The greatest blessing of all is God kept my family, friends and neighbors safe, no one has been injured.

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