Appalachian Sayings - Grab And Growl

“Grab and growl, supper’s ready!”


I first heard the saying grab and growl from The Deer Hunter. After we were married I learned the saying came from Miss Cindy’s parents. For years, I assumed it was a family saying until I ran across it in a few books-one of which is It’s Not My Mountain Anymore written by Barbara Taylor Woodall. Barbara’s mother used the phrase grab and growl, among others, to gather her brood around the table to eat in the same way The Deer Hunter’s family does.



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  1. My dad often would say “grab it and growl.” I would always just grab up whatever ‘it’ was and do what needed to be done with it…eat it, move it, hand it over, put it away…!

    And he also told us many times to take a cold tater and wait. We often were impatient.

  2. Funny, when my daughter found a group of little feral kittens, I put them in an empty water trough, and put a mouse in there with them so the kids could watch. The kittens looked up and mewed for awhile, then noticed the mouse moving around. A couple stopped and stared at the mouse, kind of shook their heads and then pounced. One got it, and then with it’s mouth full of mouse began growling at at the others when they approached. Grab and growl?

  3. Tipper, I came across one of your youtube videos, and found it so interesting and enjoyable, that I continued watching your channel for hours! It reminded me of a good friend of mine that I met while in the Navy. He was from Kings Cross, NC. We used to tease each other about our accents! Mine from Connecticut, and his from Appalachia! Never in disrespect, but with a healthy respect for our different upbringings!
    Thank you for your time spent, teaching folks about each others differences and commonalities! It is something the world needs right now.

  4. Mom used to say, “Well, put your foot on it ‘n’ growl!” when my table manners got too messy. Especially when she’d made fried chicken & we’d been smelling it for an hour, we’d just grab a piece & dig in.

  5. I can remember my dad saying grab it and growl. I also remember mom saying take a old cold tater and wait. Thanks for the memories. I hadn’t thought of these things in a long time.

  6. My daddy always told us,”Grab it and growl.” With 5 of us kids we did that pretty well. Once in a while a cousin who was an only child would come for a meal. I think we overwhelmed her.

  7. My mom was from Appalachian roots and told me to grab a root and growl some 50 years ago. I’ve found a reference to it being said in Texas during the dust bowl era in the 30’s. Not sure of its’ real origin.

  8. I’ve never heard this before and like the policy of Bill Burnett’s Dad.
    I do believe I have just found my new mantra.

  9. Never heard “grab and growl.”
    I remember two sayings from childhood mealtimes, can’t remember who said them.
    One was, “Come and get it before it gets cold and we give it to the dog.”
    And “Take it or leave it.”
    God bless.

  10. I have never heard “Grab it and Growl.” It was more like “you better git in here right now if you want something to eat.”
    We could use one of b.Ruth’s dipper gourds here about now. We’re catching a little break right now but it looks like more is coming at us!

  11. We didn’t use “Grab and Growl,” so this one is new to me. “Soup’s on!” was a call to eat, as was “Come and get it, sich (such) as it is!” If we had a meal delayed for any reason (like the main dish needed more time to cook), we’d hear “If you’re so hungry, just take an ol’ cold tater and wait.”

  12. Tipper,
    “Hey boys, come a jumpin.” That’s what mama said when she’d come to the kitchen door and holler at us boys. We’d usually be nearby, playing in the creek if it was warm weather. And we knew when it was about time for dinner or supper.
    Your Appalachian food looks

  13. Tipper!
    Coming from the North (Ohio) as I do, I’ve not heard many of your expressions, but I surely enjoy them all. “Grab and growl” is truly funny.
    Eleanor L., Ohio

  14. I’ve always heard “Grab it and Growl”. This not only applied to food but also applied to any task or problem that needed to be addressed. My Dad’s policy was that when something needed to be done you “Grab it and Growl”. I guess this was Needmore’s version of “Git-er-Done.

  15. I used to say grab it and growl when the food was ready, but I don’t remember where I first heard it. My mom never used the saying, so I must have heard it from my in-laws.

  16. That’s a new one for me to learn. I like the picture – looks like applesauce, beans and a rice/grits, onion, and ????. Is this an Applachian type of dinner?

  17. I have heard my dad say, Grab a root and growl, as if everyone needed to pull together at the same time…

  18. Tipper,
    Never used “grab and growl”, but have heard it or read it in “It’s Not My Mountain Anymore”! I don’t remember any of my family saying grab and growl!
    I used to yell, “grubs ready” or “soups on”! Even if there was no soup or heavy grub…!
    Sometimes I would say, OK boys “hit and get it”, time to eat! Most of the time, I didn’t have to worry about my gang getting to the table…LOL
    I am sure there are more saying’s that I used back in the day, but can’t remember any right this minute.
    Thanks Tipper,
    Interesting post this morning….
    PS…If it ever quits raining and the ground warms to 85 degrees, I plan on planting the many various gourd seeds I purchased this year…My dipper gourd seed from a old gourd from NC that my Mom had was opened and seed used. I planted them last year, now have 15 or 20 gourds. Not all came true, (to a long dipper), but most did…so much fun…I bought this year, giant Apple gourd seed, Large Basket gourd seed, Mini-Spinner gourd seed, Longest gourd in the world seed?, no not sure what I will do with that one…I had one long gourd I bought and painted it like a snake…very freaky and fun!

  19. Yep use to be said a lot when I was growing up by our Dad,, meant “dig in boys”.. it’s time to eat.. I quess it was like feeding a pen full of pup hounds they’ll all eat out of the same pan and growl while eating,, of coarse sometimes caused a fight to break out… We didn’t feed our old dogs that way they would fight and half kill each other..

  20. Yep, that’s what my mother used to say when food was ready to eat. Of course if there had actually been any grabbing or growling, it would be woe to the grabber or growler, for sure.

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