two elderly women

Mary and Granny

three young girls in the 1940s

Geneaive (Granny’s sister who is deceased), Granny, and Mary

Since Granny’s family was large with many siblings, by the time she was born some of the older ones were married and gone from home. Their children were close to Granny’s age even though she was their aunt.

Granny’s older sister Fay and her husband Woodrow had a daughter named Mary who was one of Granny’s closest playmates.

I’ve heard many the story about the games they played, the things they got into, and the places they went riding in the back of Fay and Woodrow’s car.

Mary married a local boy and they moved off up north to Ohio for better paying jobs. They stayed in Ohio raising their son and building a new life for themselves.

They used to come home most every summer, but after Mary’s husband died she rarely gets to come home.

This weekend Mary, her son, and his family came to visit.

It was very moving seeing Mary and Granny hug tight when they first seen each other and seeing them talk and laugh throughout the visit brought joy to us all.

It’s a powerful amazing thing the way bonds of family and friendship can stay strong even when you rarely get to see each other.

Mary and Granny talk often on the phone, but I know they will both be smiling for days to come over getting to visit with each other in real flesh and blood.


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  1. I could only imagine the memories that they shared with this heartfelt long awaiting visit from her sister.The laughter alone from them was probably the best part to hear of there stories telling days of growing up as best friends and being sister to each other and for them to be able to share this with you Tipper are memories that are so priceless and now you will get to share those precious memories with Katie & Korie and those precious grand babies. I can just imagine and hear them giggling about the good ole days of growing up together. Hold onto those memories and write them down in a remembrance book to be handed down for generations to come to carry on the memories of those who are still with you and the ones whom have perished but have so many memories that are still carried on today and still being talked upon and shared about.

  2. I loved the photos of Granny as a little child and Mary and Genevieve!!! That’s an adorable sweet photo. People were happier then. You can see it plain. I’m so glad the two ladies got to visit and see each other. At my age I’m thinking every moment to savor could be my last so I’ve got to catch it while I can! I bet the sentiment only increases each year… you know GRANNY is our FAN and to see her happy does a body good!!!! Y’all be blessed down in NC…

  3. So sweet! There’s nothing more exciting than getting to see our loved ones especially if it’s been a while, even though we talk to them on the phone, it’s a wonderful feeling just to sit and visit. Precious memories!!

  4. Granny looks so happy with that big smile on her beautiful face. My family reunion has always been on Labor Day weekend, a time to enjoy the kin we rarely see. However, after last year’s poor attendance, I think the get-together has come to an end. Many of the older cousins are either deceased or unable to travel. It’s sad when you know you might never see the people you grew up with and love dearly. I’m glad Mary and Granny had their little family reunion right there in the living room!

  5. Granny and Mary–this post got to me. My brother was married and had his first child before I was born, so my nieces and nephew are my age and we grew up as siblings. Also, I have one sister surviving who is 84 and who lives out west while I am in Michigan. We talk weekly but haven’t seen each other in 17 years, and it has been years since I’ve seen my nieces and nephew. The first thing I saw in Granny and Mary’s photograph was the joy on Granny’s face–true joy. You all look so much alike. I pray that one day I will see my family again.

        1. There’s nothing quite like looking into the eyes of a cousin or sibling near your age and realizing they can see you as the child you once were just as you can see them the same way. No other feeling of being seen for who we were as well as who we became even comes close.

  6. My wife and I got Smith family reunions together for years, and the photos we made are dear to me. We’d sing around the piano, and some would play string music. The kids would frolic and swim until they dropped while the older folks sat and talked. The food was plain and always plentiful. In the words of Stephen Foster, those were “happy times that come again no more.” Now, only a few cousins are left, and we’re scattered over several states, but new life is coming: We got a great-grandson last week. He is our first.

      1. Thanks, Tipper. Haven’t seen him yet, but from pictures and a video, we know he is a chunky monkey, and we love him so much already. Going to meet him soon.

    1. Yesterday was Labor Day, your comment could have been wrote by me, it is a perfect description of how my wife’s family would get together on Labor Day and at other times of the year for “get togethers”there would be 30 more of us We would always have a big fish fry on Labor Day from fish we had caught earlier in the year. I am proud to say we all were always happy with one another when we got together and still happy with one another and full when we left, there was never a time in all of the years we did this when there would be any fussing, fighting, or madness between any of us. Now there is only a few of us left, my reason for harping on nothing in this world more important than the with exception of God than spending time with your family. The time will come when many of them will be gone.

  7. So happy Granny was able to spend time with her niece/friend. And all of you having a good visit. Texts and phone calls are great to keep in touch. But there’s nothing like in person face to face contact.

  8. I have one word to say for John and Rhonda’s comments, it is AMEN. Both comments are so true. Their comments also applies to good close friends.

  9. Granny looks so happy! They are both adorable family treasures! I loved seeing the picture when they were young children and the joyful mature adults they both are now. It’s great they talk over the phone, but there is nothing better than getting to see and hug them face to face in person. I know talking to my sister on FaceTime is wonderful because I can see her, but seeing her in person to hug her is so much better. I’m glad her son, along with his family was able to bring Mary down to visit Granny and all the rest of the family. As a person gets older, taking them to visiting family that live far off is the best gift anyone could ever give their loved ones.

  10. Loved the picture of Granny and her niece Mary. You could see the happiness in their faces of being together and reminiscing of times past which is priceless. I have a brother who was born when I was over 17 years old. I was dating my husband at the time. I used to help Mom take care of him and he and I are very close. He is more like my own child than brother and his two children are like my grandchildren. It was two years later that I married and another year, May 1969, that I had my first child. My brother and my children are very close even though we live in Virginia, and he lives in Ohio.

  11. Mary and Granny visiting each other is the best medicine for both of them. They’ll both talk about their visit for a long time.

  12. How sweet that they got to see each other again! We never know how many more opportunities we’ll get to see our loved ones so we have to cherish each time we’re together.

  13. I love the pictures you posted this morning, Tipper. Your mama and her cousin just look so happy in both. I am great friends with, and love all of my siblings, but one of my sisters is only a year younger than I am. She was always my best friend and we did everything together. When she married and moved far away to Colorado, I was so lonely for her. But every time we have seen each other over the years, and still today, we immediately turn back into those two giggling girls like time has stood still. One summer, we went to the beach together for a few days. We rented a little duplex right on the beach with our hubbies. The lady renting next door was sitting on our shared front porch reading a book—and apparently watching us play in the water and giggle like silly, little girls. She told my husband that she was so jealous, because we made her miss her sister. It was the best vacation ever.

  14. Oh! that is so very touching to know that Granny and Mary got to visit each other. The picture of them together is so precious. Thank you, Tipper for posting Granny and Mary’s wonderful visit. Glad that they got to share sweet memories together. God Bless you all. God bless all the BP&TA family.

  15. We had similar situations in our family, aunts and cousins about the same age. So happy that Granny and Mary got to visit again and I know they’ll treasure the memory forever.

  16. My wife’s oldest sister is one year younger than one of their aunts. This aunt is more like a sister to some of her nieces and nephews. I know of another family that has a nephew older than his uncle. To me age does not matter, nothing but God is more important than the closeness and love of a family with one another. I spent yesterday afternoon with some of my wife’s sisters and other members of her family, I don’t know of a word to describe it but I could “feel” the love we have for one another. In my family, I only have one aunt and some cousins that live far away that I no longer see.

    1. I’m so glad Granny got to visit with her niece Mary yesterday. Her smile tells it all!
      Out of five siblings, I only have one brother left but we do get to visit often. Family is so important!

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