cross at sunset

Like many people I grew up singing “Amazing Grace” in church. I’ve heard it sung by choirs, individuals, and groups—from everyday folks and the famous and every last time I’ve been moved.

As a believer in salvation the words are powerful to me as I think of God’s grace in my own life. I was an adult with children before I knew the story of the song and its author John Newton.

When the girls were in about fifth grade we were invited to a viewing of the movie Amazing Grace that tells the story of Newton’s life. From slave trader to a reformed man who fought against slavery it is a very moving film.

Here’s a video that gives a more condensed version of Newton’s life and his penning of “Amazing Grace.”

Interestingly the song sort of fell out of fashion in England, but was catapulted to the popularity it has today in the American south. The words were put to a new tune and the song so many of us love was born.

In my area churches often finish the song by singing one more verse but use the repeated words of Praise God. I hope you enjoyed the video and I hope you have a blessed Sunday!


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  1. I don’t know how many folks know that the original poem written by John Newton has about 20 verses and most don’t know them all. It’s a truly wonderful song!

  2. When he was in his late seventies, Daddy told me he wanted his six grandchildren to sing Amazing Grace at his funeral. We were all together to celebrate Daddy’s 80th birthday & the four grandsons & two granddaughters, some trained vocalists & musicians, sang the cherished hymn for him. Tears streamed down his face. Daddy was a healthy 80 & hiked down a steep hill to his birth place that day. He passed away ten weeks later. I was so thankful he heard Amazing Grace sung by his grandchildren who loved him so! Thank you Tipper for sharing the origin of this beloved hymn. God bless you & your family!

  3. Amazing Grace is done today in the pentatonic scale which is African in origin. Almost all Negro spirituals are done in that scale. Ironic isn’t it that the song written by a slaver has come to be done in the slave tradition.

    1. Tipper,
      I watched the video and I was touched. Thanks be to God He sent His only Son to save a wretch like me. 34 years ago I was saved by that amazing grace, and I feel it in my heart greater every day.
      Thank you for sharing Kourtni Lackes

  4. Good morning Tipper. That was just so beautiful. I could listen to the girls sing and play all day. Amazing Grace is one of my favorite hymns and is sung often in my church. I thank God for giving us his amazing grace every day—and I thank you for always being so positive, joyful, informative, interesting…I could go on and on… with each and every post. Have a blessed day!!

  5. Thank you, Katie and Corie. It was beautiful! Amazing Grace is such a wonderful hymn with words that touch and soothe your soul. Great job!!

  6. Not to excuse slave traders but I can’t imagine buying a product for resale then abusing or destroying it. The focus should be on those who hunted down and captured their fellow human beings and sold them into the slave trade. It still happens today but in a more subtle way.

  7. Oh what a beautiful song and Katie and Corie beautiful voices made it even more special. I really loved when you all sang If Today Was The Day, I had never heard that one. Love your videos. I was born in Bristol, Tenn. and all of my ancestors are Appalachian, so proud of them and the love I have for the old ways. GBY

  8. Praise God for His wonderful provision for our sins–Jesus Christ. It was 62 years in April that God saved me. I grew up hearing the song and it was sung at my sweet Daddy’s funeral. It was one of his favorite songs. Have a blessed Sunday everyone.

  9. Thank you for sharing this, I listened this past week and enjoyed the girls playing and singing so much.
    I am now, twice blessed to hear them again. Amazing grace, how sweet it is.
    Praise God. God bless you and yours.

  10. Can’t ever get over (and don’t want to) just how amazing God’s grace is. My mind can’t take it in; my finite trying to understand His infinite. Having never been in heaven and having always been earthy, I can’t begin to know what it was like for Jesus to leave there, come here as a baby and devote His life to being Grace personified. I don’t have the breadth and depth and height within me to appreciate it fully. I hope to and hope we all will when He presents us to the Father. Somehow I think we will.

  11. Saw the wonderful film Amazing Grace, and enjoyed the performance of the pipe and drums at the end. But it wasn’t nearly as beautiful as Corie and Katie’s version.

  12. Woohoo! Praise the Lord! Happy Sunday y’all! God is good and He has blessed us all with the promise of His Amazing Grace. All anyone has to do is believe in the one true God who sent His one and only Son Jesus the Christ. John 3:16 For God so loved the world, He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him, will have eternal life”. I know I’m thankful for God’s Amazing Grace! By just believing and asking Jesus into your heart you can have comfort, peace beyond this world, loved unconditionally and know you will have an eternal home with Christ our Lord in glory. To all who believe and rejoice in God’s salvation through His Son Jesus, if we never meet while on this earth, we will on the other side of glory.
    The sweet ladies have blessed us this morning with their God given talents and love for our Lord by singing for God’s glory. Thank you Katie and Corie, it sounded beautifully! Thank you Tipper for sharing. Thank you Father God for your Son Jesus who gives us this grace each and everyday. ✝️❤️

  13. The song Amazing Grace beautifully captures some wonderful truths from God’s Word. His grace truly is amazing !

  14. Great version..have listened to that song all my life!!Am 81. Very interesting story on the writer. First time I heard the girls was at Old Brasstown Church..they were just kids!!! Impressed me!!! Runs in the family..Henry and I in a lot of jams way back. Keep on keepin’ on!!!

  15. What a wonderful way to start the Lord’s day. Thank you girls for sharing, thanks Tipper for today’s post, we need to stop and take those words to heart.

  16. Dear Tipper,
    Happy Sunday to everyone in Wilson Holler! What a beautiful rendition of Amazing Grace……..I loved it! Please tell Corie how much I enjoyed her video last night. I have literally fallen in love with “all things Appalachian”, all thanks to you, Tipper. Thank you once again for sharing your rich heritage and showing us the REAL Appalacia! We drove through part of your area on our way back north in the spring of 2023, and the mountains were AMAZING, but I hadn’t yet found you on Utube, so it didn’t mean as much as it would now. Good thing for you……..I may have ended up on your doorstep!! I hope you have an inkling of how much you’re loved and appreciated by all your subscribers. God bless you!
    Love, Jackie

  17. I would guess “Amazing Grace” is the most popular hymn of all hymns. I often hear it sung at church and many funerals. I have heard the extra verse added a few times, but never very often.

  18. When I was in Basic Training for the army, we got to go to church service on Sundays. This gave us a little respite for our over stimulated bodies and minds so even though I’m Jewish, I was more than open to going to Sunday services
    One morning, I was asked to sing Amazing Grace during the service (they all knew I could sing). I chose to do it accapella, and during offerings.
    Much to my surprise, after the service, I had a bunch of young Privates come up to me offering praise and other positive reinforcements for my singing. One comment in particular that touched me was a Private came up to me having wiped his eyes and said,”They sung that at my mama’s funeral but you actually made me tear up.” I will never forget that, nor will I forget his face. I may be Jewish, but Gd is great and I think he was smiling down on me that morning!

  19. good morning, that was a great performance by the girls, I saw it on their channel first, God bless you friend I love you, God bless Granny Wilson

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