hand holding rain gauge

We finally got some good soaking rains over the last two days. The first day we got about a quarter of an inch. Yesterday we had about one and half inches by 2:00 p.m. It continued to rain after that so I’m sure we reached two inches if not more.

Our late beans and cucumbers are still producing. I know the rain will really help them. I’m hoping it helps the kale, turnips, and mustard greens we planted for fall too.

The storm Helene is on the way and it will bring additional rain. Forecasts vary depending on who is sharing them and seem to change by the hour. I’ve heard we might get as high as ten inches of rain from the storm to as little as three.

We’re not in danger of flooding here at our house nor is Granny. Paul’s and Chatter and Austin’s houses are very close to the creek, but in my entire lifetime the creek has never escaped its banks here in Wilson Holler so hopefully that trend will continue.

That much rain will take much of the gravel on our driveway to the bottom, but now that we have a tractor it will be much easier to bring it back up to the places that need it.

If there is any wind accompanying the rain we will likely lose our power. We’ve been through that many times before and will make it fine, but if there’s no power there’ll be no Blind Pig & The Acorn. So if you fail to receive your daily dose of Appalachia in your inbox you’ll know it’s because we don’t have any electricity.

I pray for everyone in the storm’s path and for the folks who have to be out in the weather to do their job, many of whom will be helping and serving their fellow man.

Last night’s video: New Drying Rack for Beans and Peas & a Delicious Candyroaster (sort of) Pie.


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  1. You all be careful now, I just saw a news report about a dam breaking in North Carolina. My late husband’s godmother in Florida had to be evacuated and she said she’s never seen anything like this.

  2. Glad you got some rain . I hope it’s not too much that it washes everything away though.
    Praying for everyone affected by Helene.
    Up here in the North East we had 2 days of light to moderate steady rain. Much needed. Today it’s a beautiful 72 degrees.

  3. Was enjoying time with family on Anna Maria island in Florida but due to mandatory evacuation yesterday, we drove up to Orlando area to stay until Saturday’s flight home. Light rain and wind here! Looks as though it’s worse in Tennessee/NC than it is here. We’re safe and I pray everyone stays safe until the the storm passes by.
    Today I am celebrating my 79th trip around the sun!
    Blessings to all!

  4. I’m a tad bit nervous here in Haywood county…not so much for flood waters at my house specifically but the wind is a worry being surrounded by big trees here. The Lord will see us through one way or another. My nephew is down in FL about 45 min from the gulf coast side…he’s not concerned in the least about the hurricane. They become accustomed to these storms I reckon and just sit back and watch it blow through…in his area at least. Praying for everyones safety in the path.

  5. I live in Clearwater but not close to the beach. Pray for the coast as Strom surge does most of the damage here. Keep safe Tipper.

    1. Hi Linda!

      I lived just off Countryside Drive for several years. I hope the storm doesn’t cause you any trouble.

  6. Yes, thank God for the rain! I just hate it takes a hurricane to bring it, but that’s how it works, I suppose. I had to drive from my place here in the Sequatchie Valley over to Chattanooga this morning just about rush hour and was worrying about how rain might make that drive a bit chaotic before bed last night, but thankfully it had stopped for a bit and I got there and back in one piece with no issues! Now, we’ll just hunker down and wait out whatever comes our way from the remnants of Helene. We live right on Nickajack Lake and the Tennessee River, but thankfully we’re not flood prone thanks to TVA’s dams and all the many efforts of flood control over the past almost hundred years. Power? Now, that’s another story! 🙂 We can have sunshine and a breeze and lose our power sometimes, so any catastrophic wind/rain/storm or winter weather event could take us back to simpler times with oil lamps, the fireplace in the cold months, and grilling our meals outside at any given time! Stay safe, enjoy the rain, and we’ll see ya on the other side of Helene’s visit to Appalachia! 🙂

  7. Due to the weather predictions, some of the Friday high school ball games have already been rescheduled in Louisville. We have a weather alert day starting tonight and lasting through tomorrow all the way up here in KY. I’m sure glad I got my gutters cleaned last week! Praying for everyone along the storm’s path.

  8. I love these dark rainy days! Is that weird?! I’m so thankful for the rain but praying all will be safe and any damage minimal.
    I have COVID so I’m stuck inside anyway. I really thought it was just a bad cold! Thankfully, I have lots of books and some sewing projects to keep me busy.
    Tipper, I don’t know how you find the time to do all that you do! I appreciate and really enjoy your hard work keeping the blog and videos updated.

    1. Debby if loving these dark, rainy days makes you weird, then I am also weird, I also like these days. These days fit right in with the way I so often feel trying to go on with my life without my wife being beside of me.

      1. With dark rainy days come changes in atmospheric pressure and ionic activity in the atmosphere around us. I’ve read that some scientists believe that those things are salubrious for the humanbody and spirit.

        I, too, enjoy weather with prolonged rain and lowering clouds . . . have since I was a boy during WWII. Haven’t seen that kind of weather since I moved to Texas – at least only for very brief periods.

  9. so tickled you got rain—hopefully the remainder of your garden will flourish for weeks and weeks to come…..I finally got rain over a couple of days but my sum total was less than 1/4″, didn’t even make my garden or yard muddy … but I keep praying and having faith–I know God is in control of all things….anxious to hear what you cooked for the girls on their birthday….in that picture of you and Mat at the hospital you actually look calm but I know from all you have said about your pregnancy and it being twins instead of one easy to handle baby I know inwardly you were worrisome….but oh what lovely inside and out girls you and Mat have. stay safe in the storm and if you lose electricity enjoy your time away from being tethered to social media

  10. We have had rain, heavy rain, for the last few days and the forecasts has it predicted for the next two days. Last night around 9 pm the electricity went off during a storm and came back on around midnight. We learned this morning that there was a tornado warning around 10 pm. We can’t find any news if an actual tornado hit, and we were not notified on our phone just a flood warning. We do not live in a flood zone and so we don’t have problems with flooding usually. Our house sits upon on a small hill. The driveway toward the end near the road gets the gravel washed off and my husband has to replace it which is not very often. We are thinking of paving it. When we lived in Charlottesville this happened and we had it paved which ended any gravel washing away and holes developing. We have everyone in our prayers that they will be safe during these storms.

  11. Have been thinking of you all last couple of days as I watch the weather and the path of the storms. Will continue to keep you all in my prayers. If you think of it, please say a prayer for my mom today. It is my dad’s birthday, and even though he’s been in Heaven for 15 years now it is still hard on her.

  12. Prayers for all in the paths of these storms, which includes your family and one of mine in Clearwater, Florida. However, I am so glad you finally got some rain and no doubt thinking your garden isn’t done providing just yet! Everyone, please be prepared, careful, and safe.

  13. In southern WV it rained all night and came down hard at times. We have been dry so it’s a relief. I’m praying for all people in the storm’s path to be safe and saved in Jesus ( just in case they die.) I mean salvation is the best flood, fire and life insurance you can get! God bless us all as we hunker down and get through like hill people always do! Blessings mags and dryness to you all!

  14. I’m so glad you got rain. I’ve been praying all throughout the night for all my family in Florida. We may see rain later on this week or the first of next.

    God bless ya’ll and protect ya’ll from the hurricane.

  15. Y’all stay safe and hunker down. It will be a long night once the winds start picking up here around 10 p m.
    God’s blessings on all.

  16. Prayers for everyone in the storms path to be safe!
    We’re predicted to have some major winds which could cause some damage starting today. We had rain yesterday evening which started during our grandson’s baseball game, right after he hit the ball really well and made it to 2nd base, but I digress!! Anyways, the rain is much needed around here, we’re down about 4 inches below our normal levels. Our garden is still producing peppers, kale, cowpeas, radishes, beets and basil. I need to get my garlic in the ground now that the rain has softened it up.
    Stay safe during this stormy time!!

  17. Tipper, I’m glad you finally got some good rain to help the garden ! Much prayers for you all and all those in the path of these storms and heavy rain ! Im from Greeneville Tn. And it’s rained here since Tuesday evening pretty hard at times . We have many roads closed due to covered in water and many roads in town are water covered ! Both City and County schools are closed today because of water ! Blessings to you all! Thank You and your family for sharing Appalachian life with us !

  18. We have gotten much needed rain in the last few days also. We have replanted grass, so the rain will surely help that. I am afraid we will be walking through mud this winter. We have never had our whole yard die like this before. I have a brother in North Carolina too, but he lives near the coast. I will be praying for everyone’s safety during this storm. Love and blessings!!

  19. Yep, the word here is lots more rain and sustained high winds next 48 hours or so. Shaping up like lots of troubles for lots of folks. Praying the good Lord will work it rather to good account for all affected.

    Matt probably already knows but there is a way to drain water off a sloping road while still using it. A search online for “Coweta dips” would, I think, find the specifics.

  20. Praying for you & your family as Hurricane Helene passes through your area. Hurricane Beryl hit our area hard on Sept. 8 with a lot of tree damage, power outages, rain & such. Prayers are always needed for the first responders who put their lives in danger to help the public.

  21. I’m glad you and some of the rest of us in NC got the much needed rain, but wished it hadn’t come at the expense of others who got hit by this hurricane. Praying for the people in those hard hit areas.

  22. Prayers for everyone in the path of this storm. May the Lord bless you and keep you, May the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you, and may the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace. Amen

  23. Blessed rain…My MIL used to say, we will get what He wants us to have. We are in and out of the path of Helene and right now at the moment the wind or breeze, at times, isn’t moving our flag. I do want it to stay calm at lease til noon as I have a hair cut at 11 this morning…lol…I have not checked the weather app on my phone this morning so I don’t know the latest. God’s Blessings on Granny and you guys. Loved the pictures of the girls and their boys.

  24. It started raining here about 10 o’clock last night. There is 100% chance of rain for the next two days and predicted for us to get 6-10 inches some areas may get more. One news station is calling for historic amounts. The strong wind being forecast is my concern, I do not have any concerns about flooding at my home, but am concerned about the two rivers in my area. Back in 1997? some bridges were washed out and there was fear of two dams giving way. It will be worse now because of all the subdivisions and other development that has went on in the last years around Greenville, the land and woods that once soaked up a lot of water in these areas are now cement and asphalt. Now it only takes a couple of inches of rain for the creeks to flood around these areas. Many times some of the ones that live in these subdivisions/housing developments are on the news carrying on about the flooding and wanting to blame the county or city for it. It makes me want ask them where is your common /horse sense, did you not look around you and see what would happen during heavier rains before you bought your home. I said I was not worried about flooding and my home, the land for many miles around me is still farm/ pasture and woods. Like Tipper said, many of these predictions depends on which news station weather forecast you are listening too. Don’t worry, the forecast will soon change. If you don’t like this stations forecast, change channels and the forecast will be different.

    1. Many years ago, Raleigh sometimes experienced extreme flooding from Crabtree Creek. I’ve seen what was normally a 15′ wide creek turn into a river a mile wide. A former mayor of Raleigh, Seby Jones, built a big shopping mall in the flood plain – and named it Crabtree Mall. One year the creek came out of its banks, flooded the shopping center and all the shops on the lower floors. Wasn’t long after that the local government raised taxes to pay for flood control dams along the creek. To my knowledge, there have been no such floods since; although there have probably been very localized areas that have been flooded by the creek.

      Sounds like Greenville might need some flood countrol dams.

      I never have understood building in a flood plain or on the dune line at the coast. In a sane world, it would be impossible to get insurance for such structures, but how said this world was sane?

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