Church in Canton NC

Locust Field Baptist Church and cemetery Canton, NC
Photo courtesy of Southern Appalachian Digital Collections

The Louvin Brothers were most popular in the 40s, 50s, and 60s. They were known for their blood harmony singing as well as the meaningful songs one of the brothers, Ira, wrote.

I was so blessed to grow up in a musical home. Many of my memories are tied to old songs. Pap was a big fan of The Louvin Brothers so I often heard their music as well as Pap and his brother Ray singing their songs. Granny and Pap would also sing Louvin songs on occasion.

Because I was raised on The Louvin Brothers I in turn raised Chatter and Chitter on them. Once the girls learned how to sing harmony they continued the family tradition and started singing Louvin songs too.

Here’s an old Louvin Brothers song the girls videoed almost a year ago.

I hope you enjoyed the old song and the sister harmony. If my grandsons enjoy the music of The Louvin Brothers they’ll be the fourth generation of our family to listen to them—and who knows maybe they’ll sing some of their songs too.


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  1. Love that sister sweetness blended in this song with the music… Heart touching talent! Love from the Lake Cumberland area of KY!

  2. I am usually up and have read your post by 6:30 at least, but today, wellllll, I finally got to reading my emails. Thanks for sharing the girl beautiful talent. I am sure they will pass it on to their boys also. Prayers for Granny and God’s Blessings on all of you guys.

  3. What a Blessing the talent in your family. Know the girls lives have and will change with babies time consumed until they get used to babies and motherhood then praying they become relaxed in their routine and do some of things that fill their mind and Spirit as well, we learn as new mothers we have to have a balance in order to hold on to who we were and are before having baby in arms. This was a word of wisdom my mother shared with me, she said Angie be easy on yourself it’s OK to take time out and do something for you or you will be come stressed Baby will sense it then you aren’t helping the situation. Take care of yourself so you will be the Best Mom physically & emotionally.
    Love this family soooo much

  4. The words of this song ring so true in my life. Thanks you. Beautiful! I keep praying for those lost! God bless you two!

  5. The Louvin Brothers are gone but their music will never die and I’m glad the girls are helping to keep it going. Their harmony has never sounded better than it did in that song.

  6. Happy Sunday! Beautiful song that is so true now days. As much as our hearts long to go to our heavenly home, there are way to many souls who have yet to come to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Our world is in a difficult place and if only people would open their hearts and minds to see Jesus for who he really is, the Messiah, the Christ, the Savior of the world, then they would accept him so they too can have eternal life ever lasting with him in heaven. Having the forgiveness, unconditional love, comfort and peace while having a personal relationship with Jesus, God’s only Son is worth everything. If only the lost souls would come to know him before it’s too late. Life on this earth will always have its problems, difficulties and challenges even when you give your heart to Jesus. However, what’s different is with Jesus in our lives, he makes us stronger, gives us understanding or helps us to grow our faith when we can’t seem to find a way to understand things that happens in our lives. But no matter what we face in life the comfort and peace in our hearts always comes from God our Father through His Son Jesus the Christ and the guidance of the Holy Spirit sent from Jesus. I thank God for all He has done and pray for all the souls that are yet to be saved from a sinful world. I’m not perfect and neither is any other Christian, but we know the one who is and that is Jesus the Christ, our Lord and our Savior. May others come to know, believe, accept and live their lives for Jesus so they too will have the confidence of eternal life in heaven.
    The sweet ladies sang lovely as always. Thank you for sharing this song with us!
    All glory and honor to the one and only living God, who sent His Son to die for our sins and He rose up from the death grave in full flesh to have victory over death. Jesus suffered so we can have eternal life after our earthly death so we can live eternity with Him in heaven.

  7. Love that sister harmony. Haven’t heard this song in ages. What a great way to start a Sunday morning.

  8. Thanks Tipper, Louvins, legends. I heard Corie and Katie with this, hard to believe its nearly 12 months. Top music, vocals and harmonies.

  9. That was beautiful! I had to listen to a couple more but now I must be one my way to church. God bless ya all and I pray you have a great day and wonderful week ahead.

  10. I too think Chitter and Chatter did a beautiful song this Sunday morning and since we are on the subject, if a person has wondered about accepting Jesus into their heart, THIS day is perfect for getting saved! We may not have tomorrow here. Today or this night could well be when we are called to death. Getting saved was the best decision I ever made and I praise Jesus for what He did for me!!! God bless you all this Sunday! Lord bless granny and the babies! Love and blessings to all!

  11. I really enjoyed the son by Katie and Corie. Great harmony. The song is very appropriate for today. We have so many loved ones, friends and acquaintances that need the Lord. When I was growing up and visiting my folks in Ky (I was brought up in Ohio), I loved going to the cemeteries and reading the headstones. Even today I enjoy reading them. The older churches used to have cemeteries on their property and a few of my relatives even buried their loved ones on their property. I’m getting ready to leave for Sunday School and church. Everyone have a blessed Sunday.

  12. Good morning. The girls sang this song beautifully. We used to sing it in church when I was growing up. I can close my eyes and hear my Mama singing it while cooking dinner or washing clothes. She used to sing while she worked a lot…sweet memories.

  13. This is one of my favorite religious songs. The picture of the church looks like pictures of our old church building. Sunday School rooms were added on to the back latter on and then in early 60’s we moved about 1/2 mile up on on the highway and built a new modern brick church building. Our cemetery is at the old church location, it dates back to the early 1800’s.

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