cross against blue sky

Miss Cindy and I have been talking a lot about her death. Most of the discussions have been about her life and things in her house that are dear to her heart.

She’s talked about her final wishes and about where she knows she’s going to spend eternity.

We don’t talk about her death every day by no means, but when you’re given a terminal diagnosis it does make one want to talk about their final days on this old earth fairly often.

I imagine there’s a sense of feeling like you need to say everything you want to because you know your life’s clock is literally ticking away.

A few days ago I was reminded of one of Pap’s original songs “Just Going Home.”

Like all of Pap’s songs I really like it. Here’s the lyrics:

“Just Going Home” written by Jerry Wilson

I may be bowed down with sorrow Trouble where ever I go
Yet in my heart I’ll be singing I’m traveling the road that leads home

Oh nothing could thrill my heart more than to know that my trials will be o’re
To this world my soul don’t belong In this life I’m just going home

Though I may not have great riches In this world I own no great thing
Yet at the end of my journey I’ll be rich as the greatest of kings

In this world no treasures I’ll seek I’ve lain them up where they will keep
To this world my soul don’t belong In this life I’m just going home

Oh nothing could thrill my heart more than to know that my trials will be o’re
To this world my soul don’t belong In this life I’m just going home

I hope you enjoyed Pap’s song and the beautiful harmony he and Paul had when they sung together.

We’re certainly wading through rough waters at the moment, but I’m thankful Miss Cindy is in good spirits and knows she’s going home.

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  1. Prayers for Miss Cindy for a well deserved eternal rest. May she pass quickly into the arms of Jesus. When my mom passed away 15 years ago we were all with her and I felt like it was witnessing her being handed over to Jesus. It was so sad but so comforting that she is safe, out of pain and where she wanted to be. I only say “quickly” as it surely looks like there is no recovery for her. Hugs to you and all your family.

  2. I wanted to share a great song that my church recently introduced to the congregation. It’s called “Almost Home” by Matt Papa and Matt Boswell. I think it has a distinct Celtic feel, which reminds me of Appalachia. By the way, Matt Papa is from Gainesville GA. Praying for you all and especially Miss Cindy.

    Almost Home
    Don′t drop a single anchor, we’re almost home
    Through every toil and danger, we′re almost home
    How many pilgrim saints have before us gone?
    No stopping now, we’re almost home
    That promised land is calling, we’re almost home
    And not a tear shall fall then, we′re almost home
    Make ready now your souls for that kingdom come
    No turning back we′re almost home

    Almost home, we’re almost home
    So press on toward that blessed shore
    Oh, praise the Lord, we′re almost home

    This journey ours together, we’re almost home
    Unto that great forever we′re almost home
    What song anew we’ll sing around that happy throne?
    Come faint of heart we′re almost home

    Almost home, we’re almost home
    So press on toward that blessed shore
    Oh, praise the Lord, we’re almost home

    This life is just a vapor we′re almost home
    That sun is setting yonder we′re almost home
    Take courage for this darkness shall break to dawn
    Oh, lift your eyes we’re almost home

    Almost home, we′re almost home
    So press on toward, that blessed shore
    Oh, praise the Lord we’re almost home

  3. Mr. Wilson Wrote a lot of nice Songs Tipper. You can tell he was very religious and no harm in that. I was an Alter boy as a young kid for 3 years in an Anglican church as that is how I grew up I felt closest to God on those days I was truly his servant. I feel that is why he always answers my prayers.

    Thank you for the post. Please visit me on my channel and leave a comment if you like what you hear I know it looks like the hands of Lerch on the Munsters but until I lose more weight no one is going to see me with a beach ball under my shirt. LOL God bless you all and I am sorry for Miss Cindy. She sounds like a lovely person and to Raise Matt as the man he is and a loving Husband of yours, I am sure she is a fine person.

  4. Psalm 16: 8 and 9.
    May you, each one, feel the LORD and His peace especially close.
    In the name of Jesus, Amen.

  5. What a blessing for both you and Miss Cindy to be together and discuss her wishes. As tough as that is for you, Tipper, it’s also privilege for you to hear her desires and assure her they will be carried out. You both know she’s going to go home to God and to see Jesus; it’s wonderful you can talk about that together. When it’s my time to go, I hope a loved one is with me to see me off.

  6. This is such a great song! their harmony is beautiful! Praying continues for Miss Cindy and all of you. God bless you and yours! ❤❤

  7. I read this poem at the funeral of my 90 year old aunt. Many people found comfort in these words.

    I am standing upon the seashore. A ship, at my side,
spreads her white sails to the moving breeze and starts
for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength.
I stand and watch her until, at length, she hangs like a speck
 of white cloud just where the sea and sky come to mingle with each other.
    Then, someone at my side says, “There, she is gone.”
    Gone where?
    Gone from my sight. That is all. She is just as large in mast,
hull and spar as she was when she left my side.
And, she is just as able to bear her load of living freight to her destined port.
    Her diminished size is in me — not in her.
And, just at the moment when someone says, “There, she is gone,”
there are other eyes watching her coming, and other voices
ready to take up the glad shout, “Here she comes!”
    And that is dying…

    Henry Van Dyke (1852-1933) was an ordained Presbyterian minister and friends with Woodrow Wilson who appointed him ambassador to the Netherlands.

  8. Doesn’t get any more real that this Tipper. Prayers for everyone. Praying for strength and grace for Miss Cindy.

  9. This last verse of William Cullen Bryan’s Thanatopsis has been my guide in such times:

    So live, that when thy summons comes to join
    The innumerable caravan, which moves
    To that mysterious realm, where each shall take
    His chamber in the silent halls of death,
    Thou go not, like the quarry-slave at night,
    Scourged to his dungeon, but, sustained and soothed
    By an unfaltering trust, approach thy grave,
    Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch
    About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams.

  10. One time, a long time ago, you compared my way of thinking to Miss Cindy’s. I wasn’t sure how to take it at the time. You were going through some church and family struggles at the time and I was trying to write you some words of encouragement. What I said is what you compared to Miss Cindy’s way of thinking. I feel honored to be compared to someone like Miss Cindy but don’t know how to find what common ground you found us in. I hope you remember but it’s been over a decade so I don’t expect you to. Do you remember?

    1. Ed-I’m sorry I don’t remember exactly what it was but I’m positive you and Miss Cindy both share the sense of kindness and strength to encourage others with a strong hope!!

  11. Miss Cindy knows that she will soon be with Jesus in her new heavenly home. What a joy & comfort it is to know that this life is just a passing one & that someday all believers in Jesus Christ will someday be with him where there will be no more pain & suffering & no more worries & anxiety. Peace with Jesus for eternity is such a wonderful feeling. Pap’s song said it all!
    My daily prayers are for Miss Cindy that she will continue to have no or little pain & that she has good spirits & is ready to meet Jesus face to face.
    Hugs & prayers for your entire family during this stage in your lives.

  12. Just got home from the morning church service, a song was sung by a man and his wife for the special music that to me fits right in with today’s blog. I had never heard it before today and the title may not be correct, I think it may have been “ This Train I’m Riding” and the chorus starts out with these words- don’t be grieving when I’m leaving. I thought of Miss Cindy. I am also upset about something our preacher said concerning loosing a spouse or child, he said peace will come after this happens. For me and about 5 others that have experienced this, some of us have done done both, all agreed that unless you have experienced this, you don’t know what you are talking about. I am sorry for writing that but that was the last thing I needed to hear this morning.

      1. I have been trying to find this song on you tube, the closest I came was “Mansion In The Sky” Tommy and Marion had changed the words from plane to train. Tipper, I appreciate your words and prays, but you, Matt, Miss Cindy and rest of her family need prays just as much as I do. The other friends I mentioned are hurting just as much as I am. A friend is burying his wife of 52 years tomorrow.

      1. Ed, that is the correct song but it sounded like they changed the word ‘plane” to train and “pilot” to engineer. Tommy said someone they use to play and sing with would sing this song, it may have been this person that changed the words and that just it that way. It is also possible I may have misunderstood plane for train, my hearing is not good either way the song’s message is the same. This afternoon, I have been listening to Ricky Van Shelton sing it along with other singers singing the old time gospel hymns on YouTube. To me the new songs of today can’t hold a candle to these old hymns.

  13. Continuing to pray for Ms Cindy. Also for you, Matt, and the girls as well that you are all able to love her well and that you continue to be able to find comfor in the hope of the Gospel. Love you guys.

  14. Life is a journey through time. At the end of that journey it is time that ceases not life. Life is immortal, time isn’t.

    1 Corinthians 15:51-55 is my comfort. It says that at the end of my journey I will sleep until God decides He has had enough of time and destroys it. Then, in the twinkling of an eye, I will be changed into an immortal being. No longer subject to the constraints of time. I will go to sleep in a tired, diseased and broken down old body and wake up in brand new one. An immortal body that will not degrade over the passage of time, not because it is made of the stuff of superheroes but because there is no time to corrupt it.

    Imagine going to sleep and waking up in a moment of inconceivable bless and never leaving that moment. That can happen! That will happen, if you choose the right path through life. The roadmap is the Bible! God’s instruction book!

  15. Thank you for sharing such a sweet song, Tipper. I am so sorry you all are having to go through this hard time. I’m thinking of you and your family, & praying for God to comfort you all.

  16. Dearest Tipper In 2015 spent many hours with my dying Mother. She was at a place called “Bounce Back”. She had wanted to be there hopefully to go home at some point. But, with Congestive Heart failure it wasn’t possible. There were four of us kids and agreed a nursing home was not an option, but where she was at was a place that helps prepare the patient for just that. In Mom’s case it simply became impossible for her to return to her earthly home, my younger sister and I and her adult children were the only ones living in this area/ My sister worked nights and I am retired so I spent all day with her until about 10:30 at night. At that time my sister was off work, and she came and spent the night with mom. It was of course a very difficult time for us. This venture started just before Christmas until her death March 31, 2015. Anyway, we had a lot of time to discuss her death and her journey towards it. She was a Mormon, and the had some ideas us kids do not agree with. I read her the scriptures every day and often we talked about the Lord coming to take her home. She was a very strong, Christian woman and taught us Never to give up no matter what. We talked about many things until she slipped into coma 1 week before she passed away. Although very hard to watch her slipping away, I felt sadness, I also felt honored to be with her until her last breath, I felt honored to calm her fears about death and then we talked a lot about the Lord coming for her and why was it taking so long? As time went on, she became more at peace, and we knew the time was close and so it was. Although I miss her very much and still have tears for her, I can’t help but feel so glad and honored to be therefore her and with her, somehow that gives me comfort and peace within in myself. I pray even though you all will lose someone you love very much spending time with her and having many conversations with her during this time, it will ultimately bless you. Still praying for you all. I pray this will help you all. God Love You, God Be with you all.

  17. Thank you for sharing that beautiful tune. We have recently had a loss of a friend and that song is comforting. ❤️

  18. Thanks for sharing this wonderful song and its message. Pap’s harmony is absolutely astounding!

  19. Thinking of yall so often–we have lost our last parent and although she was ready to go it was still heartbreaking. Try to absorb Miss Cindy’s wisdom while she is still here. If I could go back I would record some way the stories and the wisdom of everyone who has gone on.

  20. What a wonderful song. Miss Cindy even in her condition is still giving all of you life’s lessons by her strength and her assurance of going to heaven. I know she’s been a real blessing to all of you through the years and you all have been a blessing to her. It’s wonderful that she saw her son grow up and marry a fine lady, have two beautiful granddaughters and was there for Corie’s wedding and sees Katie with a great guy, has a friendship with Granny and I know she did with Pap as well as all of your family. Now, she is waiting to go to her heavenly home. May the Lord wrap his arms around all of you and give you comfort, peace and strength for each day.

  21. This is such a natural part of crossing over to our eternal home. God wants us to embrace all He gives us including our passing from this home to our place in heaven. Jack and I talk about life changing things for him as well as me but his health certainly is dictating his being the first chariot ride so I just tell Hunny that he had better be waiting for me on the far side banks of Jordan when my day comes. As sad as I get some days just knowing what it is God wants from me I do feel joy as well because Miss Cindy and Jack are going where we all strive to be with our gracious Heavenly Father. I continue to pray for Miss Cindy, Matt and your whole family as I find myself praying for Jack and his struggles with pain and suffering many times each and every day. I know God has all of us in His healing hands but when that last day, last moment comes…it is gonna be tough. Stay strong, stay faithful Tipper for in the end God ALWAYS has the final say!!!:):):)

  22. Thank you for sharing that beautiful song. What a blessing and treasure to have so much of Pap and Paul singing together on video. It is even more of a blessing to know that Miss Cindy has that Blessed Assurance of where she will spend eternity. I pray ever time she and your family is brought to mind…several times a day. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.

  23. You opened my eyes to a new view of my life. What a wonderful view of my walking a journey to heaven. On the Road Again will be my new idea of what life is really – a journey to the end of times. Thank You for the words as it is a beautiful sentiment to carry with me.

  24. So many leave this earth without the family or friends that will listen to them and the things they want or need to talk about. I am so grateful that Heaven is a home I want to go to. I don’t think that comes overnight. As we grow older and experience the joys and heartaches of life, we realize that “this world is not my home, I’m just a passion through”. Through good times and bad God ALWAYS provides us with what we need. An ear to hear our wishes, a hand to hold for comfort, a prayer said when we are in pain, a song played to soothe our spirit. Whatever Ms. Cindy needs, y’all are there to address those for her. Another gift from God. Our preacher said one time that our loved ones who have already passed are up in
    Paradise, cheering us on. They want us to do good and they patiently wait for us to join them. That is so comforting to me. God bless all of you as you help in this journey that Ms. Cindy must take. Remember, “just a cup of cold water” for someone in need. I will continue to pray for all of you. Remember too, those slip offs into the woods will sustain you and help you to be there when needed. God bless and stay strong. ❤️

  25. Good Sunday morning to everyone. Such a beautiful song and always the harmony is such a pleasure to listen to!

    We all need someone to talk and share things with and I’m glad Miss Cindy has you.

    Have a great Sunday. Blessings to all✝️

  26. All of our life’s clocks are ticking, yet I find it hard to talk about death. It’s good to know Miss Cindy is in good spirits and can get her affairs in order as she prepares to move from her temporary home. I love the beautiful song!

  27. Knowing a loved one is going home sure eases the pain of losing them from our lives. It is also comforting to know that we will see them again. The grave cannot hold them.

  28. I pray y’all have all the time and opportunity needed to ‘tie up loose ends’. It is a very good thing to be able to talk of parting. That is far better than denying the reality as if that would make it go away. I hope to have such a time myself. Best of all, though, we go to gather in a country “grief cannot invade” as a song says.

  29. My husband and I pray for Miss Cindy and Matt especially, Granny – Wilsons and Pressleys – every morning.

    May you all have special time while Miss Cindy is still with you physically.

  30. I sat with 4 of my wife’s family in their final weeks and months. Three were happy knowing where they were going. The fourth one was angry. I’ve also spent time with a couple of friends that looked forward to the eternal life with Christ. All but the angry one talked about their lives and their future and were at peace. I want to go out like that and ON TIME, not way to early.

  31. What a beautiful song and it meant a lot to my soul on this Sabbath morning. Tipper, we are ALL going home soon and nobody nowhere no how knows just how, when or where. I’m a telling it one more time and it’s clear as a bell. Mommy ( my grandma who reared and loved me) came to me in a vision (I was awake and with it) and showed me children (about 3 years old) in a circle dancing and she said she was in heaven watching over these children yet to born into the family. I asked her who I should tell and she said in her smart eleck way “whoever will listen.” I say all that to say heaven is real and we come from heaven born to a particular family and when we die, we go back (unless we refuse fire insurance against hell.) Believe it and be encouraged today. It’s the truth so help my Lord. I’d love to stop and say to Miss Cindy in heaven sometime so I think I will! Btw, I’ve asked (prayed) to tend the family children as my “job” in heaven. I will see y’all there! Have a day of peace. It’s free just for the choosing.

  32. This one got me. My husband I lived through our mothers passing; being by their sides for their last breathes. They were both like Miss Cindy and knew where they were going. Pap’s song is beautiful and brings a deep peace. We are continuing to pray for y’all.

  33. what a wonderful testimony. I’m still praying for Ms. Cindy. There’s so much serious disease and heartache in this life but God will fix all of that. All we have to do is accept His Son, Jesus as our Lord and Saviour . God bless and Comfort y’all.
    Jeri Whittaker
    Near Athens, Georgia

  34. Miss Cindy is indeed traveling on the road to go home, but until then God still has work for her to do. Her strength and good spirits through her pain is a testimony and encouragement to those around her that no matter what she has to go through she is trusting and glorifying our Heavenly Father. Praying for her comfort, easy of pain, and continued strength. Praying for Matt, the girls, Granny, you and all the family as you all walk by Miss Cindy’s side through it all. Pap and Paul’s song is a great reminder that we all are just travelers in this world, no matter how long or how short of a journey we have. The most important thing in this life is as we travel through this world we must decide which path we take in life, who we serve, because in the end that will be our finial destination. I, like Miss Cindy, your family and so many of your readers, have chosen Jesus, God’s only Son to follow along our earthly path to our Heavenly Home. It’s not an easy path in life at times, but it is and will be the most rewarding. As Joshua 24:15 reminds us “Choose you this day whom ye will serve:…as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.”. Blessings for a peaceful Sunday.

  35. we gonna try to go to church, SSI came, bills got it, God help! God bless Ms Cindy with healing and health in Jesus name, God bless Tipper and her family!

  36. Really enjoyed this song
    Pap wrote Miss Tipper what power yet sobering & comforting words they are. And I thoroughly enjoyed the harmony with him & Paul.
    Good to know that Miss Cindy is in good spirits and knows where she’s going. I know she has a terminal illness and therefore her life & death is talked about more right now, but regardless of a terminal illness or not all of our lives time clocks are ticking away. So enjoy what time we all have left by getting the good out of everyday as for one day we all will be GOING HOME!!
    Praying for Miss Cindy & all of her family. Thankful for the God of all comfort!

  37. God continue to bless each of you with strength, comfort each of you with His presence and promises and continue to give each of you the peace that passes understanding.

  38. There are many things I would like to do such as spending every minute possible with my family, going back to some of the places and doing some things that have a special meaning for me and one big one is to thank all of my friends for putting up with me and being a friend to me. I now try to do this when I am with them. God has richly blessed me with friends throughout my life. The ones that know without a doubt they are Christians, do not fear death, they know where they will spend eternity. My grandaddy I have so often mention, had dementia and lived his last years in our home when I was a teenager. He woke me up one night trying to pray and begging God to let him die. I worry about about ever little thing, especially since my wife’s death and I often listened to this song “I Won’t Have To Worry Anymore” by Dole Lawson and Quicksilver. I really like the lyrics to Pap’s song. Tipper, I continue to pray for you, Miss Cindy and the rest of the family.

  39. May the peace that passeth all understanding settle down over your holler, where a daily walk will Jesus brightens the glistening morning dew, and the grace that God provides fills your thoughts and memories as time leads to time and into eternity.

  40. I appreciate so much that you guys are willing to share some of the most precious aspects of your day to day life. Just attacking the illness and her willing to share are beyond. In recording and/or videoing her are a precious gift that can be passed on to Corie and Austin’s children, should they have some. I do admire you guys, I know it is a struggle, I had to go thru the throngs of the horrible disease with my mother. I have outlived mine for about 24 years and I DO NOT take life nor what God has gifted me with lightly. God Bless you guys and for sure prayers all around.

    1. Glenda, I left a reply to you yesterday but called you Gloria, I apologize for doing this and ask you to forgive me. I have also watched several family members and others die with this disease and it is terrible. Even though I don’t like looking at pictures and things that remind me of my love ones that have died, your suggestions are good.

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