garden view of cabbage and beans

The ample rain we’ve been having has really made the garden grow by leaps and bounds. We’ve had some pretty hot and humid days, but the last several have been wonderful with cooler temperatures. One morning we were as low as 50 degrees.

Many of the beans have reached the first rung of the cattle panel and are starting to climb upwards. One set of cucumber plants are doing the same. And the watermelons we planted in a grow bag are starting to run too.

We are growing parsnips for the first time ever…well I hope we are. The green tops are there so I’m hoping the parsnips are growing beneath the ground.

Several of our tomatoes have blooms on them as do our peppers. We still haven’t managed to plant any winter squash but hope to soon.

The first potatoes we planted are huge. I’m guessing there are plenty of potatoes below the green but we haven’t grabbled any out yet.

The thing we are most excited about is the corn and it’s looking good so far.

Here’s the days we’ll aim for planting during the month of June.

Taurus: good for all root crops and above ground crops 3, 4, 30
Cancer: best for planting above ground and root crops 7, 8
Scorpio: best for flowers and above ground crops 17, 18
Pisces: good for planting and transplanting above ground crops, trees and shrubbery 26, 27


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  1. Tipper
    I need your advice on planting Peonies! Which I love.
    It all started years ago when I tried to transplant some that Mama gave me, with no success.
    I decided to try again a few years ago. I think the last one
    I just lost in late April was my third attempt It got to about 7” tall. Can’t get them to the blooming stage, and I don’t know what I am doing wrong
    When do I plant them?
    In the above ground or below ground sign, or in the sign for flowers?
    I have several neighbors that have them and they are beautiful with lots of blooms.
    I’m going to plant them in a different location with full sun
    Prayers for God’s blessings of healing and strength for your loved ones.

    1. Perhaps you are planting them too deep?? That will give you a plant with leaves and no flowers. The root area should barely have any soil above it. I actually use a dustpan brush to gently remove debris that accumulates above the crown over time. I brought my mother’s peonies from eastern Washington state to northern Indiana 31 years ago and they still bloom their socks off every year. Sun is important where I live. They can’t thrive where it is hot all year though. They need winter. Also, go easy on the nitrogen because that will give you too many leaves. They need potassium. Espoma Bulb-tone is a good choice for instance.

  2. Carolyn, I am going to tease you a little bit, I’m a pure blooded southern country man, I ate a sandwich for dinner (midday) and had the cornbread and other things for supper. There was enough left over to have again tonight. Like I said I’m teasing, thank you for your reply.

  3. Are you seeing or hearing any cicadas this year . Here in Mineral Bluff Ga I have not . Kinda disappointed

  4. We always plant by the signs. That’s the way I was taught from my parents. If it wasn’t a good sign they wouldn’t plant. I’m the same way. Our garden is looking pretty good. We have little small cucumbers . It won’t be long I’ll be canning them.

  5. The garden looks so good, rain is so good for watering and making things grow, including weeds! lol.
    What is the wire over the cabbages? I have a few I planted and cutting worms are eating on them or some kinda bug.

  6. It seems I could never get organized enough with working all the time to plant by the signs. I did later on make sure my kraut and below ground crops were by the signs. I also kept intending to get my hair cut by the signs, because it always grew too fast. I do not have the organizational skills you have, Tipper. You are one of those fortunate people who have the ability and patience to get a lot accomplished. I can’t count the times I woke up overwhelmed, because I didn’t know where to start. I always gardened and canned even after working long hours. I loved it that much. I told my sis I just had too many messy hobbies. Scratch cooking, gardening, sewing, and painting all make a mess. Now Randy has got me wanting cornbread and milk, shame on him!

  7. I see beautiful cabbage! I see a spectacular garden too! It’s wonderful to hear the garden is coming along so well! I hope and pray you yield lots of delicious homegrown vegetables and fruits! I’m about 3 weeks behind you here in WV. It got humid yesterday for the first time and every plant I have looks happier the heat has gotten here and a slack in the DAARPA monsoon season. I been seeing the UGLIEST BUGS I ever saw in my life and many of them I’ve not seen before. The pine beetle is one ugly critter as he chops and kills these pine groves which are not being taken down. The devastation will forever change the scenery when it’s done and the great news is pine beetles from Asia eat maples down too! Have a great day all and stay your mind in the Lord. It’s all for naught without Him…

  8. So happy the garden is doing well. I’m anxious to see how the corn does. Hope Granny’s garden does well too. I know that will make her happy.

  9. We’ve had overnight temps in the upper 40s a couple of nights last week here in south-central Virginia. I wonder if that’s what has made my squash act so wonky; they’re blooming, and they’ve set baby squashes which grow to about 3 inches and then just stop. Never had that happen before. We finished the fencing for the beans and they are now happily climbing. Everything else is blooming and we got a much -needed soaking yesterday evening, so hopefully we’ll start seeing small vegetables soon. Canning season, here we come!

  10. Your garden looks so good and organized with the cattle panels and not a weed to be seen. Salt and vinegar controlled the weeds under my deer fence for a few days until it started raining again. Hopefully, the heavy rain and storms we expect today and tomorrow will help soften the ground so I can hammer the 30 tomato stakes deeper in the ground.

  11. Your garden looks so good. If I ever have time, I need to take a snap shot of my planters and send them to you cause everything is growing so well. I watched Austin put shelves in their linen closet and he did a beautiful job!! Also enjoyed seeing ya all being together on Memorial Day at Austin and Corie’s. Made me think of the many, many wonderful times I spent with my family. We all worked together in cleaning up, like Tipper said, many hands make light work of dishes, etc.:)

  12. Tipper your garden looks great! I agree your garden is growing by leaps and bounds. The cabbage Matt and Corie planted looks as if they are about to burst out of the netting! Isn’t it wonderful what how the rain can bring new life to everything!! I pray Granny’s garden does just as well. Have a wonderful day everyone!

  13. No astrological signs used here either. We go by the weather. When it has warmed up we plant, usually around the end of April. Sometimes there is a lot of rain and we have to plant between those days when there is no rain, and the soil is dry. While hoeing our tomatoes yesterday I found two golf ball sized ones and plenty of yellow flowers on them, the cukes, and squash. So far, the animals have stayed away from eating them. I put paper bags on some of my grapes a few weeks ago to keep the birds mainly away from eating them. I have done this before, and it works. It even scares away the deer. A couple of mornings last week we awoke to the temps in the 40’s and a couple of cool days. Your garden, Tipper, looks lush and green from all the rain. Hope you can get in the rest of your plants/seeds soon.

  14. All the recent rains up here in “Frost Bite Falls” have stunted the growth of my container plants. I replanted and made sure the drainage was adequate. The skeeters are the worst Ive seen in recent years.

  15. Lucky’s Birthday is Thursday so I made him your hash browns in the oven and biscuits with gravy. Will probably always make them in the oven now. He loved everything. I went to Food Lion and got me some black walnuts to make him your Arsh Potato Cake. it was very good. It made me think of all the times we kids cracked those walnuts on a rock next to the fireplace in the living room with mom’s coffee pot boiling on the fireplace. I am enjoying your book. I hope you have had a chance to cook something from mine. We love to garden to. We had a beautiful stand of Rattlesnake Beans out and some animal ate ALL of them clean to the ground. We had to replant them. By far they are the best and easiest to work up. I hope all are well at your house and you are so blessed to have your sweet Granny with you. I lost both of my parents and a brother in 2009. My dad loved to garden better than anyone I knew. God bless.

  16. We picked and ate our first cucumber last night! It was so good! It’s funny how a smelly or taste can transport you to a different era. Well, the Amish guys we hired are to start on our metal barn today, my husband is beyond excited! At 63 (and 47 yrs of workin) he can finally afford do it but it’s sick that it’s costin him double what it would’ve cost 5 yrs ago with his inflation, so now he has to do even more of it himself on the inside.

  17. Good morning Tipper. The only thing I haven’t planted, and still want to, is pumpkins and a few flowers. I have never planted pumpkins, and maybe it’s too late..but I have always wanted a little pumpkin patch. So, late or not, we are gonna dig up a little spot today—and it looks like a good day for planting by the signs. We are eating lettuce and onions like crazy from our garden, and we also have blooms on peppers and tomatoes. Hopefully all the baby wildlife will be kept out by our garden fence. I saw a tiny fawn bedded down right outside my kitchen window yesterday. I guess mama had left it there for the day—and we have a rabbit that has scraped out a place behind my daffodils and made a nest where she has baby bunnies. It’s wild kingdom around here. Lol.

  18. Up in the northern country, due to our short growing season, we mostly begin planting late May/early June and wrap up the gardens in October/first frost. I’m sure some plant by astrological signs, but winter and frosts pretty much direct planting and harvests. We get everything in the ground all at once and as soon as we can.

  19. I’m glad your garden is doing well. I hope Granny’s little garden does well also. she looked so pretty in the girl’s video and at the baby shower. Hope she continues to mend over the summer.

  20. Nothing to do with planting by the signs. It was your fault, at this time yesterday morning I was reading about cracklin’ cornbread, all day long I was craving cornbread and milk until I made me some cornbread (not cracklin’) last night to eat along with some green beans and a small baked ham. Yes, I finished up with a small bowl of cornbread and milk.

    1. I know what you mean. I kept thinking what would be a good substitute for cracklins. Your dinner sounds tasty too!

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