Wedding photo groom and bride

Today is our 30th wedding anniversary. It seems like we just got married yesterday. Time goes by so fast!

Our wedding was very simple. You can likely tell from the photo.

I can’t remember where we got The Deer Hunter’s suit, but my dress came from a discount outlet and cost about $100.

Papaw Tony bought our wedding cake from Ingles.

Our florist bill was less than $100. I want to say it was about $50 but I might be wrong.

Granny and I went to a friend’s house and gathered English ivy to use for decorations. You can see some of it on the candelabra behind us.

We only had finger foods and cake for the reception. I can’t remember but I think the girls I asked to serve bought the food or maybe Granny did. It was simple things like nuts, mints, and punch.

My friend Pam fixed my hair for me.

Pap’s bass player Perry took the photos. I think he charged us $60. As you can see he wasn’t a professional 🙂

My Uncle Ray married us. My cousin Gail played the piano and her sister Maria sung.

The Deer Hunter and I were so poor when we first started out. We hardly had any money and were too smart to spend what we did have on an elaborate wedding. Granny and Pap didn’t have much either so we didn’t expect them to foot the bill.

I was nervous on the big day, but mostly excited. The Deer Hunter said he was so nervous he could barely stand it. He laughs now that Papaw Tony told him right before the wedding that it wasn’t too late to back out if he wanted too 🙂

So many sweet memories of the day remain in my mind. From the love we shared to the friends and family who gathered to watch us tie the knot.

I got ready in the basement of the church and had to walk up the stairs with Pap before entering the sanctuary.

As we stopped on the landing to await the signal for us to continue on our march Pap told me “Tipper I’m real proud of you and we couldn’t have picked no one better than Matt for you to marry.”

All these years later I whole heartedly agree with Pap. I couldn’t have picked anyone better to spend my life with.


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  1. Happy belated Anniversary to you both! It looks and sounds like you had a beautiful wedding, full of love and special memories. You can’t put a price on that. Cheers to many more years! ❣️

  2. Congratulations! Ya’ll are just as good looking today as you were then. So wonderful to have the memories to look back on. Enjoy another 30! God Bless!

  3. HAPPY 30th Anniversary. I wish you at least 30 more! I do not see nervousness, I see wholesome love and respect and anticipation for the years ahead. Yes, God must have had His dear hand in this union and I am glad for the both of you.

  4. Yours sounds a lot like ours. My beluvded (Ernest T. Bassesquest) paid for ours out of pocket. Old friend had a beautiful dress that fit her perfectly; borrowed the candelabra from one of the churches; someone put on the reception in the church basement fellowship hall. 48 1/2 years ago and we’re still going strong.

  5. Happy Anniversary, Tipper and Matt, and what a beautiful picture! May God Bless you and your family and I pray you have many more wonderful years together!

  6. Congratulations to ya’ll.
    Tipper I see a lot of Corie in you in the wedding photo.
    The Good Lord sure has blessed the both of you from the beginning.

  7. Happy Anniversary!!!! My wife and I on August 21 have been married for 37 years. It also seems like yesterday. Our wedding was simple a cousin who owned a nursery supplied plants and flowers. Another cousin, who was a preacher, married us. My father-in-law and some of his brothers cooked a whole pig in the ground thus providing meat. Some of my wife’s aunts cooked all kinds of food. They thought they were having a family reunion instead of a wedding. We also got married at one of the aunts houses. It also didn’t costs us a lot money, either.

  8. Happy Anniversary Tipper and Matt! Tipper, you looked beautiful and Matt looked handsome. I Think the simple weddings were great!!!

  9. Sorry I’m late to the party. I think you may be on a record breaking day for comments? If not, I’m pretty sure it is near the top. Just goes to show a sample of how many lives you two are touching. What a great and marvelous thing! And as to 30 years … Well, Charlie “Tremendous” Jones would ask couples, “How long have you been married?” Whatever the answer, he would say, “OH, those are the hardest ones!” His fun way of saying, “It only gets better.” I’m sure you two have found that to be true, as have your commenters today. For some time now I have been repeatedly reminded of the line “If you wanta see, how true love could be, just look at us.” Y’all fit. Seems a bold statement but it is indeed what the original design was, and still is. May you be richly blessed on your 30th and each of those ahead.

  10. Happy anniversary to you and Matt. Your wedding seems so similar to my wedding. My husband and I were married in 1969, it was a very low budget affair but it was so lovely. My husband was the oldest of 6. He was in the Navy, 20 years old and I was 19. We had very little money and I was finishing LPN school. My mother-in-law made my wedding dress, my sisters-in-law brides maid and flower girls dresses, and my husband wore his dress blues. My grandparents bought our wedding cake and my grandmother bought me my flowers, daisies and babies breath. My mothers uncle owned a delicatessen so he provided the lunch reception as well as the hall where we held it. My mothers cousin had a nice camera and he liked to take pictures so he took our photos. Even though it was a low budget day it was memorable and even more special because my family gave us such wonderful gifts in what they contributed to our day. Unfortunately the day after our wedding my husband had to report to the Navy base, so no honeymoon and 8 months later he was sent to Viet Nam.
    However 55 years later we are still married and I cherish the memories of that day

  11. Congratulations! My husband and I got married by a Justice of Peace in the next state over. My parents were there and my best friend and her little boy. We paid for the license, couple of extra copies of the marriage license certificates, paid the JOP–whose first name was Tripoli and had simple wedding bands. We needed to replace a roof on his house at the time–so that was all we could spend. 32 years later and I say simple can be best!!!

  12. Happy Anniversary you two. Y’all are the perfect match. God has richly blessed you and may he bless you with many more. Tipper you haven’t changed a bit. A beautiful couple.

  13. Happy Anniversary. You both look amazing. I got married on Christmas Eve 1966 at a preacher’s house. I always regretted not getting married in our country church. So many things about that day I would change, but not many can say they have been married this long. I took my vows serious.

  14. Happy Anniversary! I hope your special day is filled with all of the special things that bring a smile to your face and to your heart! 🙂

  15. Congratulations to you both! May God bless you with many more happy years together. (I notice where the ribbon in your bouquet matches Hubby’s tie – very nice!)

  16. Happy anniversary. Hope you enjoy your day together and many more. Life goes by faster once you are grandparents.

  17. Tipper, you were a gorgeous and happy bride!! All of those money saving tricks that we did back then: My sis and I told our mom that we would wear the same dress if she let us buy it ( she was very thin and I was “curvier!”–Mom made the bridesmaid hats–I borrowed the hoop skirt, veil, and wore some old “glass slippers” and my sis did my hair. I also started the march up from the church basement. I turned to see my dad nervously light up a cigarette!! I never did know what he did with it.

  18. Oh my…what a sweet story. ❤️. I had the same type of wedding 42 years ago on a Tuesday at 2pm. You think y’all were young…I was 18 yr old and Butch was 19 yr old. We ran out of money to attend Oklahoma State University so we got married after our freshman year and just went to work. It was hard but so worth it. I wouldn’t change any of the hard times. We only had each other to depend on without any other options, so you just have to figure things out.
    Thank you for sharing your day with us. You are a handsome couple as my grandparents would say. ❤️

  19. Happy Anniversary! I love simple things & simple meaningful weddings. Ten years ago my bother spent $75,000 on his daughter’s wedding & then footed the bill for a lengthy Caribbean honeymoon. He had the money but I thought it was utterly ridiculous and if anyone had that kind of money they should give to the needy & poor rather than try to outdo other friends & put on “a show.” I’ve always lived simple & struggled to raise my children by myself but gave to the poor even if it was a dollar. Folks need to get their priories straight, in my opinion. Tipper, you looked beautiful on your wedding day & Matt looked so handsome. Y’all were blessed to have found each other.

  20. My bride and I have been married for 63 years. We said our vows in her parents’ living room with both sets of parents in attendance and a ‘best’ man and ‘bridesmaid’ there to sign the certificate. A neighbor, who was a Justice of the Peace, handled the brief service. We spent no money on a wedding.

    Seems to have worked.

  21. Happy 30th Anniversary! God has truly blessed your family through these years! Thank you for all the hard work you put in to the Blind pig and the acorn! My wife and I also enjoy watching Celebrating Appalachia as well! May God continue to bless your growing family!

  22. Happy Anniversary! 30 years is really an accomplishment these days. So glad y’all were and are so well-suited to one another.

  23. Happy anniversary!
    Sweet memories! Sounds like my story except I made my dress. My Mom paid someone to cover many tiny buttons for the back of the dress and the bottom of the sleeves. In October we will be married 58 years. We are so blessed.
    May you have many more blessed years.

  24. Happy Anniversary to you both! You are both well suited to each other it seems, my husband and it had out 32 in February doesn’t time go quickly especially with the right person beside you. Blessings for many more years ahead.

  25. Happy Happy Anniversary!! I love getting your emails and watching your you tube. Your happiness and humbleness certainly comes thru your writing and your videos. Its such a delight to see and listen to.

    1. Oh, Lorraine, I so agree! I’m old enough to be Tipper’s mother, but she’s so dear and has such an “old soul” that if we lived closer, she could be one of my best friends! I feel lucky and blessed to have found her channel a year ago. It’s my favorite!!

  26. Happy, happy anniversary to a wonderful couple!! God has richly blessed you in your thirty years together. Love and companionship like yours is a true gift from our Heavenly Father. I pray you have many more years together!

  27. Happy 30th anniversary and may it be a blessed one!
    October 20th will be our 50th! I don’t even feel like I should be 50! The wings of time beat way too fast!

  28. Congratulations on your 30th anniversary blessed by God. Our wedding was so very simple compared to yours & Matts. Counting us, there were 10 people there, I made my dress (a simple white dress with a lace bolero type top). I paid for our wedding bands…$80 each. I remember my husband’s dad slipped him a $20 bill and told him to take me somewhere special for a meal. Boy, you can’t get a “special meal”
    for $20 these days (that was 59 years ago). We didn’t go on a honeymoon but did go to a neighboring large town to go out to eat. He passed away before we made it to 60 years married. May God bless you & your marriage as you approach 60 years together!

  29. You both look so happy and not one bit nervous. Your wedding couldn’t have been more beautiful if it had cost thousands of dollars. Happy Anniversary! My friend told her daughter she would give her twenty thousand dollars for a down payment on a house or pay for an elaborate wedding she was planning. She chose the wedding and was divorced in a few years with nothing to show except some photos and a stored dress.

  30. Morning everyone. Tipper and Matt, congratulations on your anniversary. I agree with you on not going crazy on the wedding. My deceased husband had 6 sisters and brothers. They paid for most everything. I also had no say in anything because of that. I think it might be better to not get in debt for a wedding. Save for a house. Makes way more sense to me. It is nice to see a family that works together, not against each others dreams and plans. I am very happy for you. Anna from Arkansas. Also. You made and make a beautiful couple.

  31. HAPPY 30th ANNIVERSARY Matt & Tipper!! A fairytale story of Prince meets Princess and live happily ever after – he becoming her King & she his Queen. A beautiful story – a beautiful couple – a beautiful family. Have a wonderful day, and may the Lord bless you both with many more years of doing life together. You both are an inspiration and example for all.

  32. Happy Anniversary to both of you. Looks to me you both made a good choice. Hope you make the best of the day , one you’ll remember always.

  33. We had our 44th anniversary on June 12. We got married after knowing each other less than 2 months and 2 weeks of that time he was at Camp Shelby, Mississippi doing annual training with the National Guard. The wedding was in my living room, in front of the fireplace. His mom baked the cake and his aunt brought gladiolas (gladioli?) from the nursery she owned. My mom and aunt made little mints in bell shaped molds and served mixed nuts and punch, too. My not-quite-yet mother-in-law used the phone in my room to call her son who was in Germany, in the Air Force. I heard her tell him to talk some sense into his brother before it was too late. It stung at the time, but I understand now. Our honeymoon was supposed to be in Gatlinburg but the van kept overheating so we stopped in Knoxville. Our first day as husband and wife we went to the Knoxville Zoo. Every bit of it all was spur of the moment and on a shoestring budget and I couldn’t have blamed anyone for doubting it would last. But we were both kids of parents who had been through multiple divorces and I think determination to be different has played a part in getting us this far. Big love is there, but so is a dogged stubbornness. I feel like that’s a combination that’s hard to beat.

  34. Happy Anniversary! Congratulations on 30 years! My parents had been married for 42 years when my Dad passed away in 2009. They didn’t have a formal wedding at all. It was just them, the pastor and 2 witnesses that they didn’t even know. They went to Ringgold, GA because it didn’t take as long to get the blood test and license as it did in TN back then. There were some tough times, but I guarantee there marriage was just as strong as anyone who paid thousands for a wedding!

  35. Happy 30th Anniversary to both of you. You both have been blessed with a beautiful family. I know you are enjoying those precious Grandbabies. I hope you and Matt are blessed with many more wonderful years together. Enjoy every moment. Time goes by so fast. We will celebrate 47 years September 10th.

  36. Happy Anniversary!!! What a handsome bride and groom! Tipper, your dress and bridal bouquet were absolutely beautiful … simple, yet so elegant. As Leonardo da Vinci once said, “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” You and Matt nailed it!

  37. Happy 30th Anniversary Matt and Tipper!
    I can tell by the look in your eyes that you probably still love each other more today than you did that day. it’s just a deeper different kind of love.

  38. Happy Anniversary! Next month my wife and I will celebrate number 60. We borrowed 250 dollars from the bank to pay $130 for the first and last month’s rent on an apartment and used the rest for the wedding. Friends and family took care of a lot of the costs. We were married in our church and I gave the pastor and the youth minister $5 each. For the ‘honeymoon’ I took one day off from work and we drove to the mountains to see water falls. I don’t know what my wife paid for her dress but she still has it. Every time we move it has to go along with us.

  39. Congratulations!! Wishing you and Matt a most wonderful anniversary and hopes for another 30! God bless you both!

  40. Congratulations and Happy 30th Anniversary! It’s clear that the love you both have for each other then (and now) far outweighs all of the luxuries and “fancy things” in life–and there ain’t a thing wrong with that! A simple wedding is still a wedding and it’s the union of the couple that matters beyond all the fancy things…they’re just material and won’t last the same as love. When you really love someone, you’re just happy to be with them and will forever cherish all of the good times and learn to look back and appreciate the bad times and challenges (and phony truck selling on the trade line, lol) and build more love from those shared experiences! You guys are setting a good example for your children, grandchildren, and even nieces and nephews on how a relationship works. Here’s to many, many more years for you and Matt!

  41. Happy 30th Anniversary! May the Lord continue to bless you two with many more happy years of life together.

  42. Congratulations to you and Matt, Tipper! 30 years; Wow! Thanks for sharing your wedding day with us; may you enjoy many, many more. Great memory • Great pic ….

  43. Happy 30th anniversary! Tipper, I reckon your Pap was “right on.” From down under, all the best and our God’s blessings for the future.

  44. Happy Anniversary. yalls wedding sounds alot like ours. We didn’t have any money either, but it has lasted 51 years.

  45. Happy Anniversary and many more to come.
    my husband and I love watching you and your family.
    we have been married 37 years.
    we also didn’t have a lot of money to start out. But we made it work and been thorough a lot together, especially when I had our children, now they are 38 and 34 years old.

  46. Boy do I relate to this. When Darla and I got married we had a very simple wedding. I can’t remember where she got her dress, but it certainly wasn’t expensive. Most likely it was borrowed from someone in the family. I just wore on of my suits. We spent less than 350 dollars for her and my wedding rings. We got a friend to take pictures for us, other friends sang and played the piano. We had no wedding party and no reception. Whole thing together was probably less than 500.00. And that didn’t bother either of us in the slightest. The last I checked, we are just as married as anyone who spent 50,000. We didn’t have it to spend, so it was either go cheap or don’t get married at all. All we really cared about was we were together. Come to think about it, I kind of feel the same way 37 years later. Happy anniversary Tipper and Matt.

  47. Happy 30th anniversary!!! You and Matt were truly made for each other! May God continue to bless you both with many more happy, healthy, loving and fun years together!

  48. Happy Anniversary and many more. Thanks for sharing your life in the Appalachian mountains with us. May God bless you with a long and happy life.

  49. Happy Anniversary to two special people. 30 years of marriage looks good on you. I love the love you share for each other and your love for family and the Lord.

  50. Happy anniversary! my hubby and I are on year 38.
    he’s my very best friend. he watches y’all’s videos with me. he had a stroke a few months back. mainstream television is very hard for him to follow. his three favorite channels are you and Matt, your girls and Megan and Andy at true grit.
    sorry, off subject.
    we were married at JP’s office, matching Western shirts we had received from his Mom for Christmas, they were hideous but in high fashion in late 1985
    ours was a grand total of $50, marriage license and our rings.
    wishing you both many more years of happiness!

  51. Happy Anniversary I loved your wedding story and you don’t have to have a big wedding for it to be beautiful. Love the picture of you two What God Has Joined Together. I thank you both for you always sharing your Love for God and family. I feel like we all are family.

  52. Congratulations and happy anniversary. You don’t hear of many marriages lasting thirty years today. You look beautiful and Matt handsome. My husband and I just celebrated 56 years of marriage June 22. We were nervous 19-year-olds ready to be together for the rest of our lives after dating for three years. God has blessed our lives with three children, four grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. I hope you and Matt have at least thirty more years of marriage. God is good.

  53. Happy Anniversary to you both! Thank you for sharing this with us. While it may have been a simple affair it sounds like a day filled with love and cherished memories. That’s a beautiful photo of two young people excitedly looking to the future.

  54. You look stunning and Matt looks darn handsome! we didn’t spend money on ceremony, wanting to concentrate on our home life. Blessings for many more happy years ahead for your beautiful family

  55. You and the Deer Hunter look young and happy. Now you’re 30 years older and happy. Happy Anniversary Matt and Tipper!

  56. Happy anniversary.
    It’s refreshing and inspiring to see 2 people who still love and appreciate each other after all those years .
    Beautiful couple too .
    God bless you both .

  57. Congratulations to you both! You look just beautiful and so very happy. I really enjoy your channel so much because of the love you show each other, and just how comfortable you are together. It shows in every video you do. My very own wedding was much like yours. We were so poor when we got married, but I felt like the richest girl in the world—and I still do 43 years later. Have a wonderful day and year ahead!!♥️♥️

  58. Y’all were a beautiful couple. Sometimes the simplest Weddington are the most beautiful. I would love to hear the story of how y’all met. Happy anniversary!

  59. Tipper and Matt, CONGRATULATIONS! HAPPY 30th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY!!! to you both. Your wedding photo is absolutely lovely. May the Lord grant you both many, many more years to come. God bless you both.

  60. What a wonderful life you and Matt have created together and the story continues as you watch your girls become mothers to your grandsons. You had the same simple kind of wedding that used to be the norm back in the day, without an elaborate reception with full course dinners and dancing. Best wishes for a happy celebration of love and life shared!

  61. Happy Anniversary! You certain proved that it didn’t take an expensive wedding to make a happy and successful marriage. You and Matt are one of the lucky ones. Congratulations! Enjoy your day! Eat a popsicle!

  62. My goodness, Tipper, it’s 7:30 am and the comments are already piled high!!! Congratulations on your 30th Wedding Anniversary! You and Matt were just two fresh faced younguns in that pretty photograph you shared! I enjoyed every detail you shared especially Pap telling you before the ceremony he thought you had picked a winner and keeper-which apparently you and Matt both did!!! It’s not easy being married 30 years-even if you’re dang nice and sweet as sugar! There’s times in between those years ( that at least in my home) would curl your toenails and make you run for the hills!!! But here’s to the sticking in there and making it through. When people ask why marriages don’t last today, I think it’s because people don’t take it as seriously as they should. It’s not easy and so here’s to all the ones who stay strong and stick a marriage out. It’s really something wonderful dear Tipper and Matt to be together and still in love after 30 years! I wish you cake, a wonderful dinner and a romantic evening!!! Congratulations Tipper and Matt! It’s certainly a day of celebration and reflection as we see what your love and commitment have made through the years- beautiful daughters, sweet grandsons and a home filled with love and blessings from above!!!! I pray and wish you every happiness on your big day!!!

  63. Happy Anniversary!! You were very wise not to spend a fortune on a wedding and to make it simple instead. And you and Matt are still very wise to this day 🙂 Hope you have a great day! Blessings to you and your entire family.

  64. Congratulations. I married my high school sweetheart 60 years ago in Greensboro, NC. We had our reception in the basement of the church with cake, mints and peanuts. We have three kids and now have thirteen grandchildren. Our 28 year old grandson is getting married next May. Pray we will be blessed with our first great grandchild. Blessings to you all. I read your blog everyday.

  65. Happy Anniversary!

    I believe the money should be used for the marriage, not for the wedding day. We also only spent maybe $1,000 for our wedding. Although, we got married in January and had our wedding in June. Long story.

    I hope ya’ll have many more wonderful years together.

  66. Congratulations to you and Matt! God has certainly blessed your life and you both have blessed so many others. Those you know and the many who only know you through your blog and Celebrating Appalachia videos! Wishing you many more years together! ❤️

  67. Happy 30th Anniversary to you and Matt! Such sweet memories of that day, especially the one of you and your dad walking up the steps! Thank you for sharing these memories and picture. Hope you have a wonderful day celebrating 30 years of marriage!

  68. Happy 30th Anniversary, Matt and Tipper. I just want to say that the photograph says it all: God, commitment, happiness, togetherness, the joy of family, friends and community who joyfully gave you this celebration of marriage. Honestly, that is one of the most beautiful photographs I have ever seen.

  69. Congratulations. Mine and my wife’s wedding was a very simple and cheap church wedding. Our parents could only give us their blessings, they did not have money to spend or give to us. My wife worked to buy her wedding dress and the bridesmaids dresses were homemade. The ivy used to decorate the church grew wild at an old home place. The cake was made by a family friend. I worked 60-65 hours 5 1/2 days a week to make enough money for a down payment on a single wide mobile home. After spending our wedding night at a motel in Greenville, SC we went to Chimney Rock for about half a day. We didn’t have money to buy tickets to go up on the rock, then we came back to our home and went back to work on Tuesday. I feel shameful of this but it is the truth, we started out on Tuesday morning with only $10 to our name until we got our paychecks on Thursday which were not very much. Mine was about $130 for a 55 hour work week. In our lifetime together our money went into one joint bank account and paying our bills first came before anything was spent on our enjoyment. We managed to be completely debt free when she retired.

    I often think of this, we were married almost 47 years when my wife died but counting the time we “ we went together” it was close to 50 years. This year October 26 would be our 50th anniversary. I had planned for many years on trying to do or give her something special for this anniversary. Now it will not happened, I will just go and sit by her grave and cry. She was 19 and I was 20 when we married. She was the only one I ever wanted, even now after her death, I can still picture no one else in my life.

    Tipper, I apologize if this seems like I am trying to take away from yours and Matt’s special day. This memory of her is something I live with every day and often cry about. I often feel like living without her is more of a burden than a joy.

  70. Happy anniversary!!!! You both look wonderful in your photo! Your wedding is how it’s suppose to be with family and friends each pitching in to help you both start on your road to a life built together.
    God bless you both as you continue your lovely life together!!

  71. Wishing you both a Blessed and Happy Anniversary and many, many more! My husband and I had an outdoor wedding with a total cost of less than $100. I walked along the creek to gather little flowers for the flower girl to toss down. We had an outdoor wedding in my parents front yard between the 2 maple trees I used to climb in as a child. Less than 50 in attendance. I remember begging my mom to spend the extra $10 for the arch rental at the florist for us to stand under. It’s not about the amount of money spent on the ceremony and we are going on year number 48.

  72. There is nothing in the whole world more exciting than sharing life with the person who can’t stop loving and who loves you back so well. Happy Anniversary Tipper & Deer hunter!

  73. You were so smart not to go into debt to throw an elaborate party. We had 11, including us, at our wedding, and we’ve never been anything but happy with that decision. Also, thanks for the reminder. Our anniversary is in a few days (38), and we usually forget until a few days late. Once, I was filling out a form and had to ask my MIL what our wedding date was.

  74. You are both blessed. I don’t think it is the size or cost of the wedding, but the love and faith that holds a marriage together. From the outside looking in, at a snippet of your life, you have a strong faith and lots of love. Congratulations

  75. Ohhhhhhh, your description of your wedding photo is EXACTLY what I saw, even before I read your description. YES< he was nervous and YES< you were excited. Glory! And the word that came to my mind seeing the two of you KIDS standing there is JOY! I'm so glad for you; your commitment to each other you share so freely and naturally is a GREAT witness to God's plan. And your family, those that came before you and those you have multiplied are EXACTLY what God has in mind. You're beautiful! Congratulations!

  76. Happy Anniversary! May the Lord bless you both with many more happy and healthy years together. Enjoy your day and enjoy all those memories!

    1. There you go Tipper! I just got to work this morning and read your post,and now you made me cry!
      Happy Anniversary!

  77. Such sweet memories and a beautiful photo of a happy couple. You must be thankful for all that has been shared over the years. Happy Anniversary to both of you.

  78. Happy Anniversary to you both! May God bless you with many more wonderful years together.
    Blessings, love, peace and joy from Ohio.

  79. Happy Anniversary and may God bless you with many more. Tipper, you look beautiful in your wedding gown and Matt looks handsome. You two were meant for each other and I enjoy watching you both on YouTube and love hearing all about the life there. You have such a wonderful family, and I just love watching your mother as well. She is so adorable.

  80. Happy Anniversary!
    Look how God has blessed you both. Two wonderful children and grandboys.
    You were a sweet couple then and still are.
    Hope you have 30 plus more.

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