collage of photos of family

Here’s the first line up of winners from the Thankful November giveaways. If you see your name please send your mailing address to me at blindpigandtheacorn @

The winner of It’s Not My Mountain Anymore is Betty Davis who said: “My sister’s were able to meet my deceased Mom’s lifelong friend. I sent family pictures for them to share. I did not include (last days) pictures because I didn’t want to upset her friend, but thought memories of the old days would be better. My wise sister said that pictures help warm the hearts of generations to come. I have always wondered how it would feel to visit the old home place in disrepair and covered with vines and weeds, like Katie and Corie’s walking video showed. I would think it would be sad.”

The winner of Dorie Woman of the Mountains is Fred Hill who said: “Tipper, I look forward to your posts each day. It brings back precious memories of my growing up on a cotton farm in the hills of Alabama.”

The winner of Log Cabins of the Smokies is Gail who said: “We love visiting log cabins and have volunteered many years at Hart Square Village near Hickory. Dr. Hart filled all those cabins with wonderful artifacts of the period.”

The winner of The Doll Maker is Brooke who said: “Sounds like a good one!”

green pumpkin

Today’s Thankful November giveaway is one of Chatter’s crocheted pumpkins (it’s about 5 inches wide). Leave a comment on this post to be entered. *Giveaway ends November 13, 2022.

Last night’s video: What’s For Supper? Soup Beans, Cornbread, Turnip Greens, Turnips, & Carrot Cake!

*There will be no post on the blog this Friday November 11, 2022. Due to internet changes I am having to switch out the furnishings here on the blog. Hopefully all will go smoothly and I’ll be back up and running by Saturday November 12. My Friday reading video will publish as usual.

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  1. I won one of the adorable, crocheted pumpkins last year. My 4-year-old grandson sleeps with it when he spends the night at my house. It is one of his special “loveys.” Thank you again.

  2. I love the color of the pumpkin. Your girls are so talented and I know you and Matt must be very proud of them. I look forward to your posts and videos.

  3. Congratulations to all the winners!! Chitter and Chatter are so talented in many ways! Love the pumpkin! Blessings!!

  4. Is that not the sweetest pumpkin! Love it!
    Congratulations to all the winners. Happy reading to them all!

  5. Congratulations to all the winners!! I have a granddaughter who is nine now and I’ve never seen a child love a pumpkin like she does. Ever since she was big enough to hold one in her lap whether it be a real one or the ones I store from year to year, she has to hug them, has names for them also. When it’s time to store the artificial ones, she has to give them a goodbye hug. It’s so precious!!

  6. Aw what a cute pumpkin! Granny loved to crochet but lived an hour away so I didn’t get a chance to learn from her, instead a friend taught me. I’m not very good at it though, I can make an afghan using basic stitches and that’s about it. I need to dig my hooks out and get back into it before I forget how to do even that much lol

  7. Hi Tipper -I found your YouTube channel and blog a little over a year ago and have not missed a day since. Reading your blog is like a letter from home. Chatter’s pumpkin is adorable and even sweeter because she made it. I so enjoy your family and thanks for sharing them. Everyone take care

  8. Like so many others, your blog reminds me of my childhood growing up in eastern Kentucky. Although we don’t live in Ky any longer, we are passing traditions to our children. I esp. enjoy your traditional stories and posts about words.

    Mary Reid

  9. I love crocheted items and I’d give a “purty” if I had learned how to do that when I was younger and my hands and fingers were more nimble.

  10. Corrie’s pumpkin is so cute. You have to have many Proud Momma Moments, from your girls’ talents, to their beauty but most of all of their hearts for Jesus☺️ Thankful for your blog today, to set the tone far away from election results!

    Happy fall day from East Central Illinois

  11. Congratulations to all the winners! Love the pumpkin! I love that Corie learned this from Granny. Take care and God bless ❣️

    1. I love reading your list everyday. It brings out the days if my childhood when family meant everything. I am a anxious for your Cook book. I watch and try to accomplish your wonderful recipes all the time. I have not been able to order any soap as it sells out fast . Please keep posting your videos they are truly amazing

  12. I love your website. I watch you on YouTube all the time and just realized you have this website!! Guess I’m a slow learner lol. Love you Tipper.

  13. Corie’s pumpkin is so cute! Such a blessing to have the skill to make your own decorations for each season and holiday.

  14. I’ve read those books but congratulations to all the winners I’m sure you will enjoy reading them.
    I must say those soup beans looked so delicious to me!! I cook them in a slow cooker. I don’t have a instapot, but I do have a pressure cooker just haven’t used it for soup beans. Beans and cornbread are one of my favorites!!

  15. You had my mouth watering last night for turnip greens. That pumpkin looks interesting. Did she have a pattern or just wing it?

  16. Congratulations to all the winners of the wonderful books you selected! Looking forward to seeing who else wins a blessing this month. Corie’s pumpkin is very pretty! Thank you, Tipper for all you give each and every day by just sharing with us all your knowledge and love for the Appalachia! You are a blessing to us all!

  17. Congratulations to all the winners!! Enjoy!!! Love the color of the crochet pumpkin… Gorgeous!! Good luck with the internet fixing, Tipper. Hopefully all goes well with it.

  18. Love the ingenuity and craftsmanship of so many folks that live or grew up in Appalachia. So many talented. resourceful, and skilled friends live amidst us in our many small communities. I still enjoy so many items I’ve accumulated over time, in particular, quilts and furniture. In my own home community is a skilled and talented pocket knive maker; his specialty is a “crooked knife” or a curved knife sought after by many collectors. To see the continuance of the skills, talents, and also the diverse products is heartwarming. All are treasures and so, so glad “Chitter and Chatter” are part of that continuing movement. Thanks for your role in perpetuating our history.

  19. I love seeing you all on YouTube. Your family is just wonderful & I love learning about your beautiful, Appalachia.

  20. Congratulations to all the winners! What a lovely pumpkin! I am a beginner crocheter, a skill my grandmother tried to teach me but I didn’t pick it up until very recently, she’d be so tickled to know I’m almost done with a sweater for my daughter for Christmas!

  21. Tipper , you and Matt have a very talented and caring family, who, through all the wonderful crafts and musical creations that you share with us, bring many joys to our souls. And your Pap’s beautiful tenor still rings true.

  22. I always enjoy seeing the creations of your children, and reading or hearing of their latest ventures. It seems the entire family has been teaching them, including Granny. They have sure taken great advantage in learning from those around them. So multitalented, I do believe they can do anything they set their mind to.

  23. Very pretty. LOVE the cinnamon stick as the stem of a pumpkin, so creative. I can almost smell the picture. The color is so pretty too. Chatter is so talented.

  24. Beautiful pumpkin! I love the color. I’m so thankful for your blog and your channel. We look forward to your videos every day.

  25. Every day I visit your blog, Tipper, I know in my heart you’re a winner and I’m a winner who’s enriched for simply dropping by to see what you have shaking!!! You’re a very interesting person with lots of interesting ideas I spend all day sometimes whirling around in my hairy dome…YOURE one cool cat in my opinion and my opinions are boss!!! Lol

  26. YEAH for the winners….enjoy! That is a beautiful pumpkin, she is so talented. Love this blog and group of readers, so much that I get my coffee ready, go to work, and read as soon as I sit down at my desk. Everyone, have an AWESOME day. Read you tomorrow!

  27. Thankful this November day for knowing I will have some uplifting thoughts, good cooking videos,good music, and interesting story reading coming from you and your family. Again thanks so much!

  28. Your posts are part of my morning reading. The stories are uplifting and many times they spark a memory of things gone by.

  29. Chatter’s pumpkin is lovely.
    The weather here is changing n Lake Michigan. We recently have had two “Gales of November” since mid October. I love observing the moods of the lake, when and if I leave the house, as we cannot go anywhere without seeing the lake as we live on a peninsula which juts out into Lake Michigan. It’s a beautiful place to have retired.

  30. My goodness, you are so Blessed in so many ways from all members of your family. Chitter and Chatter, are the students, and one day will be the teachers. They have so many memories to rely on and will have no shortage of lessons they learned from you. Looking forward to your Friday reading and your faithful Blog. God Bless

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