Old Thanksgiving Postcard

Today as all of us are eating good food and fellowshipping one with another I’ll be thinking of all the things I have to be thankful for.

Blind Pig Readers are at the top of my thankful list so you’ll be one of the things I study on.

I am truly grateful for each of you who stop by for a daily dose of Appalachia. Your visits and comments make me more determined to continue my endeavor of celebrating and preserving the rich culture and heritage of Appalachia AND they enrich the very life I’m living each day.

I wish each of you a day full of blessings!!

Happy Thanksgiving from the whole Blind Pig Gang! And as Pap used to say “Don’t eat too much or you’ll bust your belly.”

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  1. I so hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. It is so nice to visit with family and catch up, but still feeling the loss of family members that you miss so much. The Blind Pig and its readers are one of many things I am thankful for, and we feel like Tipper’s family is part of our family too.

  2. Thankful for you and your family, Tipper! I enjoy getting a glimpse into your life and your way of thinking and that you all are good stewards of our Earth. I learn so much from you, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Started coming here to see what Tipper was up to for the day and ended up enjoying reading the comments of all the others as well. Thanks Tipper for bringing us all to the table together here to share traditions daily

  4. Happy Thanksgiving Tipper and family!
    I get my daily dose of Celebrating Appalachia for about 1 year now and really enjoy immensely. I have made some of your recipes and my husband and I really enjoyed them. I look forward every day to see your channel.
    Keep it up, you are great! One of my favorite recipe is the delicious biscuit recipe that you use heavy cream. They are fantastic! I will never use another recipe again. God bless you and your family abundantly. Hilary Hite

  5. Happy Thanksgiving to you and all your family Tipper!! I also want to wish everyone of the BP&A gang a blessed Thanksgiving also. All of you feel like a second family to me. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!

  6. Happy Thanksgiving …. enjoy your time with family and also the good food! Enjoy your blog and constantly learning new things. Be Well!

  7. Happy Thanksgiving y’all! I’m thankful to you for writing this blog and making all the awesome YouTube videos for us to enjoy. Thank you and have a blessed day!

  8. Happy Thanksgiving Tipper & family. I hope your holidays are filled with joy, family, and love. Time to get out the stretchy pants!! LOL

  9. Hello Tipper and Family ~ Happy Thanksgiving to you and your Family from a Canadian fan.
    We had our Thanksgiving back in October.
    Personally I think I they should be on or closer to the same date – but I guess it’s a historical difference.
    Take care and enjoy your day.
    Cheers – Jane B

  10. Yall have been a wonderful part of my life for what seems like always. Yall feel like family! I’m thankful for you and all the Blind Pig folks!

  11. Happy Thanksgiving, Tipper and crew! I’m so thankful for Blind Pig for bringing a little taste of home to me every day!

  12. Happy Thanksgiving Tipper to you, your family and all the families on Blind Pig and the Acorn!
    Blessing for a happy, healthy, and safe travels for all those traveling? Eat well and always give God thanks everyday!

  13. Happy Thanksgiving to all! One of the many things I’m thankful for is Blind Pig and Acorn. God blesses us in so many ways.

  14. Tipper Happy Thanksgiving to you and your whole family. Thanks for having your blog and for sharing your lives with us all.
    God Bless

  15. I am very grateful for you and your family. You all are a blessing to me! Happy Thanksgiving. Take care and God bless ❣️

  16. Happy Thanksgiving to you Tipper, your family, and all those who read The Blind Pig and Acorn!! May God bless you all!!!

  17. Dear Tipper, I am thankful for you, your family, and your work to preserve Appalachian history and culture. Thank you so much, and have a blessed Thanksgiving.

  18. We’re all very thankful for you and your family as well. You all make our days a little richer and often add some laughs as well. Happy Thanksgiving.

  19. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone. I am blessed daily by the Blind Pig and the Acorn folks. I love reading everyone else’s comments and stories, you all have brought so much positivity into my life. I’m going to try not to bust my belly. Enjoy the day!

  20. Happy Thanksgiving! God bless you and yours! I have really enjoyed watching your videos on You tube on my television since last spring around the time of the wedding and all though the summer. I am so glad to find your blog as well as I can’t comment on the television or don’t know how to get it to subscribe there. All of your content is wonderful. Some of the sayings remind me so much of my father who died in February. I know he and my mother are with the Lord and it has still been a year of firsts without both of them now. Thank you for sharing your story. I do love your mountains even though I live on the coast. Both are special to me.

  21. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your’n and the whole Blind Pig Family. [ At least I think of all your readers and commenters as family} Can you say, “Thirty-three tom turkeys tripping trepidly through the thistles.”?

      1. At Halloween I had kids (and parents) trying to say, “I wish wicked witches would cease wishing their wicked wishes” and “Which wicked witch wished which wicked wish?”.

  22. Tipper, I hope you & your precious family have a wonderful Thanksgiving! I am thankful for my family & good health & YOU & your family & all the Blind Pig & the Acorn readers! Hope all the readers have a safe, healthy & Happy Thanksgiving!

  23. Hope each of you Acorns has a blessed Thanksgiving and especially the Pressley and the Wilson families, immediate and extended. May each and every one of you feel the Lord smile on you.

  24. Yesterday I stopped at the corner grocery & it was a nightmare rather than a pleasureable experience. The snowbirds with offspring of years gone by plus…other migratory ‘birds’ were circling.
    I had stopped in for a handful of items that had been overlooked to add to the weekend’s meals. Felt myself blessed as I was leaving the parking lot but what hit home was a man standing with a cardboard sign and the women & children huddled togather. Sign said they were newly homeless. But I had no cash, no real food to be of use to them. Three cans & a couple boxes I had just obtained.

    This morning, I awoke with determination to put a single bill, probably $20 aside each month as the Lord blesses me and next year use to buy grocery store gift cards so I can help those in need like that family. Small item to carry during the week prior to Thanksgiving & Christmas. My house of faith also has a food pantry so if people of need don’t cross my path, any remaining cards can go there. Reserves will be depleted by first of year but needs won’t be.

    I am not so old but history books tell of the great depression & I fear such a time is coming again.

    Today, I am grateful for the family I have left. For my health & theirs. Warm hearth, running vehicle so I have no need to call on others and sound mind. These are just a few of the blessings.

  25. We are blessed to have you Tipper and your family in our lives. You make us remember why God put us here. Blessings to you and your family

  26. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!! This has been a challenging year for me, but I always look to the Lord and know that the events of my future have been sifted by His hands before I ever experience them. He goes before me! I have so much to be thankful for!

    Thank you from my heart for all you do to remind us of our wonderful southern Appalachian culture. My husband and I enjoy your blog and channel so much, even though he STILL can’t get “The Blind Pig and the Acorn” to roll off his tongue. It always comes out “Blind Pig in a Poke”!!!


  27. We all have so much to be thankful for. Today, let’s all enjoy family, friends and good good, but also live thankfully every day.

  28. Thanks for my DAILY dose of Blind Pig…I don’t have room to list all of the Blessings and things to be thankful for. Beginning with my good health…yes, new knees, cataract and ALL of the other things that go with getting ‘elderly’…lol. However, God has taken me through and will in the future, of that I am assured. So, Happy Thanksgiving to you and the girls and the Deer Hunter and for sure Granny. Say hello to her for me, and one day it would be awesome to actually meet her….God Bless

  29. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I’ve been with you for a lot of years, and look forward to your posts every day.

  30. Happy Thanksgiving, Tipper, and your whole family too! I am thankful for your blog as it is the highlight of my day! Thank you for making even the dreariest day a “sunny” day in the heart and I get to pondering on the morning blog all day! It’s a very good thing as my favorite hostess Martha Stewart would say!!! Also be sure to rub your head and pat your belly at the same time then reverse it… that’s what my grandpa would get us kids to do and he got a really big kick out of it! It’s always a great thrill to see children being cute and he knew the good stuff!!!

  31. Happy Thanksgiving to yall!
    May your stuffin be tasty
    May your turkey be plump
    May your taters and gravy
    Have nary a lump
    May your dumplins be delicious
    And your pies take the prize
    And may your Thanksgiving dinner
    Stay off of your thighs!

  32. A very blessed and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones. I am thankful for your work and dedication in producing the Blind Pig and the Acorn.

  33. I’m thankful for you, Tipper, and your wonderful family, doing what you do online. In such a strange world as today, y’alls blogs and videos are an oasis of normalcy, a breath of fresh sweet mountain air.

  34. I am very thankful for the Blind Pig and the Acorn . Each morning after my Bible reading I jump in to see what you’ve posted for that day. I am never disappointed! I enjoy everything I read and all the songs and music you share. Have a Blessed Thanksgiving ♡

  35. Happy Thanksgiving! May the Lord shine brightly on you and your family’s day of thankfulness! My daddy always said ” bust your belly”.

  36. I would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Tipper, I am especially thankful for you and the BP&A. I hope each of you can spend time with your family. I ask everyone to take a few minutes to remember and honor the family members or friends that are no longer with us. In the past I would be so excited today I could hardly stand it, bird (quail) and rabbit hunting seasons opened today in SC. Many of the men of the family would hunt together in the morning while the women would finish cooking the Thanksgiving dinner.

  37. Tipper, for me this has been a year to be thankful for things I never imagined! Due to changes in my life I’m reminded to be thankful for things that aren’t as well as things that are. I’ve always been an optimist and this year or so has made that even more important. I have new family members and add that to the Blind Pug family and life goes on. This time yesterday I thought I would be alone today because of flu but as it has turned out I’m up early finishing sweet rolls to join them a couple hours away. You help so many by sharing your family. This is definitely something to be thankful for. You are a positive daily reminder of the good things in life and I say Thank You for sharing your family’s life with the world. Happy Thanksgiving to all.

  38. Happy Thanksgiving to you, your family, and all the Blind Pig readers. I have come to think of you all as friends and family and I enjoy reading your thoughts on every post.

  39. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
    Thanks for sharing and bringing so much joy through your blog & videos. Take care!

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