Man sitting in truck

“I call shotgun” is a phrase I grew up saying and I still hear folks say it today. The girls used to scream “I call shotgun” as they ran to the car when we were going somewhere when they were young.

To us the phrase means getting to ride up front with whoever is driving.

The book Why You Say It written by Webb Garrison says the phrase was started in the days of the wild west when a person with a shotgun rode in the wagon usually beside the driver to keep his eyes out for trouble.

Garrison goes on to say if someone asks you to ride shotgun on a project they’re asking you to be on the look out for trouble. I’ve only heard the phrase used in reference to riding in the front seat.

If you’re like me you’ve been shocked by the number of damaged vehicles left in the wake of hurricane Helene. Every video I’ve watched shows cars and trucks tossed here and there like forgotten toys.

Please continue to pray for the storm victims many of whom have lost their vehicles and their homes. Also pray for Florida. I know several Blind Pig readers live in Florida and I’m praying for you all as the next hurricane comes your way. And of course remember to pray for all those giving aid to the ones who are suffering.

A couple in Pennsylvania would like to bring supplies down to storm victims. Do you know of any organizations in Virginia who are collecting donations? They can come all the way to TN or NC but VA would be a closer trip.


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  1. It was hard to call shotgun when I was growing up, as Daddy almost always drove a truck, and Mom seemed to always have a baby who rode upfront while the older kids rode in the back. The Lord watched over us as we rode in the truckbed like many other families did years ago. Kentucky has sent out so many first responders to help the flood victims. I wish I could do more than donate.

  2. Tipper–I’m arriving a bit late this morning thanks to being a sleepyhead, but I’m surprised no one has mentioned an ancillary to “I’ve got shotgun.” Almost as common, especially when a bunch of high school kids were going to pile into a vehicle, was “I’ve got pistol.” That meant you got to ride in the middle up front (most cars came with a single seat all the way across in front and back rather than the bucket-type seats that are common in today’s vehicles). Of course calling for a seat didn’t necessarily mean you got it in such situations, because possession was nine-tenths of the law (or ride) and inevitably there was a mad scramble to be first.

  3. Yup, we used to call shot gun to get to ride in the front seat especially when my Dad was driving. I always have those poor folks dealing with Hurricane Helene damage in my heart. I’ve got my eye on Hurricane Milton for my Floridian friends. Lots of love.

  4. I have a dear Chinese friend and co worker who asked me the meaning of to ride shotgun. He had been in the US as a student and stayed after Tiananmen Square. I told him it meant to ride in the front passenger seat next to the window. It came from the stage coach guard riding up next to the driver. I don’t know if it was from the real stagecoach days or from the western series that were prevalent when we were growing up. Double barrel shotguns were called coach guns as long as I can remember.

    Chris is the most brilliant genius that I have ever known and is inquisitive about everything.

  5. I have heard this saying all my life. When we went anywhere as a kid, my dad usually drove. My mom would then sit in the front. We would all say shotgun to be one to sit by a window in the back. There were four of us, and no one wanted to sit in the middle. With airbags, kids can’t really say “shotgun” now until they are old enough to sit in the front seat. They may have to fight over the window seats in the back like we did.

  6. This brings back memories of my two boys who are less than 2 yrs apart. They were born about the time car seats were required and we were all sticklers for that. So when they were old enough to ride in the front seat they about wore me out calling shotgun! I hadn’t thought about that in a while. Somehow it was not easy getting them to think about their brother instead of themselves first! I guess that’s pretty normal. Thanks for the memories, Tipper. I hope their boys do that to them. Each has their own two boys but only one is old enough to ride shotgun. It’s something you and Matt can look forward to with Ira and Woody. Oh, the joys of boys!

  7. Tipper here are a few places I found for accepting donations. Almost every town has a drop-off point for accepting donations, especially the Salvation Army. A lot of trucks have left Saturday and Sunday already.
    In northern Virginia Leesburg can be called to check on current locations: 703-665-3000. Fork Union Baptist Church: call Darrin @434-989-1230 or Rachael @ 434-989-4141.
    In Forest, Va call World Help @ 1-800-541-6691 for further information.
    Our Church collected money for Samaritan’s Purse.
    My husband and I are praying for these people affected by the storm and we are also praying that the current coming hurricane, Milton, will not be as strong as predicted and even bypass Florida and go out to the ocean. God bless you and your family for your efforts in helping the victims of Hurricane Helen.
    I have never heard of the phrase, “I call shotgun.”

  8. You did it again! Grew up “calling shotgun” but had forgotten it entirely. In later years that became the “gate getter” seat so not the easy shotgun seat it had been. Something that goes along with it is whether windows are open or not. A/C has gradually weaned a lot of people away from ever driving with open windows. I have a theory that folks who mostly work outside are the ones who still like open windows. I have never really had a love affair with air conditioning. I think it makes being outdoors harder which leads to other, and worse, effects. But then I don’t like to cater to anything I see as temptations.

  9. I really wish I had found this website and YOU a long time ago. It’s bringing back so many memories – feel-good memories. I ‘m a Southern gal, but not from Appalachia. More like Southern Georgia and Florida. We, my husband (who is from North Carolina) and I moved to the west coast twenty years ago. For the last 12 of those 20 years, we have been vegan. But there are still so many good southern dishes we can eat. I discovered you, Ms Tipper, one day when I was looking up how to make good cornbread. I loved your video explaining it. My problem has been how to make it good without using an egg. I finally figured it out: just use 1/4 cup Duke’s plant-based mayo in place of the egg. Works like a charm. Learned how you make dumplings, too. So yummy. And fried okra! I love hearing you talk. I love your videos. And I always get to ride shotgun with my husband. You just make me happy.

  10. Oh my stars, I haven’t heard anyone say “Shot gun” since my youth. This brings back so many memories of my siblings yell shot gun as we all ran out the door to go somewhere with our mom. With five kids screaming out shot gun at the same time she would say whoever gets to the car door first gets to ride shot gun. The older siblings always got there first, but as each one either started driving or left the nest we all got our turn at riding shot gun in the car. Great memories!
    Prayers for Florida and continued prayers for recovering hurricane victims everywhere.

  11. We called shotgun too and then window seat after that . However, in our large family it didn’t matter much because the order for prime seats was usually from older to younger. I was 5th of 7 so the three youngest usually had to ride backwards in the very back of the station wagon. We called them the “get sick” seat seats or the “throw up”seats. My mom never allowed us to say puke as she thought it was a disgusting word lol.

    1. Linda, I heard about a large family that left one kid asleep on a church pew after the service one night. The door was locked and everybody went home. Nearly home, one of the the children noticed that they were one short, so they drove back to the church, found someone with a key, and gathered up the sleeping child. This was told to me for the truth, but who knows? It might have been a tall tale.

  12. Good morning Tipper and all. Been calling shotgun all my life. Passed it down to my girls and now my grandson’s are calling shotgun. It was a rule if whoever got shotgun first they had to take the back seat on the way back. It is a pretty sunny 37° this morning in southwest VA. Bout that time of year! Ya’ll have a good day.

  13. Get in touch with SAMARITANS purse or the United Christian Church in Cleveland, TN about bringing aid-don’t know but hey it’s a good place to start. It makes sense to have a person “loaded for bear” beside you in a wagon and indeed some places (ok most) it’s not a bad idea in a car either as drive by etc happen hundreds of times a day across Babylon the Harlot. Have a good day all! To clean my yard I got an estimate of 25,000$ so that’s Monopoly money. Alexa said there will be an 8.4 earthquake today in Babylon here so we will see and you heard it here first! Pray like you’ve never prayed for the Lord told me “What can be shaken will be shaken!” He means EVERYTHING!!!

  14. Any Red Cross or Salvation Army will take donations with open arms. You call the orginations in your state and find where to drop them off. A trip down here is not necessary.


  15. What about punch buggy? Anyone remember saying it. Also seeing all the flood waters reminds me of my Granny who was from Macon County NC and she would call swift water a freshet

  16. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected by Helene and now Milton. Blessings to everyone affected by all this chaos.

  17. I was just watching something a couple of days ago where someone yelled “I call shotgun “. Hadn’t heard that phrase in quite some time.
    Continued prayers for all those impacted by the storms and those rendering aid.

  18. I have a nephew, niece-in-law, and young cousin in Clearwater–directly in the path of landfall. We can’t get ahold of them and are assuming they have left the area. Please pray for them. As for shotgun, I called for it, my children called for it, and so do my grandchildren. I think being up front is a pecking order type thing. Prayers for those yet to be found and for all who are searching.

  19. Good morning, I remember saying I was riding shotgun as a youngster also. It was rare we got to say it, because we had older kin folks living with us and they would get the front seat when when one of our parents were not there.

    In Lynchburg, VA is Gleaning for the World and in Danville, VA is God’s Pit Crew. Both of these organizations I would highly recommend.

    Praying for everyone in harms way and those still suffering from Hurricane Helene.

  20. When I was growing up and with my two children it was a “given” that we or they were going to ride in the back seat, the parents were sitting in the front seat. They also knew when they were small they were going to be in a car seat. Now in today’s world and with all of this “road rage” it might not be a bad idea to have some riding “shotgun” with you like in the days of the old west.

    I found out yesterday a friend of mine lost his mobile home due to a tree splitting it in half barely missing him. He said as of yesterday he has not been able get FEMA or anyone else that is suppose to be helping to even come out and look at it. He has tried to cover the roof with a tarp to protect everything inside. Right now, no rain is insight for us, the ground is actually beginning to get dry and dusty again.

    I continue to pray for all of the storm victims and the members and others in Florida that will have Milton effecting them.

  21. Ask your respondent to check with their local Presbyterian Church. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance teams are organizing the collection of needed supplies. Our church in Columbia, SC drove supplies to a Presbyterian church in Spartanburg, SC. That church then took the supplies to Black Mountain, NC for distribution to folks in need. It is best to work with locals in NC who have the best grasp of local conditions and needs.
    God bless the victims of Hurricane Helene.

  22. Tipper,
    Calling shotgun also reminds me of another old expression, “Back Seat Driver”. Most drivers had no appreciation for “Back Seat Drivers!”

  23. I had forgotten that term. Thanks for the reminder. Praying for our world as the chaos grows. May the peace that passes all understanding fill our hearts and minds. Amen

  24. The volunteer fire department in Raphine, Virginia is collecting goods and sending to North Carolina. They have a Facebook page with information for donations.

  25. Good morning and thank you for the blog post. My husband’s aunts and uncles are in Florida, near Tampa. Lord, please keep them and everyone else safe from everything but Your perfect will. Please speak peace over this storm and the fighting in Israel, too. Let Your gospel be heard and accepted among those in Palestine and Israel. In Your Name we pray, Jesus. Amen

    1. Amen! I’ll praying for them today. Please pray for my family down there too. The Cooper and Whited families. May all be safe in His hands. Amen

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