collage of photos of family

I’m sharing the last winners from my Thankful November giveaways. If you see your name please send your mailing address to me at blindpigandtheacorn @

The winner of the used book Foxfire Christmas is Esther Pack who said: “I love the Foxfire Books, I have a couple of them but have not seen the Christmas one. I would like to read it . Thanks. I love your blog and UTube Channel. I watched the one where you all put up your Christmas tree. The glass bulb that you got from someone in West Virginia was made close to where I live. Pilgrim Glass of Kenova West Virginia made them. I have a blue one made just like yours. My cousin worked there until they shut down, he was a glass blower . Keep on keeping the old ways alive, the younger generation may need that knowledge you never know.”

The winner Jim Casada’s new book Fishing for Chickens is Pastor Lon who said: “Good morning Miss Tipper, I just what to thank you for all you do on this platform as well as your YouTube channel (btw it’s my favorite channel on YouTube) I look forward to watching over there & reading over here every time you post ANYTHING!! As Robbie Lynn loves the recipes in all the books you share with us, I’m more interested in the history of the folks from whom all the recipes originated from and the stories they share of days gone by. Gonna go watch these videos you’ve shared on here today, which I think I’ve watched a few of them before but can’t get enough of this kind of stuff. THANK YOU!!!!”

I didn’t hear from two winners I announced earlier this week so I’m sharing them again in the hopes that they see their names and send me their mailing address.

The winner of the used book The Queen’s English is Jay Skinner who said: “Love this blog and your YouTube channel!! I recently purchased the Dictionary of Smokey Mountain English and absolutely love the language! Hope to be moving to the Smoky’s in the not too distant future! Keep doing what you do!!.”

The winner of the used book Appalachian Values is Gene Smith who said: “Picturesque speech is universally appreciated because it is both humorous and descriptive. Who knows where the phrase “eating high on the hog” came from? Everybody knows what it means. Or “as ugly as a mud fence.” Or “grinning like a jackass eating briars.” Or “He’s so lazy he wouldn’t strike a lick at a snake.” Or “Root, hog, or die pore” I heard all of these, and more, growing up. Some are not fit to print.”

I appreciate all the wonderful heartwarming informative comments that were left during this year’s series of Thankful November giveaways. I truly enjoyed them all!

Some of the giveaways had over a hundred entries! I use a random number generator to pick the comment. I think of the first comment left on the post as number one and then go forward from there. Using the number generator is easier than writing all the names down and drawing from a hat.

Last night’s video: My Appalachia A Memoir 7.

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  1. I just love reading your snippets on here. And I definitely love watching your YouTube channel. Keep doin what you do!!

  2. Tipper,I love all the pictures of your Family . You and your husband are a Great Looking Couple. I wish you and family and all your readers a Merry Christmas ! GOD BLESS us all.

  3. Congratulations everyone, isn’t this so fun!!! Someone we don’t really know, can be so kind to us, and her kindness has away of making us feel as if we really do know her. I just recently watched an old Christmas movie with Jessica Tandy and John Denver called “Foxfire,“ if you haven’t seen it, definitely google it, it was really so good! I’m not from the Appalachian area, but every day I wish I was……and Tipper has helped me realize I’m called to love my simple heritage (that is so close to that of the Appalachian ways) because of my grandparents from Morgantown KY. This season of my life is so beautiful, retired, new grandparents that babysit the grandbabies…..and people loving our heritage of simple lives, that we’re hard, yet
    More beautiful than anything anyone could image……THANK YOU JESUS!!!! ALL GLORY BE TO YOU!!!!!

  4. Congratulations to all the winners! 🙂

    Miss Cindy, I hope you’re doing okay. I haven’t seen you comment in a couple days, and you usually do every day. Praying all is well your way. 🙂

    1. Hi Regina, thanks for asking. I’ve just been a little distracted but no problems, all is well! It’s nice that you noticed!

  5. I didn’t win a gift this time, but you give to me with every one of your messages and I enjoy them all! Thank you for giving from your heart. You are truly loved. And it’s always a gift that I enjoy.

  6. Congratulations to all of the winners!! I think we are all blessed to get to be a part of you and your family and the Blind Pig gang is a group that also feels like family. I also enjoyed your reading last night. Like I have said before, Tipper you sure pick the best books!! Have a great day everyone!!

  7. These gifts you give are truly a treasure. Thank you for all you do and bringing us along. Congratulations on 200,000 subscribers and I am so happy to be one of them. You are a blessing! Take care and God bless ❣️

  8. Tipper dear, another thing I believe we can add to your list of fine qualities (of an Appalachian lady) are these facts- you’re quite generous with nice gifts and you take time enjoying each season. Here it is just 2 weeks from Christmas and you aren’t hurrying past Thanksgiving, but instead are enjoying each day as it comes. I think that’s a good thing for the Type A “chop chop” person (like me) to see. This is the first time I’ve really just sat back and enjoyed this wonderful season not concerned about baking, gifts and Christmas dinner. I am planning on making lasagnas to give to a few folks and keep one for home. I figure people can appreciate a homemade meal and my lasagna is decent. I hope to get a few cookies or fudge made but I’m not sweating it. I hope everybody is in good health and good spirits! Merry Christmas to all!!!

    1. This is how I tend to approach the holidays now, too. We have a big Thx giving with ‘odd lots’ of people (usually not related in any way to us or each other) & you never know who might pop up on the guest list each year. We do it the weekend after Thxgiving day. For many years my hubby would work on the holidays & he always missed the traditional celebrations, because other people weren’t willing to be flexible. We just started doing it ourselves. We play games & folks win small gifts. We have stickers under the plates where random people win a ham, bacon, maple syrup, a chicken, etc… (all raised here on our farm). We have dinner, wine & dessert, by candlelight. Friends look forward to it all year. This year 25 people came! For Xmas, I don’t worry about making cookies or other things. I make old fashioned fruitcakes – dozens of them sometimes. (You’d be surprised at the people that will tell you they HATE fruitcake, but are addicted once they try a homemade one!) We make homemade gifts & donate to Toys for Tots, and pick a xmas child. I don’t bother giving gifts to most family anymore. I have let go of that. I do what brings my heart joy. My kids are teens now & we include them in the gift buying for the donations & have way more fun than buying for family that often doesn’t appreciate the gesture. I have not even decorated yet. Oh well, it will happen when it happens. A homemade lasagna sounds like a great gift to me!!!! What a blessing to be bestowed on a cherished friend – a good, home cooked meal, that they COULD use for the holiday meal, thereby freeing them up for some good old relaxation. Hope the holidays bless you tenfold. Merry Christmas!

  9. Thank you Miss Tipper, I’m sure we will enjoy the book we’ve won. I can’t wait to receive it. So enjoy all of your posts you share with us on here. I think you have my email already. Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful family.

  10. Congratulations to all the winner!!! As reader Martha Justice said, “all your readers are winners” and I agree, because we get to enjoy reading your blogs daily with all its stories to enjoy. I also watch your YouTube channel Celebrating Appalachia, plus I watch The Pressley Girls and recently subscribed to your Blind Pig and the Acron, YouTube channel. I enjoy them all and am thankful all your family share their talents, recipes, stories and keep the Appalachia culture alive and well! Thank you, Tipper!

  11. Congratulations to the winners of the giveaway! I actually think all your readers are “winners” because of all the joy you give us. Merry Christmas!

  12. Thank you Tipper for the opportunity. I enjoyed reading the comments and your blog. It’s always nice to have a reminder we have so much to be thankful for!

  13. A hearty BRAVO for Tipper, Matt, Paul and the two most talented Pressley girls and Granny for earning all those subscribers. Each of you is uniquely talented and special. All the music, food and good folklore…Could listen to Tipper’s Mom talk all day! Keep going, please

  14. A reading on Monday to start the week and a reading on Friday to end the week…we are so Blessed to have you and your family. Looking forward to Monday. God Bless.

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