Man and woman working in garden

Yesterday we worked in the garden for the first time this year. We were only out for about two hours, but my did it make me feel good.

We’ve made a real effort to turn all the beds over this winter in the hopes that it will help deter the squash bugs we’ve had the last two summers.

The pesky little things mostly attack our cucumbers, but this past year they really enjoyed the winter squash too.

I was surprised to see new growth here and there throughout the garden. There were a few daffodils poking their green above ground and several of my herbs still have green growth on them from last year. Others have little new leaves springing up at root level.

Being out in the brisk air really helped me physically as well as mentally. Typically I manage to spend time outdoors during the winter, but this year that just hasn’t happened. Until yesterday I did not realize how much I needed to be outdoors breathing the fresh mountain air. I’m telling you it really does a body good.

Last night’s video: See Our New (Old) Garden.

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  1. Hi Tipper. My husband and I would like to know what kind of plastic y’all used for your greenhouse and does it last long? Also what do y’all use to cover your cabbage with? We’re wanting to build us a greenhouse. And we lost our cabbage last year to worms or whatever it was. Thank you

    1. Michele-look for plastic especially made for greenhouses. When we first built it we used the wrong kind and it didn’t even last till the next summer. For the cabbage look for row cover, but it doesn’t have to be thick enough to protect from freeze. A lot of folks use tulle from the fabric store 🙂 We did purchase row cover.

      1. Tipper–Thank you for sharing that information with us. Our cabbages were looking so pretty until they were attacked by whatever got on them. We appreciate y’all so much and enjoy watching your videos and reading your blog. We’re getting excited about getting our garden ready to plant.

  2. Today was a good day! Sunny and low 60’s. I had cabin fever also. I spent several hours this afternoon cleaning up the garden as well. I trimmed the elderberry plants. Dug out some mullein that has been in the edge of the garden all winter. Once the sun went down it started to get too cold for me and I come in the house for supper. Sure was a nice day. Here’s hoping tomorrow is another nice day!

    C’mon Spring Time! I’m a-waiting!

  3. Love fresh air any time and you are so blessed to have the beautiful mountains around you and your beautiful gardens. I’m living vicariously through y’all these days and it makes me feel so happy and it’s keeping me young. Thanks for letting us be part of your lives so often. You are such a blessing to me. Jennifer

  4. It’s a beautiful day today…I’m spending some time sitting on the porch which I haven’t done in quite a while with the cold temps we’ve had. The sun shining on my face feels amazing. Can’t wait for spring time!

  5. Your post (and comments) brought to mind a quote by Anne Frank that I have at my desk. “The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside – somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature.”

  6. Talk of early gardens, makes me think of one of my best friends -my father in law. After retiring, having and working in his large 1-2 acre garden was one of his favorite hobbies. Each year on these pretty “spring like days” he would catch a fever, he couldn’t wait to start planting a garden, he would often plant a small separate garden away from his large main garden in late March, he would call it his “frost garden” and “say I know the frost will kill it but I couldn’t stand it any longer.” He would not under any circumstances plow or worked the land for his garden if the soil was wet, it will cause the soil to be hard and have clods you can never get rid of.

    Silver Queen is a favorite corn in my area. For many years until it became unavailable, Merit was very popular. Now you can find places online that claim to have the Merit seed but when you go to order it, it is not available. Many of the ones that liked Merit corn now plant a corn named G90, they say it is very similar to Merit. Easiest to find this seed in the older style feed and seed garden stores that buy their seed in bulk and will weigh out and sell you any amount of the loose seed you want. I have never had very good luck with these small expensive seed packets.

  7. Thanks for sharing the video of the old/new garden. I can see lots of silver queen corn tasseling in the wind. Like you said before it’s “magic.”
    Everyone get outside and enjoy this beautiful day. Blessings to all.

  8. I disked my garden this week hoping it will help with insects. I had a real war with the cowpea curculio bug last year on my snap beans and field peas.
    My wife and I prefer hand washing dishes also.

  9. Tipper,
    I’ve spent the last 3 days outside, been unseasonably warm here in Texas 70s! we’ve been building raised beds, any tips?
    it’s been so nice, but I dread in some ways the cold that will surely come back this month and next.
    in y’all’s video of the new garden you mentioned the trees putting on their clothes, I’ve said similar to that for years, I always say they’re getting dressed or undressed
    making the cube steaks tonight for supper. sure are smelling good!
    I grew up with a dishwasher in my parents house, never saw the point, Momma made me wash the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. I always tell folks I have a dishwasher, left and right hands
    y’all have a great day!

    1. Lisa-we’ve used logs from the woods for raised beds, but over time they do rot away. We really like the Vego metal ones we installed last year too.

  10. That soil sure looks good and rich! Fresh air and sunshine sure does a body good. Me and my four year old grandson were happy to get outside for a bit yesterday. It’s nice and sunny here today, only thing is ALL that mud a little boy truly loves to dig in, keep mamaw busy scrapping caked mud off his little boots and sweeping the porches.
    Happy sunny first day of February. Spring is just around the corner!

  11. Nothing like getting outside and breathing that fresh air. I agree it helps you physically as well as mentally especially the cold, crisp air. I am sure looking forward to seeing some Silver Queen corn growing in the new-old garden. Silver Queen is all daddy ever planted and it was so good!!

    1. Absolutely love to see (and taste) Silver Queen corn ready to harvest. Grandson loves SQ also! Yea, I’m doing something correctly.

  12. I took two granddaughters out for a little walk in the woods (they call it our forest) yesterday. The yard was so muddy—but the woods, which is filled with lots of moss and leaves, was great to walk in. They had fun climbing onto a stump and jumping off, and walking across a fallen log over and over We checked out the growth of our little “volunteer” holly tree and watched squirrels scampering about. They threw sticks into a puddle of water. It is amazing what going out in the cold air does to clear your mind and body, and for two little, energetic girls who were in the house most of the day. We all came back in happy and refreshed—and the little one climbing into our big chair cuddling her stuffed doggie, fell asleep—the trek in the “forest” resulting in a much-needed nap. Hope everyone has a blessed day!

  13. Yep, need doses of outside in nature, at least I do. Hope to never get past getting out. That would be a real grief to me. And yes I think spring has actually already begun but only detectable to those who notice small details. I know by experience that it is best to use the cold and cool weather to be ready for the warm. But I also know that when I get ready too early I will plant too early. Around here planting a summer garden should be around Tax Day, say April 10-15. PS: does Matt add any weight to the tiller or is its own weight enough?

  14. Right now I am outside only to run to fro for errands and I am certainly enjoying the rest from mowing over 2 acres of grass every week, but when the temp comes up a little more I will enjoy being outside. What I really love to see is the forest and the bubbling creek along the flat area of the garden. It is beautiful!! In NE MS the little creeks are all lined with beautiful sand, and along the shore of Lake Michigan in Northern Illinois it is covered with polished small rocks. I love it all, but I guess I love the beautiful sand bottoms in NE MS the most:)

    By the way, I noticed a side picture of the Pressley Girls singing Brasstown. I clicked on it and really enjoyed their singing. Apparently, it was done by someone else, but with their permission. Only thing I could say only in constructive way is that to slow down the part of driving down the road. Going to fast can cause my old eyes to get dizzy.

  15. I go outside to take my dog out, and it feels good to be outside. He likes to romp around. I also hang clothes outside year round, which I enjoy doing, even though I could use my dryer. If it’s not too cold or windy, I’ll take a walk around my neighborhood.

  16. Maam I understand how life can keep us so busy that we do not even realize just how depleted our body and soul gets of things like time outdoors breathing fresh air or just taking the time to sit and be still…I also realize that this is the beginning of a very busy season — preparing the gardens, then maintaining them until harvest time and then busy with harvesting….this spring you are blessed with the addition of a precious grandbaby and as that time quickly approaches and all the busyness it will entail I offer the idea it is important you spend some time concentrating on your health and well being to build your body mind and spirit back up so that you are in top form to meet your daily work load (I did not even touch on the youtube channel your blog your book your personal appearances and caring for your mother)…yes The Lord has blessed you with all the afore mentioned things and He knows you are a good steward of all you have on your plate–I just want you to be sure you make time to tend to your needs — it doesnt have to be hours and hours everyday of rejuvenation to be effective as you know–last year was very busy and demanding on you in multiple ways–I just know we all need refreshing so we can best endure the things that lie ahead…..basically in readers digest form what I am suggesting or reminding you is to take care of yourself–hope all this made sense and was not offensive (I know you take care of you to an extent but just be cognicent of the fact you need built up from your busy past year so it will be a breeze to meet head on with joy and vigor the coming atractions this year will bring–bigger garden two grand sons etc etc)

  17. My worst enemies are bean bugs; I refuse to use pesticides on my garden, so I have to pick them off by hand and they still wreak havoc with my beans every year. My hubby turned our garden over at the beginning of December and I hope this recent cold snap will kill those hateful things. It always amazes me how you never see any of those things until you plant a garden, and then they come out of the woodwork.

  18. Outdoors just helps the body and spirit more than we can realize. End of day we rest better and I personally feel a greater sense of accomplishment whenI have done work outside. I always read where if we post or tell a plan we are more apt to do it. My plan is to trim some trees whether anything else gets done or not. Keep us informed about your garden, and you are so blessed to have family interested. Probably not feasible, but love to see in upcoming posts or videos some foraging and identification of wild greens. Foraging was once a great part of our Appalachian culture, and it was my absolute favorite pastime growing up. It lost importance for many years, but I am pleased to see it has made a comeback with some of the younger n generation.

  19. I call the livestock my “healthcare system” because no matter how I feel physically on any given day – some days are a bit rough – having animals that need care keeps me outdoors for a minimum of 3 hours and usually more like 6 hours. Every day. A lot of work, but I’m grateful to have them.

  20. Amen to that. Sometimes I just need winter in my lungs and, to this day and for all four seasons, I keep one window cracked, which was also recommended by a doctor. I was told this was especially important if living in apartments or multi unit buildings. I actually crave fresh air and especially colder air. Yes, it does a body good to get outside no matter the season.

  21. I’ve been taking little walks around my place with my dog. I can’t wait to open windows and doors and let fresh air in. Was just recently reading an article about how harmful stale air can be in a room full of people. Soon I’ll be working in my plants too. Those little buds and green leaves sure are a welcome sight. I just hope the tender ones don’t pop out too early and get bit by frost.

  22. WOW, LADY! Outside in the garden already! You are on top of things this year it looks like! Deer Hunter appears dang satisfied smiling and tilling. It looks like you had nice weather to get out there and seize the day! Oh I wish I was in Dixie-away, away- instead of here where I proudly announce MY TOWN IS VOTED THE WORST CITY IN WV and I’m proud of it! Bluefield, WV is the worst and I’m proud to say we are first in something!!! Lol Have a great day and be glad you’re not here…

    1. Sadie, does the Bank of Bluefield still exist or did it get swallowed up in mergers of the ’90s? That bank was a customer of mine (in the ’80’s) and I made several trips there visiting them.

  23. Tipper,
    I agree!! Being outside and connected with God’s creation is like a dose of medicine. I am outside way more than I’m enclosed by 4 walls.
    Good luck with your garden.

  24. Spring truly is a miracle! But I think before you begin all this gardening, you need to install a dishwasher in your kitchen. Saves so much time and comes in handy during canning season which will be here before you know it! And then you have two grand babies on the way. Make things easier on yourself . . .

    1. 13 Soap-We are among the few people who prefer hand washing our dishes 🙂 We’ve actually had 2 dishwashers over the course of our marriage (gifts from Miss Cindy who really believed in the ease of dishwashers) and never used either of them one time. Last year I almost had a third one from a dear sweet lady who wanted to gift us one, but thankfully she contacted me first so I could tell her we prefer hand washing.

      1. In the 47 years I was married before my wife’s death, she had two dishwashers, one was a GE brand and the other one was ME! Not true, I did wash a few but not too often. Anytime I would tell her “I’m sorry” she would tell me “low down too”. I have talked to a dear friend this morning and told her about how bad I hurt and missed my wife. Now me and my son try to use paper plates as much as we can

  25. Oh yes there’s nothing to perk you up like some time out in the garden. I haven’t been out much this winter either because it’s been a very rainy winter here. Winter gets hard on me. I did get out last week and cleaned up our asparagus. I also noticed some green garlic shoots poking through. It did me a lot of good.

  26. I sure understand what you’re saying about needing the fresh air etc. we have sweet peas coming up, hopefully they make a nice bunch of peas, our garlic is looking good, the multiplying onions have about 4/5 inches of nice green on them. We’re going to plant seeds in a hotbed soon such as tomatoes, cabbage, peppers etc.
    blessings to all

  27. Yes it does help to get outside. I enjoyed going with you to check out your future silver queen bed! I’m sure it brought back a lot of memories. I hope the kids can sell their house as I’m sure they will.
    Keep safe and don’t overdo!

  28. I was also outside for a large part of the day yesterday. I have never liked being “cooped up” in the house for any length of time. This year even the cold temperatures hasn’t bothered me as much as the wind. The wind eats me up and will soon give me a sinus headache. I noticed my grass beginning to green up and some wild onions sprouting up. I also had a yard full of robins and the side mirrors and doors of my vehicles messed up with bluebird poop. I have already looked at the next 7 day forecast and it is for warm daytime temps in mid 50’s and even a few days in the 60’s and no freezing nighttime temperatures. It is 29 degrees right now but warming up to the low 60’s and sunny today, another good day to be outside.

    Sallie, I read your comment late last night about your husband and a hose pipe or water hose. When in a grocery store does he say grocery cart or buggy? Saying cart is a sure sign of being from up north! I have a two page copy comparing things of the north to the south. It is meant to be funny and not offend anyone. An example, the north has Macey’s, the south has Dollar General. Another one, if you slide into a ditch, don’t panic, soon there will be some good ole southern boys come by in a 4 wheel drive pickup truck and will pull you out, this is what they live for.

  29. Wow, you are so ahead of me. We watched you video on the new/old garden and can’t wait to see you progress toward planting the corn. I would be not sure about the fruit trees/or no fruit trees. Prayers for Granny and you guys. God Bless.

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