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  1. In 1961 when I enlisted in the Navy I traded, “Turn out to mop the floors,” for, “Turn to to swab the decks.”

  2. My days of turning out any work are about over! But I keep trying. I love the overheard comments but may I make a suggestion……respondents, please tell WHERE you are from…where you lived when you found the word or phrase in normal conversation. I do enjoy finding out that our words flew all the way from my mountain Va. home all the way to Ga. Or to Pa. Or to Michigan! If I heard that you also used the word….pied….pronounced pi….did….meaning pale , blotchy skin ….Or maybe the phrase …plime blank…. Meaning exactly or pretty close to…as in….you look plime blank like that Little Joe on Bonanza…well, I would be so curious where in our country you actually heard that phrase plime blank … Just a Suggestion…. I do so love our Appalachian colorful phraseology!

    1. Born & raised in SW Ohio, Kat.

      Familiar with most of the ‘turn out’ uses but some major differences in your ‘plime blank’. Thought at first that was comparable to ‘plum’ As I am used to hearing (“driving me plum crazy”) but doubt it.

      Your ‘pied’ seems the same as ‘peaked’ in this area.

  3. “She said her name was Caroline, daughter of a miner…and for a dime a day and a place to stay, she’d turn her hands to labor.”…Townes Van Sandt

  4. Amen! I will “turn” 74 in a couple of months, and I sure enough can’t “turn out” as much work as I used to and have to “turn over” more to other people. My neighbor and I were working in our yards the other day and discussed this very subject…

  5. I have turned out for clean up day at the church before (and other things) and once I started working I turned out a lot of work. I thought everyone used turn out! If a lot of peope came we had a good turn out.
    Dennis Morgan

  6. I look forward to your posts each and every morning.
    The heart and soul you put into it is so appreciated. Such a great way to start my day.
    Thank you.
    Blessings to you and your family.

  7. “They were turned out for not paying their rent.”/ “We all turned out for the church picnic.”/ “ That pottery place turns out nice pieces.”/ “It turns out, that wasn’t the whole story.” —- Most every day I turn out to see what Tipper is up to on the BP&A! Have a good day all!

  8. People love info. about Brasstown and Murphy History, what use to be here, where it was located and old photos and stories.
    Any recipes that are from this area
    Herbs and Flowers, Tree’s and Native wildness, even the animals that are here.
    You may have these already, but i just joined and start from where you are, so even if you repeat something, repetition is the mother of learning, thank you for this blog, i love it.

  9. I think that phrase “turn out work” is an Appalachianism with ” turn out” meaning “do” or “get done”. It sure seems familiar to me somehow, though I am sure I have not heard that use in a long time. I seem to recall “turn out” to also mean “take out” as in “Turn them biscuits out of the oven. I think they ought to be ready.” Also, come to think of it, used to mean “ended up” as in “Yep, that job turned out better than I thought it could.” Which reminds me of the phrase “turn his hand to” as in “He could just light in and turn his hand to anything that needed doing and do a good job at it.”

    Sigh. I resemble that not turning out much work. I can recall working 12 hour days once upon a time. Now if it is real work I am good for 3 1/2 to 4. Have way more daylight than I do energy. I wouldn’t tell it except that I know I’m not alone. I reckon we all miss the person we were physically anyway.

    1. And you can probably “turn out” more in those 3½ -3 hours than an eighteen year old can do in 12 hours!

  10. Thanks for “Overheard”. Some I have heard and some not. Thanks for keeping us engaged in Appalachia. I know you put a lot into this blog. I love it. It makes me feel like I’m your neighbor. Cheers!

  11. I know what that’s about, it’s about aging. I’m 74 now and I’ve started to slow down and…I don’t like it!
    I just don’t have the energy and interest in things that I used to have.
    Just wait, you live ling enough and everybody gets it.

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