Man sitting in truck

“I call shotgun” is a phrase I grew up saying and I still hear folks say it today. The girls used to scream “I call shotgun” as they ran to the car when we were going somewhere when they were young.

To us the phrase means getting to ride up front with whoever is driving.

The book Why You Say It written by Webb Garrison says the phrase was started in the days of the wild west when a person with a shotgun rode in the wagon usually beside the driver to keep his eyes out for trouble.

Garrison goes on to say if someone asks you to ride shotgun on a project they’re asking you to be on the look out for trouble. I’ve only heard the phrase used in reference to riding in the front seat.

If you’re like me you’ve been shocked by the number of damaged vehicles left in the wake of hurricane Helene. Every video I’ve watched shows cars and trucks tossed here and there like forgotten toys.

Please continue to pray for the storm victims many of whom have lost their vehicles and their homes. Also pray for Florida. I know several Blind Pig readers live in Florida and I’m praying for you all as the next hurricane comes your way. And of course remember to pray for all those giving aid to the ones who are suffering.

A couple in Pennsylvania would like to bring supplies down to storm victims. Do you know of any organizations in Virginia who are collecting donations? They can come all the way to TN or NC but VA would be a closer trip.


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  1. Tipper,
    Calling shotgun also reminds me of another old expression, “Back Seat Driver”. Most drivers had no appreciation for “Back Seat Drivers!”

  2. I had forgotten that term. Thanks for the reminder. Praying for our world as the chaos grows. May the peace that passes all understanding fill our hearts and minds. Amen

  3. The volunteer fire department in Raphine, Virginia is collecting goods and sending to North Carolina. They have a Facebook page with information for donations.

  4. Good morning and thank you for the blog post. My husband’s aunts and uncles are in Florida, near Tampa. Lord, please keep them and everyone else safe from everything but Your perfect will. Please speak peace over this storm and the fighting in Israel, too. Let Your gospel be heard and accepted among those in Palestine and Israel. In Your Name we pray, Jesus. Amen

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