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  1. I was born on March 2 and I will be 77 this year. When I was younger, I said thank goodness I wasn’t born on leap year but now that I’m going to be 77 I’d love to have been born in a leap year. Then I could tell everybody I will be 19.25 years old this year. Have a great day everyone.

  2. Never heard that about the leap year, Sadie Hawkins day yes but not about leap year. My daughter was born on leap day, thirteen days past the due date. I remember thinking with the due date there was no worry she could be born on leap day but like many things she has proved me wrong. By the time the 28 th rolled around I didn’t care if it was the 29 th at that point, just wanted that baby born and so did everyone else waiting on her : ) We have celebrated on February 28 because her birth month is February. She would say the 28th AND March 1st would be ok with her LOL. Being teased for only being “4 “ yo as such through the years she has never really appreciated. As she gets older she seems to be warming up to the idea of not being as old as her age : )

  3. Happy Old Merry Christmas! Take down the tree and lights, prepare for Valentine’s Day and, best of all, February 29th! Let us leap for joy!!

  4. Snow started here about 10:15 a.m., in SC PA and is coming down fast. We might get from 2 to 5 inches before it moves out this evening. If I could wish it back to you Tipper, I would:) At my age, I don’t care to see it or be out in it. Well, now wait a minute, I think it is beautiful but it keeps me from being able to get out and about:)
    I’m enjoying the Quilting Book and I really treasure quilts that my Grandmother and my Mother made and gifted to me. Also, one of the most treasured items I have is a pair of carding paddles that my Great-Grandmother and Grandmother used. I remember seeing my Great-Grandmother’s spinning wheel and even as a young girl, I thought of all the work that went into the making of a quilt. My Mother had told me of them using hulls of nuts to dye thread. My Mother showed me how you could take berries from the poke salad, boil it, and you would get the most beautiful deep pink. She dyed a cotton dress and slip to match – gorgeous. I’ve heard about pallets all my life and have slept on some when I was a child. I remember my Daddy telling me his Mother put so many quilts on the feather bed that you couldn’t turn over but it kept them warm. He said that when it came his turn to build the fire in his Mother’s cook stove, he dreaded getting out of that warm bed and dashing across the dog trot (open breezeway) to get into the kitchen to start the fire for his Momma. Makes me really appreciate my warm insulated home even more.

  5. I didn’t realize this year (2024) was a leap year. I always heard a woman could ask a man to marry her only on Sadie Hawkins Day…but I guess that was only according to Lil Abner comic strip.

  6. I love that saying about leap year. I’ve often wondered how we would have celebrated the birthday of a child born on February 29th. I know of a family that has a child born on that day and they celebrate their birthday on February 28th. Some say March 1st but to me I would celebrate it February 28th since they were actually born in February. February is a month of birthday celebrations for us. My sister-in-law’s is the 14th, one of our granddaughter’s is the 15th, mine is the 19th and my husband’s is the 26th.

    Loved the reading last night. I just love quilts and I remember as a child sleeping under more than one. Several years ago, we knew a family whose daughter had an outdoor wedding at her parent’s home and as part of the decorations they hung quilts over the clothesline, and with a little breeze blowing them, they were just beautiful. It made the wedding even more special.

    1. I also love quilts and remember sleeping under up to four when I was a child!!! My oldest cousin is an avid quilter and she has made some beautiful quilts!!! I have always thought I would enjoy quilting but never took the time to find out!!!

    2. I bet that was a beautiful scene with the quilts on the wedding day and very special for the bride and her family.

  7. Rainy here too. Didn’t even get the predicted ice. The almanac said it would be a warm winter with one cold spell. The almanac gets it right most of the time.

  8. Hi Tipper,
    We woke up to a blanket of snow today! So excited it looks so pretty. We still have our Christmas tree up and lights outside so we turned them on and listened to Christmas music early this morning while we had our morning coffee.
    I love to get up early and read my Bible. I couldn’t do this when I was still working because I had to get up at 3 am to go to work at the hospital. Now I am retired I can take my time and enjoy the mornings.
    I love reading all the comments. I look forward to your post every day!
    Still praying for granny! You all just seem like family!
    May God bless all of you!

  9. Hmmm would make a good beginning for a long story. Has all kinds of possibilities such as “leaping into marriage”. Rainy here today. Think I’ll check GSMNP Newfound Gap webcam to see if it snowed up there.

  10. I shared your reading about quilts last night, it’s such a good book! I love the history and insight that the author shares! I was reminded of quilts, comforters and robes that Mom would wrap us in when we lost power. She would bundle us up in her chenille robes then set us on the couch and layer comforters and quilts over us to keep us toasty! My twin sister Ruby and I thought it a lark!!!! She would block off rooms with blankets, whatever she had left to block the cold air. Great memories! Thank you for sharing. I am praying for Granny and all of you. God bless you and yours❤❤

  11. Never heard that about Leap Year! I imagine that could be a good thing if a young lady was smitten with a shy young man. I was told though if you sweep a girl’s foot with a broom she’ll never marry. A supervisor at a former job gasped when I accidentally swept her foot and told me of that superstition. Oh she hollered at me, “Now I’ll never get married!”

  12. It ain’t gonna snow no mo no mo,
    It ain’t gonna snow no mo.
    How in the heck can I break my neck,
    If it ain’t gonna snow no mo!

  13. I remember hearing that at school. there were twins in my grade born on Feb. 29
    They had the best time telling all they were just 2 years old

  14. My mother’s birthday is February 28th. When I was growing up people would ask her if she was a “leap year baby” . I suppose those who asked figured she was and had her birthdate changed to the 28th.

    Yes, I have heard the tale about the traditional roles being “changed up” for leap year.

    Stay dry. If north GA gets what north Alabama has had and will arrive in the coming days, I imagine ya’ll will get about three inches before it stops.

    I enjoy the blog.

  15. We got snow overnight Tipper (clapping and jumping up and down.) And I didn’t have to drive in it (clapping and jumping up and down.) it went ABSOLUTELY PERFECT with my hot cup of coffee and quiet house, for my 4:30 Bible study… were definitely the first person I thought of when I looked outside, bc you speak of wanting snow so often, isn’t it so awesome how the Lord put people in our lives, even if only through pen pals or social media. Anyway, good morning, hope you got snow too.

    PS….I have an uncle with a Feb 29th birthday, gosh he must finally be like 10 yrs old by now, hahahahaha

  16. I went to school with a girl that was born on Feb 29th. I always thought it would be so strange to have to celebrate your birthday on Feb 28th or Mar 1st until it was Leap Year again. BTW, I just loved Corie’s video last evening—your girls are both so sweet and inspirational. ❤️

  17. Thanks for yet another great read. Hubby and I so look forward to Friday’s read every week. I had to miss the last one as getting out of the hospital was a major priority. Hope all Granny’s news will be good news. Stay warm and well you guys and getting ready for Spring. Praying for Granny and God Bless you guys.

  18. Nothing to say about it being leap year. I have looked at the weather radar and think Tipper has missed out on her snow. We are getting a cold hard/heavy rain at my house in upstate SC. I have not watched the video about quilts but the one thing I remember about my Grandmother’s quilts were of them being heavy. As a child you had better be laying liked you wanted to in bed because once you were covered up with a couple of them you were not going to move. Tipper, I intend to use your or Pap’s recipe for pancakes a later on this morning to go along with some very good local fresh sausage.

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