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  1. I have never heard anybody say scat-scat Here in the Midwest, we say “God Blesd You” every time someone sneezes.
    Prayers for Granny and everyone.Still waiting for Kori’s baby! H H

  2. When someone asked Dad how he was doing he would say “I’m sick in bed on two chairs.”
    When Mom would describe a female who was scantily dressed she would say “She didn’t have enough on to flag a handcar.”
    If someone fixed a really tiny amount of something to eat Mom would say “There wasn’t enough there to physic a jaybird.”
    If Mom was really hungry she would say “I’m so hungry I could eat the rag off a sore toe.”
    My Dad’s mother had a really sharp tongue that my Mom would say “Her tongue cuts like a double edged sword.”
    Grandma Jessie believed that Dad and Mom gave away too much from the garden and home canned fruits and vegetables to others her off color comment was “You two would give away your a##hole and sh!t through your ribs.”
    Mom was always tender hearted and would tear up easily. My grandma Jessie would say to her “Go ahead and cry Nellie, the more you cry the less you’ll piss.”
    When my Grandpa and Grandma McPeek’s sons left for Europe in WWII Grandma Jessie found Grandpa sitting in the bedroom crying because he may never see his son’s again. She said to him “Howard, straighten up! There’s no sense in all that crying.”
    Back in the 1930’s my grandma Jessie overheard her 3 teenage daughters talking about a local girl who was pregnant. The girl was telling everyone that she didn’t know who the father was. Grandma’s daughters couldn’t understand how she didn’t know who the father was. Grandma said “Well girls let me tell ya…when you’ve been through a briar patch you don’t know which briar scratched ya.”

  3. It’s a good thing to be “knowed” by a few people because when others misunderstand or question you, they won’t. Nice to rest your back against something solid like that. Best of all is to know the Lord knows you much better than you know yourself. I like that phrase the old-time preachers would use, “if I know my heart”. Kinda off the subject, but I also recall how some would say, “that’s reading – if correctly read…” Perhaps best left as a subject for another day though.

  4. I’ve always said “the smartest person in the room is the one that’s not talking”. I don’t have enough pages to make a book but nobody knows that until I open my mouth!

  5. I’ve heered of people not talking much but I never knowed why. There has to be word to describe a body who is too lazy to talk.

  6. My mom used to always tell us kids “I know you like a book”. Usually when she caught us doing something we shouldn’t. LOL

  7. Overheard, I overheard that your Deerhunter has possibly already gotten a new name? Grandpa has quickly turned into paw-paw? I was watching your girls’ video from yesterday and Katie mentioned paw-paw was keeping an eye on baby Ira. I love it!

  8. In my lifetime I’ve seen language change quite a bit. “Awaken” has given way to “woken”. I suppose it’s one of those things that language is always changing.

  9. Yep, I’ve heard that most my life. I guess I knowed a few things in my life. Now if I can just keep remembering them, I might turn out ok.

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