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  1. Reminds me of times when we’d have large family yard sales at my in-laws and the little ones would bring things to sell and then ask over and over if we knew the mount they made yet.

  2. You bet! I wouldn’t say the same ideas the same way but I have no problem understanding. How quirky is that? I think it is a fun sidelight on our natures. How many of you all remember “jot’em down stores” where the “ticket” was written and summed in pencil on the brown paper “sack” your stuff would be “sacked up” in? Randy, I love your story. It is packed with moral values not least of which is her trust and your trustworthiness. To experience such on a daily basis makes for a rich and satisfying life.

  3. My late friend Frances when confused used to say, “I don’t know if Ima warshin’ or if Ima hangin’ out”

  4. I used to save up my change but what with debit cards and online shopping it ain’t mountin to nothin nowdays.

  5. Maybe this not the same but for many years before direct deposits and debit cards I would charge things at a local county general store and pay the amount (mount) off and cash my pay check every 2 weeks on Wednesday when I got paid. I didn’t try to keep enough cash on me to pay for the grocery items or hardware items I had bought during the two weeks between payday. A husband and wife owned the store and the lady ran the cash register. One time when paying my mount another former store owner (customer) said “credit will put you out of business”, the lady replied “ not if they are like Randy, his credit is like having money in the bank.” I have remembered her telling him that all my life and have always paid any bills I owed on time, paying my bills on time always came first in mine and my wife’s life before we would spend money on pleasure.

    1. I still pay cash for some things and save my change. When I worked, I put anything smaller than a a quarter in a jar each day when I came home. I used the quarters to buy me one drink a day from the vending machine, I took my lunch and break snacks from home. I did this for many years. I call this money my “mad money.” Money I would spend on my my wants and not my needs.

  6. Hubby is out of town and won’t be back til tomorrow. When that happens, we look forward to watching the Friday night ‘read’ to end the Sunday before bedtime. Prayers for Granny and you guys.

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