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  1. Reminds me of sort of what Dad used to tell me.

    “Buckle down… grit, (grind) your teeth… bite the bullet…”

  2. We say,” just grin and bear it” or “when the going gets tough, the tough get going.”

    Loved seeing more beautiful quilts last night. I couldn’t pick a favorite. The workmanship and the stories about them, just amazing. Thank you again for sharing.

  3. Sorta the same as ‘I don’t get to choose everything that happens to me, but I can choose how I react to it.’ Ah me! One of those all-too-true things in life I, for one, have never gotten plumb settled with. Some things just wind me up fast still. I used to hope I could & would outgrow it. But here I am at my “three score years and ten” and haven’t made it yet. I haven’t given up, but it’s not looking good!

  4. Like Nancy North Levant commented above, I was told a similar thing: “The sooner you get started, the sooner you’ll be done. ” I was also told when I wanted something or didn’t want to do something, “You’re old enough that your wants won’t hurt you.” (I heard this like “yer old enough that yer wonts won’t hur chee” and I say it the same way.) Then, I was told, too, “If you’re going to do something, do it right.” And was told (and expected) to “give a good day’s work” when I worked for somebody. These have stuck with me all my life and, I must admit, have occasionally resulted in some OCD episodes but it’s all good, solid, “how to live your life” advice, in my opinion.

    TMZ, thinking of you missing your mother on her birthday today. We’re glad they’re free of any pain and worries but sad that we can’t talk with them or see them. Guess we mourn for ourselves, huh?

    Blessings and greetings to all you BP&A folks on this Saturday

  5. LOVE the new music video on BPA you tube channel. What a beautiful, clear voice Granny has. I imagine this compilation is a result of Paul’s magic. Thank you!!!

  6. There’s a many thing in this life we shall bear and it’s a daily struggle. I dare say there’s not a smile or grin cracked while enduring it-except when we stop and think about our many blessings as well and our salvation. I smile knowing every day I’m getting farther away from here and closer to my original home with my loved ones not so far away! Much love and many blessings to each of you BP&A readers and especially the matriarch of the Wilson clan-the lovely soul Miss Louzine! Talk about a beautiful smile -she’s got it!!! Thank God it’s not freezing and I appreciate the small stuff these days!!!

  7. God bless you friends, we had Sunshine yesterday now it’s raining again I can’t have it my way all the time God bless Granny Wilson with healing and health in Jesus name God bless you and your family God bless me and my family

    1. I had an uncle whose response to “how are you?” was always “Fit as a fiddle and willing to be played.” If the questioner were a woman, he’d add ‘with’ at the end.

  8. Well, I am again laughing at today’s post. As a girl, when I would complain about having to do this or that, my dad would say, “Then get it done and you won’t be doing it”. To this day, 60+ years later, I say the same to myself when doing chores I hate to do.

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