Kenneth Roper

Paula and Al came up and got their 5 boxes of tomatoes awhile ago. I got 3 boxes of maders for
myself and I’ll probably start the canning tomorrow. Got to wash clothes tonight. But yesterday my
sister-in-law Betty, came and got her 2 bushel of greasy cut-shorts and 1 box of tomatoes. Gosh, at
one time I had 360 lbs. of tomatoes. (9 forty pound boxes) Anyway, I enjoy canning tomatoes and
they look real nice, they’re Mountain Princess and Tommy and Lou Cross delivered ’em.

Ok, big toe, little toe…that’s all I know. Don’t Be Greedy…Ken

September 13, 2015

Lately I’ve been looking at the sweetest twenty toes 🙂 Little ones have the sweetest little toes and feet and I adore looking at them and holding them as they stretch this way and that as they figure out how to use their feet and legs.

It’s been a little over a year since Ken died. He was a dear friend and often sent me emails about what he had going on his life. He loved gardening as much as I do. Over the years we’d often discuss the weather. From snow to floods to droughts Ken always had something to say and most always a good story to go with it.

Last night’s video: Gass Family Reunion – Stories from People Who Once Called Smoky Mountain Park Home.


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  1. My baby just turned 6 and my girls are turning 8 and 10 this month. I’m finding myself thinking of those tiny baby features a lot! Everyone told me it would go fast and it sure is. I do miss baby snuggles but I’m really enjoying the season we’re in too. Praying for those sweet baby boys! They have a wonderful family and home to grow in.

  2. My youngest grandson, who is one, loves it when I touch each of his little toes and recite ‘This little piggy went to market’ nursery rhyme. After I am finished he sticks the other foot up so I will do it again. This can go on and on. All of my grandchildren reacted the same way when they were babies. What fun!

  3. I also have been holding a little one. Her name is Sutton Ruth. She’s a week old. My husband s niece had her baby girl. They live right beside us. She is the perfect and precious little thang. So cute. We went on vacation for 2 weeks and came back and my garden is awful. It came a great wave through here. It’s pitiful. I’m not going to get to have the garden I’d hoped for. I guess we’ll just eat a few things here and there.Not enough to can.

  4. Hi Miss Tipper and all the folks out there in our beautiful country. I hope everyone had a wonderful Fourth of July and everyone was safe and had their belly’s full of delicious foods. The Pressley family’s have been truly blessed this past year with all those baby toes and wee little fingers. Such a nice tribute to Mr. Ken. Boy would I have loved to had a few pounds of those beautiful tomatoes. I’d probably binge out on them and have to buy more. The tomato is one food I have to have. I eat it a lot of ways with breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner. Summer, especially, fall, winter and spring. I guess you’d say I have a tomato addiction . Y’all enjoy your families, may God bless y’all with his love, mercy and grace. Happy Fourth of July, again. Jennifer from Mississippi.

  5. I forgot to first say that I always enjoyed Ken’s stories and Miss Cindy’s comments too. I’m sure we all (meaning especially those of us that have been reading your blog since 2008) miss them too!
    And, I just had time to watch Katie and Corie have lunch together. Matt did a fantastic job on those counter tops! They look beautiful and so does her kitchen floor. When I see the twins together I always think of my dear sweet Mother and her six sisters and how they loved spending time with each other! Katie and Corie just think if while the two of you were sitting there, you had five other sisters standing behind you:) I am so blessed to have had all them Aunts in my Mother’s family. It was also sooo sweet to hear Katie tell what a great cook her Uncle Paul was too. We already know he’s a fantastic musician!
    I have been on city water, but we have a deep well now and I think the water tastes great.

  6. I have just read the older post from June 15, 2023 titled Ken’s Brothers. These stories Ken wrote about his family and other things need to collected and saved if possible, even it in nothing more that a spiral bound paper back covered book. I would buy a book of Ken’s stories in a heartbeat.

  7. Did you notice that Ken got “maders” while the others got tomatoes. I think Ken’s “maders” are similar to my “maters”!

  8. This is so great! When we were little and would ask my Mom what she was thinking about, she’d always say, “Big toe, little toe, that’s all I know.” Thanks for bringing this sweet memory of my Mom to mind this morning! Hug those sweet babies for me! Your friend in SC, Jane

  9. I always appreciate history and I must say that young lady did a very impressive ledger and huge display of her family that were displaced from their homes in the smoky mountains. See you traipsing down old paths to old home sights and hearing Don say Yellow Bells was music to my ears as he pointed out the plant. Seems like eons ago I remember my Mother talking about Yellow Bells and I thought that was just something she made up until I heard you say it years ago. I also loved seeing the old spinning wheel that had come from their family. I remember my great-grandmother having one like it too. Oh, and Tipper enjoy those little bitty toes cause my goodness they sure do grow fast! God Bless!

  10. Hope yall had an enjoyable 4th. Thank God for what freedoms we have left.
    We spent the 4th fishing with our grand daughter.

  11. I too miss Ken. He was a funny, talented, caring, and insightful man. To be around him was to laugh and to feel better about yourself and the world in general. How I wish I had gotten to know him long before I did, but I can thank Blind Pig & the Acorn for us becoming friends.

  12. I only knew Mr. Ken through your blog, but always looked forward to his comments. Along with Miss Cindy’s. I miss them both. Blessings to all.

  13. Tipper, I want to congratulate you on the latest addition to the family! Two little grandsons who are healthy and perfect are indeed the best blessings of all! I think it’s wonderful you had two nice daughters and now you have two little grandsons. It’s almost as if you’ve gone full circle. I do not believe in coincidences whatsoever. There’s a BIG plan and one accepts it or doesn’t. I’d love to have my hands in 360 pounds of tomatoes or any produce for that matter. It’s like gold in price these days!!!! Ken Roper looked like a jolly and good man in his photo you shared. Oh what lives well lived still bear good fruit after they’ve gone into the hereafter! Babies are just wonderful. I keep them ALL in my prayers cause God knows what a life of hardships and weird stuff lies ahead… Blessings to you all in Brasstown near Ga…. KEEPIN it real in the hills of WV here…

  14. I enjoy reading about Ken. My father in law would have fit right in with Ken, he too loved his garden and worked for the last 20-25 years of his life as a machinist in a old fashion machine shop. By old fashion, I mean all the machines were manually set up and operated, none of the machines were IBM card programmed or computerized. He could operate all of them. When he stick welded something is was welded for good, his welds didn’t break. I wish it was possible for all of the things Ken wrote about to be collected into a book, I think of Ken being highly educated with good ole down to earth horse sense, something that is in short supply with much of today’s generations that depend on a smart phone for a lot their education.

  15. Yes, there is something about those sweet little toes and fingers. The way they wriggle and grasp , exploring this strange and wonderful new world they’ve been thrust into.

  16. Wow, he had a lot of tomatoes! I’ve never canned that many tomatoes in one day, much less in a garden season. I don’t think I’ve ever grown that many tomatoes before.
    I know you are just over the moon in love with both your grandsons. Enjoy every minute with them!

    1. I think it said “Tommy and Lou Cross delivered them.” Maybe Tommy and Lou grew them or they got them from somewhere else and delivered them to Ken. That’s the way I took it anyway. I could be wrong!

  17. I’ve enjoyed so many of your posts about Ken Roper. He seemed like a person I would loved to have known, so, with that said, “Big toe, little toe…that’s all I know.” Praying for some rain to come your way. Love to Granny and the girls.

  18. Hope you 4th was easy and restful . We spent a lot of time thanking the Lord for all He does for us and making life a little easier. Can’t wait to see a picture of the two boys. Prayers for Granny and God’s Blessing on your guys.

    1. Happy belated Independence Tipper ! Katie and Corie have never looked more identical to me as they have during their pregnancies and especially since having the precious Ira and Woody. You and Matt are so blessed. And to have Granny is a beautiful treasure for the girls and the babies to be able to look back on in years to come. I was a nanny most of my career and loved it so much
      I miss the babies but family seems to provide them when you least expect them
      Have a beautiful Friday ❤️

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