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  1. My father in law coon hunted with his father in law (my wife’s grandfather) during the 50’s. My son and I have a collection of many different models and colors of Coleman lanterns. I have the 1950 Coleman model 200 Christmas Tree lantern they used when coon hunting during this time.The Christmas tree lantern was only made this one year and was called Christmas tree because of the fuel tank being green and the top being red. It would be pretty valuable if it had not been used and abused, but will still light and could be used. Coleman continued to make the 200 A for many years in a red color. There was never any drinking of alcohol on their hunts, I am sure if this lantern could talk, it could tell some tales. One true story my father in law told was of hunting with a friend and it starting to rain and sleet, they got wet and went in an old abandoned falling down sharecropper house and tried to start a fire in the fireplace. I guess they used wood from inside the house but had trouble getting it started, all they could find in the way of paper was an old worn torn up Bible. His friend and him agreed they would freeze to death before they would tear pages out of the Bible to try and start the fire.

  2. I remember a few fellas that went coon hunting a long time ago, and my hubby went with them a time or two. I don’t even know anyone that does now. My hubby loves to turkey hunt and deer hunt. He says nothing makes your heart beat faster than sitting in the woods and calling up a big ole gobbler.

  3. God bless you friends, Jesus is coming soon, once again I’d like to say thank you for helping me, figure out what kind of bean I had, thank you

  4. My uncle Russ and friends coon hunted every Friday night. Sure would like to hear some tales they told while sitting around the fire!!!

    Hopefully I’ll see you today at the Ramsey house. I need Jim to sign my cookbook since he was not at the Mast General store in Knoxville May 2023 signing!

    Drive carefully.

    when you were in Knoxville at the Mast General Stores

    1. Brenda–Alas, I was once again missing in action in Knoxville. This time put the blame on Hurricane Helene. With the closure of I-40 along the NC-TN line, the trip became just too long (or as my Grandpa used to say “too fur and snaky”) for me to make. I’m sure you enjoyed seeing Tipper.


  5. Pawpaw and his best buddy coon hunted all the time. I think him being with Clarence was the best part of his life. He sure missed Clarence when he passed away. When Clarence and Doris came for a visit, they would play cards and tell stories until real late at night. I would play with their daughter and Granny would make us a pallet on the living room floor. Sometimes she would make us popcorn too.

  6. I coon hunted a lot growing up going three times a week or more from the time I was 12 till I graduated high school. I haven’t hunted in years, but have a grandson that is wanting to go and he is getting big enough to hunt. I went to a local high school football game last night and spoke with three ardent coon hunters so, I understood everything very well that was “overheard”.
    Pray for our country.
    Ya’ll have a great weekend

  7. Same than happened to me except thair wuz sumpthin in that there tree. I thought about beatin the dog but then I thought better. I took her and sold her to a bear hunter.

  8. Sounds like it was a wiley ole coon that got away.
    Really enjoyed last night’s video. Jesse is such a wonderfully descriptive writer.

  9. I think what was being described in the quote is something called “marking”. That is when an animal climbs one tree but rides out into another, or several others, and thereby breaks the trail. Squirrels do a variation of this by holding in a tree until people get near then riding out. Leaves dogs stymied. Hard to understand in this case by it being a snag though. Something I wanted to ask you about for your possible use: Is it a common courtesy in your neck of the woods to walk out with a family member or friend as they leave your house as a way of showing ‘enjoyed the time, glad you came, wish you could stay longer and come back soon’?

  10. I’m too old to coon hunt now, but in my younger days it was an enjoyable sport. A good coon dog is an incredible creature and quite valuable. Jerry told us what happens to lying coon dogs.

  11. I have never coon hunted but have friends that did. The coon not being in the tree when
    the coon dog treed makes me think of Jerry Clower telling about a coon hunting monkey, the monkey would climb the tree and shoot the coon when the dog treed. One night they were out hunting and the dog treed, the monkey climbed the tree but couldn’t find the coon, he climbed back down and shot the dog graveyard dead. The owner of the monkey said “there is nothing this monkey hates worse than a coon except for a lying coon dog!” Jerry would sometimes tell stories that were serious and not funny, look up his story of “Little Red”. It’s about him being a young boy and his coon dog getting hurt real bad one night while him and his brother were out coon hunting and how a man helped him with his hurt dog.

    1. I remember that Coon hunting story, Jerry clower, God bless you Randy, thank you for your input on what kind of beans I had, God bless you

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